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Vape vs Joint?


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12 minutes ago, penchant said:

Honestly mate once you figure out howto use them properly there is no going back. You can get way higher, way more efficiently with a vape and it doesnt taste like shit


my joints don’t taste shit lol and I get more high rolling joints than I do with vapes :stoned:  tried and tested! 


25:15 - conclusion 






Medical research indicates that light cannabis smoking might be useful for a majority of mild emphysema victims. It would improve the quality of life for millions of sufferers and extend their life spans. The U.S. government and DEA (since 1976) saky the side effect of being "high" is not acceptable, no matter how many years or lives it saves; even though some 90 million Americans have tried marijuana and 25 to 30 million still smoke marijuana relaxationally, or use it responsibly as a form of daily self-medication, without one single death from overdoes - ever! All research into the oxygen blood transfer effects cause by cannabis indicates that the chest (lung) pains, extremity pains, shallowness of breath, and headaches we may experience on heavy smog days are usually alleviated by cannabis smoking throughout the day. Dr. Donald Tashkin, the U.S. government's leading scientist on marijuana pulmonary research, told us in December 1989*, and again in December 1997, that you cannot get or potentiate emphysema with cannabis smoking. * See Tashkin's Marijuana Pulmonary Research, UCLA, 1969-1997. Since 1981, this author has personally taken part in these studies and has continuously interviewed Tashkin on cannabis' medical indications; last personal interview was in December 1997



Cannabis is the best natural expectorant to clear the human lungs of smog, dust and the phlegm associated with tobacco use. Marijuana smoke effectively dilates the airways of the lungs, the bronchi, opening them to allow more oxygen into the lungs. It is also the best natural dilator of the tiny airways of the lungs, the bronchial tubes - making cannabis the best overall bronchial dilator for 80% of the population (the remaining 20% sometimes show minor negative reactions). (See section on asthma - a disease that closes these passages in spasms - UCLA Tashkin studies, 1969-97; U.S. Costa Rican, 1980-82; Jamaican studies 1969-74, 76.) Statistical evidence - showing up consistently as anomalies in matched populations - indicates that people who smoke tobacco cigarettes are usually better off and will live longer if they smoke cannabis moderately, too. (Jamaicna, Costa Rican studies.) Millions of Americans have given up or avoided smoking tobacco products in favor of cannabis, which is not good news to the powerful tobacco lobby - Senator Jesse Helms and his cohorts. A turn-of-the-century grandfather clause in U.S. tobacco law allows 400 to 6,000 additional chemicals to be added. Additions since then to the average tobacco cigarette are unknown, and the public in the U.S. has no right to know what they are. Many joggers and marathon runners feel cannabis use cleans their lungs, allowing better endurance. The evidence indicates that cannabis use will probably increase these outlaw American marijuana-users' lives by about one to two years


Why You Should Smoke More Pot

by Jack Herer

The average lifespan in the United States is 76 for a man and 78 for a woman. But if you smoke pot morning, noon and night, you will live an average of two years longer than if you don’t. People who smoke pot but don’t smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol will live approximately 8 to 24 years longer than those who do smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol. This was proven in studies done by Dr. Vera Ruben on Rastafarians in Jamaica from 1968 to 1974.

 The Rastafarians lived up in the hills and were the poorest people in Jamaica. Everyone expected them to have the shortest lives but instead they had the longest lives. They smoked pot morning, noon and night. This study cost $6,000,000.00 and was an extremely comprehensive study. If the same study was done today it would cost approximately $125,000,000.00.

 In 1979 and 1980, the National Institute of Science did studies on Rastafarians in Costa Rica that proved the same results. There were only 100 copies of this study released to researchers who were working for the government. The only reason we have the results of this study is because someone managed to leak a copy to NORML in 1981.

 Between 1968 and 1975, there were about 10,000 marijuana studies done all over the world, but mostly in American universities and colleges. Approximately 4,000 of the studies were universal health studies. Almost all of them proved marijuana to be beneficial in every way. The few that were unfavorable were never proven by a second study.

 In 1974 and 1975, Dr. Donald Tashkin did research to prove marijuana was harmful to the lungs.

 He was the head of pulmonary research on marijuana at UCLA Hospital. He predicted that more people would develop lung cancer from smoking marijuana than from smoking tobacco. Dr. Tashkin was 100 percent positive that all of the studies about marijuana would come out negative in his lung research. He had the only study in the whole country from 1975 to 1999. After 1975 there was no more funding for positive marijuana studies of any type by the U.S. Government for any reason whatsoever. Only a negative study could get funding from the U.S. Government and Dr. Tashkin had almost all of it. I came out against Dr. Tashkin in 1979.

 In 1981, I was approached by Dr. Tashkin to take part in his study. I was protesting the marijuana laws on the front lawn of the Federal Building, 500 yards away from the UCLA Hospital and University on Wilshire Boulevard. I signed up (along with about 50 other pot protesters) for Dr. Tashkin’s study because all of the UCLA students refused to participate in his study after Ronald Reagan took office in January 1981. Dr. Tashkin saw us pot protesters every day at the Federal Building for 102 days. We weren’t college students and we smoked pot morning, noon and night.

