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Accessible CO2 from sugar beer yeast and bananas (which works)


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3 minutes ago, Dodgee said:

a massive security risk,


Good job you're on the ball dodge, that never even occurred to me in amongst all the other tripe...probably the biggest problem of all...feck that!!

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1 minute ago, Strangelove said:

any input is welcome as i'm here to learn,


Did you not just say that^^^???




I did say no offense intended.  Theres no need to get the hump.  


You are as entitled to your opinion as I am mine.


Calm down.

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1 minute ago, Strangelove said:

delete my dear,  no problem,


and please TO THE FORUM TEAM PLEASE delete my profil too and all my post,





You're still welcome here mate, the whole point of this forum is to learn from each other and develop our skills, so when one of us says something that's false or misguided it will be challenged and that way we all learn together. Don't take it personally, we're just trying to offer advice, many people have played around with CO² supplementation before you and have all come to similar conclusions, it's just not worth it. There's a wealth of information at your fingertips here, it would be a big shame if you gave all that up. 

Edited by MindSoup
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A scrub fan/filter would be running 24/7. Not extracting to atmosphere no, but running continuously to scrub odour.


- I'm sorry a carbon filter as to exhaust out of the grow tent, not in an inside loop, its stupid.


My system is closed, the grow tent is almost ermethic, i just open the fan when i want, and here in summer in france with a deshumidifacter that work (we are @ 65% HR and 26.1° celcius), and i dont get a kind of moisture or problem.


Please close this thread, is worthless so we will not continue on this topic, but some one asked me, so i'll replied, and dont want to be a the middle of a war against CO2 or not CO2,



I have no action in sugar, yeast or bananas, and i have nothing to sold ; ))))


Every body does like he want, and with his budget,


for me its just FUN STUFF !


All te best,




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Look I don't wanna be antagonistic or have a big argument here ok mate.


It's your grow, your life, you do what you want ok.


But, have a search and look into closed loop grow spaces and you will see what I mean, scrub fans are always used (at least in countries where growing is still illegal).


I've no idea how strict france is in regards cannabis grows and I have no idea of your location, maybe your out in the sticks a million miles from anyone who might care.. 


So you do you alright.  I can see my opinion (or anyone elses) wont change your mind about this so feel free to ignore my previous posts if you like.  It's no skin off my nose.


They weren't meant for your benefit anyway as already stated.



You do you.   


And I'll do me.  


Tidy. :yinyang:

Edited by Dodgee
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hi blessed, its illegal too to grow in france, but my carbon filter is used to take the air in the grow tent, and exhaust it oustide of the room, not in ! (i will take a look on scrub and inside loop but it will be in english)


Not a lot of problem of odor as i asked my grow shop a weed that smell not too hard, this is why we are currently growing hindu kush.


I also use 'ona'.


thanks 4 inputs,




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I might be wrong , but i think  in a closed loop /room c02 grow the carbon filter /fan would be in the grow like a circulation fan would ,but scrubbing the air flow to keep the grow room less smelly? @Strangelove

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Just now, Strangelove said:

Hi @Personunknown


I agree but in this case you cannot handle the temperature ? that not sound rigth to me..... i never saw a 'closed' loop of carbon filter,


So your saying you seen lots of closed loop? just not one with a carbon filter?  


Pull my other one

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A few years ago, I was advising a customer on setting up a medium sized closed loop room. He really went all out, it was quite the set up. Opticlimate & dimlux with all the trimmings, I think he even splashed out for a big RDWC system IIRC. This thread reminds me of him, because I remember spending an exhausting amount of time trying to explain to him that he's still going to need a fan and filter extracting out of the room, albeit massively undersized, to deal with the odor.


He wasn't having any of it, he'd read online you didn't need one, too much ball ache to bash a hole through the wall where the room was etc. I warned him it would stink, sure as shit 3 months later he came back into the shop trying to sell us back the equipment the police didn't take because he'd stunk the street out.


Don't be that guy.

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no i NEITHER saw a closed loop in a grow tent.... the air as to exhaust oustide and not inside the room, with or without carbon filter, its my experience.


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Is simple really 


Either you have a conventional setup with air coming in and air going out with a carbon filter on the outake to stop the smell. In this instance it has been proved time and time again by real world experience and logic that CO² supplementation makes no difference. 


Or you have a  completely sealed environment, the only air exchange is when someone walks through the door, you control temperature with heaters and air conditioning, humidity with dehumidifiers and you have to use CO² supplementation, it's also a good idea to have an air purifier/sanitiser to stop the growth of pathogens. This is where if you look closely you will often see a fan with a carbon filter running inside the room, just circulating air and keeping down smell, not extracting it outside. Of course it wouldn't be 100% necessary for the plants health, but definitely necessary for controlling odour, at least some what. IF you get this system absolutely bang on it will produce more bud in the same time frame, but it's very expensive and really difficult to get right, so it's best left to the wealthy commercial growers. 


I don't know how to word this with being patronising, but I'm aware English is your second language, so if anything I've said is hard to understand I'm happy to try and simplify my vocabulary. I feel like maybe something is getting lost in translation, I know I would be struggling if tmqe where speaking French right now. 


E2A at least that's my understanding of things. 

Edited by MindSoup
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17 minutes ago, Strangelove said:

hi @resin coated, thanks i perfectly understood your explanation, so ok, its useless......


My names actually Mindsoup, but I understand how you got confused. I'm glad you understood me mate, I expect a few English people would have struggled lol. We are all learning bit by bit, I'm sure you will be teaching us all a thing or 2 given time.

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It doesn't feel fair trying to explain the intricacies of a closed loop room when English is your second language but in the interests of information I will try and explain as simply as I can.


You would build your room/tents using 2 separate fans&filters.  Neither need be massive, 2 x 4inch setups is usually adequate.


Your scrub fan is set up in the room and vents back into the room, it runs constantly and its sole purpose is to scrub the odour from your grow space.


Your 2nd fan & filter (referred to as your dump fan usually) is set up to vent to atmosphere (outside). It usually sits dormant, not running.  Until such a time that either your humidity or your temperature reaches a level that your dehumidifier or Aircon can no longer deal with. When that point is reached your co2 injection switches off temporarily and your dump fan switches on, dumping the internal atmosphere of your groom out of the grow space and into the external atmosphere.


Once the humidity and/or temp fall back to a level your atmospheric controls (dehumidifier/Aircon) can handle the dump fan switches off. The co2 comes back on and your back running in a closed loop again.



This method allows you to deal with excessive heat/humidity. Whilst simultaneously conserving costly co2 and allowing your environmental parameters to stay fixed in the set ballpark.



Hope that makes sense and explains things a bit more clearly for you.


For us in the UK, odour escape is a real security risk, hence why the scrub fan is important. Atmospheric co2 levels are adequate for our needs and temps are fairly moderate.  Hence my earlier reply.


All the best dodge



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