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Anyone using blumats in coco?


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I do have a single small airpump and airstone but this run i havent used it, I dont add any nutes to my res as its living soil. if there is a need to boost stuff with teas then i hand water the pot and the drippers dont drip coz of the moisture in the soil stops the valve. Im filling the res about 2/3 a week at the moment so im gona try no airstone this run and see what occurs.




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cheers @lildavehamno need for any agaitation in your dept!


I realised that Ill have to run my tiny pump 24/7 to keep my nute mix agitated, no problem, i added a spout too to it sucks one side of the res, and spits out the other.


Is anyone running high perlite/co mix's? I want to run a 30% perlite and coco mix - I tried it with a hand watering routine, and my pots dried out far too quickly, but with a dripper now... :D , to get a bit more air round the roots, and bringing me slowly closer to full non media hydro lol Not! - but i assume as the sensors draw their own needs as they need it, it wil still just draw the same moisture...just a bit quicker?


and secondly, i assume I can run a central feed live and stagger my branches left and right alternately? I didnt fancy a ring with feed lines coming in to the middle, shortest path,with the least distance and resistance is what Im going for...Im sure it doesnt matter, but there'll be a 'hack' or something lol





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Blumats arrived the other day and I just finished getting them setup. Doing just a quick test run with them this week while I wait for some more bits to come in (proper & bigger res, distribution dripper thingys etc).
Setup was very easy and it seems to work with minimal res height with short tubes between the sensors/drippers.
I was a bit concerned about how much hassle it might be to adjust the setup once put in (i.e. add or take away pots/drippers). Doesn't seem like it's going to be too much faff at all.
Quite happy with them so far.

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1 hour ago, SkyRider said:

Blumats arrived the other day and I just finished getting them setup. Doing just a quick test run with them this week while I wait for some more bits to come in (proper & bigger res, distribution dripper thingys etc).
Setup was very easy and it seems to work with minimal res height with short tubes between the sensors/drippers.
I was a bit concerned about how much hassle it might be to adjust the setup once put in (i.e. add or take away pots/drippers). Doesn't seem like it's going to be too much faff at all.
Quite happy with them so far.

Good luck! Let us all know how you get on :) 

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5 minutes ago, grower951 said:



how often are you filling your res (when you aren’t giving teas) and how many pots is it feeding mate? 


The pot is 112L with about 100L of living soil in it, at the moment its got 2 plants in that i am training into a scrog i also have a cover crop of crimson clover.


It is taking about 30L-35L a week and i top it up when the level drops to about 1/3 so about once a week. I have 3 carrots in the pot and have ordered a pack of distribution drippers for better coverage. I have also got a moisture meter on the way.



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Does anyone have a filter solution for the inside of  the res? I dont envisage emptying a teapot in there, but you never know, and that feed tube is miniscule...not having a 'fittings' pedigree, can be tricky lol



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Blumat don't make one because technically it's designed for water, you could probably find a 8mm inline filter and fit one after the shutoff valve 

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i was planning using some aquarium filter foam to keep the worst out, but the inline fuel filter sounds like an excellent idea. 

mine were due to be delivered tomorrow, but the courier turned up today (when i was in trim jail)....fkin typical

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10 hours ago, badbillybob said:

i was planning using some aquarium filter foam to keep the worst out, but the inline fuel filter sounds like an excellent idea. 

mine were due to be delivered tomorrow, but the courier turned up today (when i was in trim jail)....fkin typical


Like the sound of that fuel filter myself, does anyone know if there is an 8mm option/brand to fit the feed line? To be fair I probably dont need one using a&b and other salt based nutes, but I also know how clumsy i can be lol


I got loads of aquarium filter grades, but you'd have to build it in layers to get the proper filtration, cause it wont be the bigger bits that cause the blockages on their own...ti will be any reseidiual solids from the silicone or the seaweed as it coagulates


Ironically I have all my bits except the inline on/off valve, of which there are none in the uk. I got the 12 carrot kit, the drippers add on pack and the proper blumat supports, going against my better judgement for not making them as I normally would lol and another res connection so I can move clone/mother and veg over to blumats as well...


Dont talk to me about trim jail :D , last time I was trimming I missed my dpd redelivery twice and had a 100 mile roundtrip to collect it cause they wouldnt deliver again  :(


Weed was good though, so not all was lost lollollol

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I used an 8mm shut off valve from the big river site. Cost ~£4, the only issue is that the tubing isn't 8mm ID I got round it by using some hot water to heat the ends of the tubing and gradually stretching and turning until eventually I worked the tubing over the barbs. The fit is extremely tight. You could try ordering a smaller diameter valve but then you run the risk of it being too small which is a worse problem to have.

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@NezA thanks man, suprising that Blumat just dont make one and charge for it lol . Even if its not necessary to the correct application...weed growers always adapt stuff, more manufacturers should take that on board...


Ive grown up having to make stuff or adapt itas its not available or directly usable for my tasks and grow...now all options are on the table, no one seems to want too use them lol


I also cant take any risks with the water, my froom is directly above my front room, which my wife loving redecorated (with my wallet) just last year. Dragging her out of Barker and Stonehpouise became a 2nd job...you can imagine any water issues in there can't you lollollol


Im lucky enough to be allowed to grow tro be fair, let alone dowse the new sofa and coffee table!!! so unless its a peroper direct fir these days, im swerving...happy wife..you guessed it...happy life :D

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Blumat are well aware that Cannabis Cultivators use their products. They actively encourage it state side, brand reps the full works, they'll even partner with you to design a full irrigation setup for an industrial grow. They do make a proprietary shut off valve but it can be tricky to source. There were none available when I made my order so I bodged rather than waited.

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