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How do my fellow grow buddys.. I seem to have left this diary behind a lil so need to get you guys back up to speed.. so with the wet weather we been having and the stage some of the girls are at i have been on rot patrol.. after finding bits and pieces on a few of the girls not associated with this diary that was nearly ready the scissors were out.. had a few mad days trying to rig up my drying set up, running cables and drilling through thick concrete  was all part of the drama butbeen sorted now..its all in my other diary if anyone is interested.. well all thats gone on lately has been about some of the non rgsc vars so that has also been documented in the other diary.. this was up until last night.. the rgsc auto mazar had a small spot of rot nipped off her about 4 days ago..well when I returned last night she was showing yet more rot in multiple places.. not sure of her exact age but I think around 80/90 days.. sadly she had to get the chop.. she was too far gone to try and get more time out of her so the decision was made..  no pics of her beforehand as it was already getting dark and like a bitch it started to rain so just wanted to get it done.. loss was prob around 25% I would have thought.. she wasn't that big and being a late plant out never got the best of the sunshine..weather hasnt been ideal so I guess the loss is no suprise.. yes she is a lil early but better that than zilch by trying to push her further.. also I bought home a couple of tops from my purple freeze bx1.. not a speck of rot on her but she is more or less ready now.. buds are huge sticky and smell devine.. very impressed with this strain @panik

Trichs are milky now with a few scattered ambers so its about time.. id love another week on her but I fear ill regret that if a try with the weather thats forecast.. ill get some plants pics later so you can see how all the girls are getting on.. these have massive potential if the rot don't take hold.. its a game of chance now folks, not much I can do but sit watch and wait.. got a few pics once the bud was in the tent so you can see what we have so far..large.20210919_202656_compress32.jpglarge.20210919_202710_compress48.jpglarge.20210919_202716_compress67.jpgthe couple of tops from my purple freeze bx1

This is only the top part of the cola and she is wearing at least another 6 of these.. a very decent harvest for the size she was.. she is pretty much stacked on every branch so be interesting to see her complete dry weight once the rest of her has been chopped and dried..

large.20210919_202727_compress19.jpglarge.20210919_202735_compress24.jpgthe top 2 tiers of the net are the auto mazar.. never rewarded me that much but under the circumstances 

I should not really grumble.. ill see what she is like once dry and if she doesn't smoke so well she will go in the hash stash for bubble.. 

Ill get some decent pics later as said so until then.. have a great day and keep it green folks :yinyang:

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Right guys its been a busy day.. first up was the bastard plot.. havent been in a while and with my purple freeze bx1on here being so far into flower and this shitty fuking weather we are having I was obviously worried about the rot..

Well I was quite surprised that there wasn't a speck on anything here..not that was obvious anyway.. she was my only concern really as the 2 affiedaze are only just starting to flower and the other non rgsc vars not very far in.. as you know this plant has been sick for ages now but she is still hanging in there.. complete different pheno to her sisters but has really struggled for what ever reason.. she smells good now though..  kind of citrus orange smelling... not really that Good with smells and flavours tbh  but thats what i get from her.. most of her leaves and there is not that many are now yellow and dying however she is still throwing out pistils.. checked her through my scope and she is very milky but as I say still firing out pistils.. she is a strange 1 tbh and has been in flower a good while now but doesn't look like she wants to finish.. maybe its cause of the issue she has been having.. no idea why she is so sick tbh but that seems like forever ago... I think a week or 2 she will be down or fuking bald lol the 2 affiedaze are doing great.. my favourite is the smaller stout broad leaf 1.. I opened her up a week or so ago and she now looks great.. just going into flower.. her sister is much taller and a complete diff structure but both are really looking good now.. small still but plenty of bud sites.. the talker one is a week in front id say but I do hope both these finish as there gonna be very late by the looks of it.. all girls except the sick girl got some FBB and after a quick check for slug damage which there was none and I was pretty much done there.. oh I removed a few dying leaves from the lower section of them, there wasn't many as there all pretty healthy to be fair.. well here they are..large.20210920_155158_compress83.jpglarge.20210920_155211_compress78.jpglarge.20210920_155240_compress5.jpglarge.20210920_155252_compress60.jpglarge.20210920_155305_compress94.jpgthis is my sick girl.. not looking her best by any means but fighting on..large.20210920_155321_compress12.jpglarge.20210920_155330_compress99.jpglarge.20210920_155344_compress80.jpglarge.20210920_155354_compress91.jpgfirst 2 pics are the 1st affie and the bottom 2 the other.. as you can see there very diff in appearance.. right off the the knotweed plot to harvest a couple of ladys.. as you know yesterday I took a couple of big tops from my furthest forward purple freeze bx1..id lost the light and it started to rain so the plan was to harvest her this eve.. and im very glad I did tbh.. she could have prob gone another week but there was a risk to that as the buds were already huge and soaking up all this rain we have been having.. well I can tell you it was the correct decision as she was infact starting to rot.. only a tiny bit but in a few diff places so any longer she would have only got worse.. well first I promised a few pics of how the plot is looking.. just took some randoms as I had quite a bit to be getting on with and as you no it can take some time taking these girls down.. plot is looking fab tbh I'm really quite excited for what could be if these girls make the finish line..

