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Anyone using blumats in coco?


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6 hours ago, somelad said:






A: balcony tray type: 100cm length: atleast 4 pieces Drip-Blumat.  80cm: atleast 3pcs and 60cm: atleast 60cm

B: watering plants in pots: until 25cm diameter 1x Drip-Blumat, 25-40cm 2x drip-blumat and 40-50cm need 3x drip-blumat
C: With larger pots, in containers or beds: Instead of using mutltiple drip-blumat, you can use a "distributor".  1 drip blumat and 5 distributors for a surface of 40x50cm.



Hope this helped.

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im going to do a control with them, im going into poundland tomorrow, and they have 2 of the carrots for, you guessed it, a quid.

they look identical, but yeah i know i know.im gonna buy 4 i think it wont be a massive loss if it goes tits up, which i half expect it to, if im honest.

Dont worry........ ive reached the heady level of black belt- third dan in bailing out tents, after a few hydro adventures went tits up so if it floods it floods, but it might work out. 


the only difference i could see was that the poundland ones were meant for a wick system, but hey, ive got a spare tank connector anyway and i havnt had any growing disasters for at least 3 weeks  :wallbash: so its game on. 


edit to add- just had a look at the wick ones- im not gonna bother, the wick ones dont have the little screwtop to adjust the flow.....phew just saved 2 quid.

Edited by badbillybob
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@badbillybobThere's a reason they're in the pound shop lol - £5 in B&M for 2 is game on however ;)


tsk tsk tsk, what were you thinking!?




I bought the coco and the 1 part feed once. Ill leave that right there.


But the large soil savers for the big planters you get (at £3 each) in the pound shop are tremendous value, they hold about 5L outside a full coco pot watered and with a garland tray youre good for another 5L - by my twisted maths, im good for about 40L...so I start with 5 lol

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@zeroG, do the b&m ones have the screwtop for adjustments? or are they the wick ones too?

i might stretch to a fiver in the name of investigative journalism

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I use a cheap inline cleanable fuel filter and snap fit quick release with my drippers setup for the mum tent.


They are glass ones. If you search evilbay for glass inline fuel filter you'll find them.


I don't use one at all on my blusoak hose setup in the main bed. It has two feeds to a ring with a bleed tap so blockages unlikely. Plus only 2 cones for a big blusoak pot.

Edited by FarmerPalmersNT
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1 hour ago, badbillybob said:

@zeroG, do the b&m ones have the screwtop for adjustments? or are they the wick ones too?

i might stretch to a fiver in the name of investigative journalism


They are also, and sadly, fixed top...I am informed, semi-reliably...Your 'scoup' will have to wait im afraid...


I mean come the fuck on, what did I expect?!! lollollol Tsk tsk tsk...and I did expect as well for a fiver!  lol


Some cheap stuff is great, but i think if you read the small print, some of these cheap alternatives are just clay pottery and not porcelain/sand clay - I know theyre one and the same essentially, but theres a reason a chinese red or purple clay, something like that anyway, clay teapot is 5k and you can get one, unsuprisingly, in the pound shop for £2.50. Absorbtion properties, heat retaining. or whatever...pottery aint necessaarily just pottery lol




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Game on...this weekend I will be making my two blumat drippers as I only have two pots with plants in flower at the moment...but Im going to have to build my circuit fully and close of some of the lines..but it finally arrived :)



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this arrived today




so ive got 6 tees, and a load of end drippers. the plan is.........

main line from res- in 8mm, tee to individual carrots, from there  im going to use to take a tee off the dripper line from the carrot, then 2 lines to the end drippers.

Anyone see any issues with this?


i bought some clothes pegs from pooondland today, which i will use to stick into the coco and support/hold/ keep the dripper above the coco. 

i re-potted my coco girls today into 10 litre buckets, also from poundland.....i love poundland, its a grippers best friend lol


Edited by badbillybob
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ive ordered the right extra dripper set now, the one in the pic above, the packet on the left , is not the one i meant to order...:wallbash:

jeezo, must try and get this stuff done when im not so baked....f+ck me this is starting to mount up, another 16 quid. 

Edited by badbillybob
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I'm excited to see this thread gathering pace. Nothing beats the simplicity and energy reductions better than gravity feeding. Good luck all, and hopefully we'll all laugh at the days of pumps and timers etc.  :yep:


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I’m about to set mine up too. Just waiting on a tank. Should hopefully have them in and set up this week at some point. 
min hoping to get them working well then throw a scrog net over them. 

Wizard :oldtoker:

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On 18/03/2021 at 5:54 PM, badbillybob said:

this arrived today




so ive got 6 tees, and a load of end drippers. the plan is.........



Where did you get all those drippers mate? I cant get less than £8 odd for two with the postage, and I only need 2 :(lol



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i got all my blumat stuff from bloomling uk.


they dont seem  to sell single drippers though......  :(


i also read that you should NOT add perlite to coco as they wont work on the carrots - for some reason......seems a bit bizarre, and might be bollox but poster said info was direct from Blumat, but you know what the internet is like......

Edited by badbillybob
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