large.20210920_174349_compress91.jpglarge.20210920_174351_compress45.jpglarge.20210920_174354_compress56.jpglarge.20210920_174512_compress71.jpglarge.20210920_174534_compress67.jpglarge.20210920_174521_compress90.jpglarge.20210920_174551_compress92.jpglarge.20210920_174554_compress32.jpglarge.20210920_174559_compress32.jpglarge.20210920_174607_compress28.jpglarge.20210920_174648_compress15.jpglarge.20210920_174659_compress99.jpglarge.20210920_174630_compress13.jpglarge.20210920_174617_compress14.jpglarge.20210920_174709_compress8.jpglarge.20210920_174705_compress2.jpgsome nice looking girls on here now and all really healthy considering..

right now let's get into this purple freeze bx1 that got the chop... my word this girl gave me some bud..  the rot was around 5% so im pretty happy with that.. she has had some big nugs on her for some time so to make it this far with all the bad weather, well im pretty chuffed.. now as I went to take her down I realised id made a school boy error by forgetting my gloves so bear handed it was.. fuk me what i state I got in.. this girl is as sticky as fuk with quite a greasy feel to her.. the buds wasn't rock hard quite open structured infact but no airy if that even makes sense.. the smell is also very intense.. quite musky and earthy is what I'm getting right now but fuk it smells good.. well it was bud after bud after bud, even the lower limbs that wasn't getting that much light was stacked with bud..really quite shocked how much she yielded for what id say is a fairly small plant of around 5 feet.. hopefully i got all the rotten bits out but it really was only a few here and there.. so I took some pics of what she gave back once I got her into the lockup and tent.. she only got a rough trim as im gonna try something a lil diff from the normal full wet trim.  Bit of half and half for a slightly slower dry..plus with limited time this prob works better for my situation.. well here you go folks aside from the bit i got from the rotting auto mazar this is my first RGSC harvest of 2021.. I gotta say its a cracking start folks.. @panik I gotta say mate this creation of yours is super impressive and I've done my best to do that some justice.. appreciate having the opportunity to grow plants of this quality :yep:

large.20210920_201206_compress1.jpglarge.20210920_201215_compress11.jpglarge.20210920_201404_compress4.jpglarge.20210920_204702_compress58.jpglarge.20210920_204723_compress70.jpglarge.20210920_210122_compress68.jpgso the tent is filling up at last, I just pray now it makes it to the jars.. peace out you lovely people :yinyang:

Edited by Revive
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  • 2 weeks later...

Evening my fellow grow buddys.. bout that time again isn't it..well I have been struggling to get any free time to get shit done.. the weekend that just passed I had to work but did manage to get a couple of plot visits in on Sunday just not had the time to document it as of yet.. first stop was my main the knotweed plot.. was on rot patrol mainly due to the weather as im sure all us gorillas are at this point in the season.. now id love to say there was not a speck to be found but I did find a little bit on my big fast zkittles from the original plant out.. it was in the very top part of 1 of my main colas and another part on a smaller lower bud.. took the top of the main cola, only about 2 inches of it..i guess better the very top because if it was in the middle the whole bud would have been discarded.. I just removed the whole smaller bud tbh as im a lil funny about the shit getting in my body.. aside from that its a clean bill of health for these girls.. me affie the slug victim bless her is still getting some attacks here and there she is just showing some preflowers so nowt will come from her this late i wouldn't have thought.. she is much better looking but its not a  beauty contest im in it for the bud folks.. the rest, well all doing great  furthest along out of my RGSC vars is my other purple freeze..  she is wearing multipul monster colas and bearing up ok in the shitty weather.. 1 of my opg x freezland is gonna be interesting.. shes a big wide ass girl with what looks like some big very long colas forming.. if these join up into 1 as there all dotted about right now but you can see the structure they are staring to form ya no.. cant wait to see what she is gonna become its quite exciting considering these were freebies from panik with my order.. good heathy grow this season with all these girls now and my word its a lovely place to be when I'm there.. well look let's get some pics upfor you good folk so you get a better idea of what I'm talking about..haven't had the time to label them all up with so much going on but you can see they are all at various stages from maybe 10 days/2weeks for some and 4/5 weeks even for some others.. latest will be the opg x freezland, both of these started late but are wide loaders size wise.. large.20210926_183805_compress98.jpglarge.20210926_183856_compress5.jpglarge.20210926_184154_compress95.jpglarge.20210926_184233_compress54.jpglarge.20210926_184058_compress42.jpgtop pic is my lil affie slug victim.. still getting attacked this 1 and being so late I doubt she will give me back anything but thats ok im just amazed she is alive still after the mess she was left in many many times..the other 4 pics are my fast zkittles.. aside from the bottom pic these were late plant out to replace the ones the slugs ate.. looking great now these but it was the bigger 1 that had to have some rot nipped off her.. she still has some weeks left to run yet maybe around 3 before shes ready so slight concerns here..

large.20210926_183915_compress22.jpglarge.20210926_184123_compress57.jpgthose 2 are my opg x freezland.. wide wide ass girls but gonna be late by the looks of it..  there nice and healthy mind and have the potential to give me some monster buds looking at them.. some nice smells comming through now really getting the orangey grapefruit on 1 in particular...

large.20210926_184038_compress37.jpglarge.20210926_184447_compress75.jpglarge.20210926_185212_compress92.jpglarge.20210926_185222_compress51.jpglarge.20210926_184708_compress20.jpgthose are my purple freeze bx1.. left some lowers on the one previously harvested but the rest are of her sister.. she is gonna be a big producer, some lovely looking buds on her now as you can see... few more pics of how the plot is now shaping up now.. large.20210926_184938_compress10.jpglarge.20210926_184908_compress19.jpglarge.20210926_184941_compress20.jpglarge.20210926_184936_compress62.jpglarge.20210926_184929_compress65.jpgso i pottered around a bit while here just pulling some dead leaf and a bit of weeding really and it was time to go.. the plan was to visit the auto plot later in the eve once it was dark..get there a lil later and the  the fast zkittles i have on here was also very healthy, not a scratch on this girl she's pretty as picture bout 3/4weeks away though id say..  no pics sadly but she is looking great.. prob out of all the other girls on this plot she is by far the healthiest.. wasn't much else to do with her now but wait.. some other shit went down here but thats non RGSC so is in my other diary...  right just gonna grab a cuppa and ill update the girls from the bastard plot..:yep:

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How do all.. right the last update from 2 days ago...Early eve I slipped onto the bastard plot..fuk I hate getting to these girls here the tunnels are overgrown very wet and muddy after rainfall  by the time you reach these ladys your like a drowned rat lol.. so there's some yellowing going on around the lower sections of 1 of the affiedaze and 2 of the non RGSC vars i have on here.. I noticed some of the surrounding vegetation has also been affected the same way so its anyones guess as to what and why.. I pulled most of them off as I believe they only assist with the rot once there dead. They get wet and soggy and cling to parts of the plants so as I don't visit this place that often I want to minimise this issue.. my favourite lil affie on this plot that displays some real indica traits with its broad leaf and so forth is still a picture of health.. not even any sign of yellowing on her..  now I know my purple freeze the sick girl is nearly done so I scoped her to check the trichs.. she will be down this weekend.. the buds on her are now rock hard and smell really zesty and funky.. took 2 buds off her to examine at home as I find this quite difficult when there sodden wet as she was.. looked again once they had been in the tent for afew hours and I believe she is pretty much ready.. these are the sample buds I took...

large.20210928_231657_compress6.jpg few pics of these girls on that plot for ya top 3 pics are the said sick purple freeze, not a speck of rot on this girl.. ...next 3 are my 2 affiedaze, you can see my lil fav im sure....wasn't much else to do here just the removal on the yellowing leafs and I was out of there.. may take a lil drop of liquid seaweed next time I visit and a small handful of sop for those remaining once I chop down the sick girl.... now time to turn my attention to the drying tent.. gonna need some room in here ready for the fresh flowers that are soon to be harvested.. so my first purple freeze bx1 that got harvested has been sitting in here for 7/8 days now temps between 19/22c and a RH of between 45/60% this girl has now made it to the final stage.. THE CURE..they have now gone into big paper bags and will remain in those and on there stems for another 5/7 days and will then be removed from there stem and jarred... well im happy to see the first faze of this years harvest make it to the final stage.. I think once in jars its pretty much banked so all good here so far.. few pics for ya of this andI have a couple of dried bud shots for you goodfolk too.. only done on my phone so not the greatest but I didn't do to bad considering...


this is a lil bit of my purple freeze bx1 trimmed so youcan see the best of her..  she looks pretty dam good id say..


Will get some dry weights and smoke report updated in due course...well folks thats yer lot for now until the weekend when there will be more news im sure.. until then enjoy your day, stay medicated and keep it green :yinyang:

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Just now, Tomateo.grower said:

Nice one @Revive !

Good to hear you got some ready and not far from smoking, all that hard work is gonna pay off for sure!

Thanks dude.. yeah feels good to have some in the bank at last.. been smoking the same strain from last year for nearly 12 months..  boy do I need the change :yep:

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Just now, Revive said:

been smoking the same strain from last year for nearly 12 months..  boy do I need the change :yep:

Jesus if you've been smoking the same stuff for 12 months they must have been monster trees!

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Just now, Tomateo.grower said:

Jesus if you've been smoking the same stuff for 12 months they must have been monster trees!

They was..large.20200816_204655_compress97.jpglarge.20200816_204717_compress70.jpglarge.20200817_201442_compress35.jpglarge.20200817_201454_compress56.jpglarge.20200822_195952_compress86.jpglarge.20200822_200004_compress46.jpglol propper monsters :yep:


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11 hours ago, Revive said:

few pics of these girls on that plot for ya top 3 pics are the said sick purple freeze, not a speck of rot on this girl.. ...next 3 are my 2 affiedaze,

Shit i just realised I never put those pics up.. yep stoned again lol

Here you go.. purple freeze bx1 in the first 2 pics, fuk knows what happened to the 3rd lol

last 3 are my 2 affiedaze..:yep:large.20210928_183549_compress42.jpglarge.20210928_183536_compress46.jpglarge.20210928_183524_compress68.jpglarge.20210928_183444_compress68.jpglarge.20210928_183435_compress67.jpg

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4 hours ago, Tomateo.grower said:

They look lush. They marcons? Sure I read somewhere you breed them with blueberrys or something like that?

Purple maroc those dude.. sent in some crosses that were created by an accidental open polination with a blueberry male, think thats what your referring too :yep:

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12 hours ago, Revive said:

Purple maroc those dude.. sent in some crosses that were created by an accidental open polination with a blueberry male, think thats what your referring too :yep:

Yes it was them was referring to. Thought I had read that somewhere. 

Anyway fingers cross for ya pal!

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Just now, Tomateo.grower said:

Yes it was them was referring to. Thought I had read that somewhere. 

Anyway fingers cross for ya pal!

Sweet brother.. be lucky :yep:

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How do my fellow grow buddys.. so theres been some action since I last updated this diary.. yesterday i had some time on my hands so planned to visit 2 plots in the eve.. the window is quite small at this time of year as both plots are not really accessible until early eve so the light fades fast.. the plan was to check the fast zkittles that had the rot nipped out on the knotweed plot and take down my purple freeze (sick girl) on the bastard plot.. well I must say things got turned on there head and drastic action needed to be taken.. thinking the knotweed plot would be the quickest and as it was a rot check i wanted all the light, the take down on the other plot i knew would not take long as she isn't that big and im the light was fading i could deal with that, picked up a new skill from my night visits to the auto plot of trimming by silhouette using the night sky.. well I gets on the knotweed plot and makes a beeline for my big fast zkittles, first thought was it had spread looking at the shape of the bud but it was fine ,it just looked odd from where I'd nipped out that bit before.. then I looks at my purple freeze bx1, now I no this ain't far away from when I last visited.. no as I looked at the very top of a few of my main colas some of the sugar leaf around it looked a lil odd and had changed colour..on closer inspection fuking rot was setting in.. this was on about 3 mains and a couple of smaller side buds.. first I snipped off the top 2 inches of these buds and then gets to thinking.. heavy rain and winds was forecast for today with not much improvement on Sunday.. I was then back on work for a mental weeks on the tools so my next opportunity would have been next Saturday eve.. with the rot well and truly getting its feet under the table in multiple places the decision was made.. it was now or lose a load to rot by trying to push another week.. she was scoped and trichs were milky with a very few ambers here and there so almost prime time anyway.. now I also found the same issue on another girl (Non RGSC) so there was 2 to pull down here.. now I wasn't prepared for this i only had the 1 sack for the sick girl now I got 2 fuk off girls to pull.. found a carrier in my shoulder bag so had to make do.. no bergen either so this was gonna be a risky 1 just rolling with this in hand.. no choice folks but to brave it out.. well with so much to do I never got pics before the take down but did get some once back at the dry tent.. huge big buds on this girls and deffo outdone her sister that was harvested before her.. rot was at around 5/10% and as there was plenty off bud this wasn't such an issue and certainly made me realise I'd done the right thing.. another week I predict a loss of prob 30% not worth it in my book this bud wasn't premature just prob a week from her very best... buds were dense and solid and was pretty much like the last 1 just i bit bigger well longer really.. smells just the same so guessing its the same pheno too.. very sticky and greasy to the touch so no complaints what so ever..  i waspropper parra comming out the bush with that sack.. the carrier was over flowing and had been stuffed into the sack full of the other var then just cable tied.. just had to get home with a trail of stink that was coming off me... well I made it to the tent folks and this is what the ganja gods gave us.. pretty decent pull on both these girls considering the shitty summer.. here you go.large.1633123231638_compress12.jpglarge.1633123297528_compress23.jpglarge.1633123383366_compress9.jpglarge.1633123782495_compress5.jpglarge.1633123869372_compress9.jpgwell I have another bit of action to report too.. as said I'd planned to get the purple freeze on the bastard plot down yesterday so that was my mission today.. weather was pissing but this would wait.. gonna grab some pics of those buds then ill update that part later.. until then

Keep it green y'all :yinyang:

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Right let's get this bit out the way..  so as I said I'd planned to go get the sick girl from the bastard plot as she was about ready and once again didnt want to chance another week of not being able to watch on her as im at it with work.. not loads on this girl but some real quality I must say.. a very diff pheno from her sisters on the knotweed plot very citrus lime more so than lemony.. has a bit of a gassy undertone kinda musky.. mould well none she is absolutely bullet proof this girl..  sopping wet but not a soft spot in sight.. very impressed..well each bud got a got a good over arm swing to get the water out then into a bag lined with newspaper to help soak up more water while I got them to the dry space.. no pics as it happened cause it was fuking hacking it down and within being a lil early at the lockup i had to move fast and just got it on the nets.. just been down there to have a bit of a sort out. Was gonna jar my first purple freeze that has been drying over 2 weeks now i think but was still a lil soft.. I opened up the bag she was now in and got her a lil closer to the rad.. few more days that can come of the stalk and into jars i hope..well got some pics of the latest harvest.. real nice bit of solid bud this bit.. should be nice once fully processed..even the smaller bits are like stones.. glad to have got something from her for what she went through.. peace out folks 

large.1633220325916_compress84.jpglarge.1633220264644_compress60.jpglarge.1633220196034_compress87.jpgyou can see how woody her stems was.. she had troubles for a good while and was almost a write off from slugs at 1 point.. but she made it :)

Edited by Revive
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