 Once or twice a year I would have interviews with Dr. Tashkin. I told him about the positive effects of marijuana. We disagreed 100 percent and he was sure I was wrong. This was a long term study. I was paid $80.00 to $90.00 for each test from 1981 to the mid 1990s. Once or twice a year I would go smoke marijuana to get the pulmonary lung studies done and I would interview Dr. Tashkin as part of my research for my book, “The Emperor Wears No Clothes.” I told Dr. Tashkin from 1981 to 1997 that no one gets lung cancer or any other type of cancer from marijuana because Dr. Vera Ruben and Dr. Todd Mikuriya had already each separately proven it. I had been doing research for my book since the early 1970s.

 Now Dr. Tashkin has come out and is saying the same things I said to him 25 years ago. There is no link between marijuana and lung cancer or any other type of cancer. In fact, Dr. Tashkin has found that marijuana, by killing off old cells that could become cancerous, can actually prevent cancer.

If you want to live longer, smoke more pot.



History of Cannabis Use Associated with Lower In-Hospital Mortality in COPD Patients



Bridgeport, CT: COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) patients with a history of cannabis use are less likely to suffer from pneumonia or die during hospitalization as compared to non-users, according to data published in the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. COPD is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States.


A team of researchers affiliated with Yale University, the University of Arkansas, and the University of Nevada analyzed hospitalization trends in over six million COPD patients with and without a history of cannabis use.

Researchers reported that cannabis use among COPD patients was associated with lower in-hospital mortality, a decreased risk for pneumonia, and shorter lengths of hospitalization as compared to patients with no history of use. Cannabis consumers also had lower odds of sepsis and acute respiratory failure


Does smoking marijuana increase the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

Donald P. Tashkin, 

Over the past 2 decades, studies have addressed the possible relation between smoking marijuana and COPD by systematically assessing respiratory symptoms and measuring lung function in smokers and nonsmokers of marijuana or tobacco.2–8 These cross-sectional2,3,6 and longitudinal4,5,7 studies have used convenience sampling, random or stratified random sampling or birth cohorts from the general community. One study examined lung structure using thoracic high-resolution computed tomography to identify macroscopic emphysema.8

In this issue of CMAJ, Tan and colleagues report the findings of a cross-sectional population-based study of the possible association between smoking marijuana and risk of COPD.9 Whereas previous studies have consistently reported an association between use of marijuana and chronic respiratory symptoms even in the absence of concomitant use of tobacco,2,3,6,8 Tan and colleagues did not report a similar finding for marijuana only. However, they found that the concurrent use of marijuana and tobacco appeared to synergistically increase respiratory symptoms and risk of COPD


try and remember guys, cannabis has been around a long long time, it’s the most studied plant in history, if there was a direct link to any harm it would have been highlighted and used against us..


550,000 people die every year in america through tobacco use


not one person has died using only cannabis, even heavy chronic long term use highlites a slight cough in older users.. lol 


cannabis is still considered non toxic to this day..







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2 hours ago, twigs said:


my joints don’t taste shit lol and I get more high rolling joints than I do with vapes :stoned:  tried and tested!



I used to say all that too lol


I'll never convince you mate. It took dropping the joints for a period of months-years for me to change my mind. Now my joints definitely taste like shit (relative to vaping, i dont mind the odd spliff!). And i can breath properly and dont cough up loads of shit in the mornings.


edit: Re the video you posted. In that last minute and half,  It literally says cannabis use doesnt cause cancer but does increase risk for lower respiratory infections and pneumonia.

Edited by penchant
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I dynavap through a glass bong(will get anyone high without fail) I also like smoking blunts with hemp blunt wraps.

Best of both worlds :yep:

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I was a baccy spliff smoker for 25+years , vaping for about 7-8, never could i go back , the odd spliff leaves me thinking yea im stoned but why, that cack taste and the odour of an ashtray, (not anti baccy or neat but not for me now)two different stone's though imho dirty one /clean one:yinyang:

Edited by Personunknown
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I pulled out a Vapcap tip I'd forgotten someone had combusted in, the other night 

There wasn't much I wouldn't smoke once upon a time but even dirty tips are just fowl to me now :fart:  :bad:


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As an ex-smoker (baccy and weed) maybe I'm biased.

Smoking is just really bad for you! End of.


Bought my first vape earlier this year. Just a cheap thing, but it has decent temperature control. Took a bit of getting used to, but no way am I going back to spliffs or pipes. Far, far easier on the old lungs.


Maybe just me but I find you don't need to use as much weed in a vape to get a decent stone. Can also vape "sub-optimal" ganja like leaves and branch stems without it being harsh like it would if you smoked them. So it's kinda thrifty toking.


I recently picked up a dynavap at a decent price, haven't got round to trying it out yet though as bar remembering to charge it the wee battery vape is very convenient.


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2 hours ago, Hippie on hill said:

I pulled out a Vapcap tip I'd forgotten someone had combusted in, the other night 

There wasn't much I wouldn't smoke once upon a time but even dirty tips are just fowl to me now :fart:  :bad:


I done that once. I was heating it up but had my gaming headset on and missed the click. Was so rank, that thing went right into the iso for a deep clean lol

Edited by Military Grade
missed a word
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4 hours ago, penchant said:

It literally says cannabis use doesnt cause cancer but does increase risk for lower respiratory infections and pneumonia


after rubbishing the Swedish study..he says it doesn’t cause cancer or COP and a new study which needs more research suggests their might be evidence of an increased risk of pneumonia. but that needs more research because this is a new study and he doesn’t mention if the people smoked tobacco, which is why it needs more study.. 


so in conclusion, smoking cannabis has been proved over 30 scientific study not to cause any damage to your lungs or body, even long term heavy users and some evidence suggests a protective roll. :stoned:  


it’s all good :hug:roll those fat pure spliffs!


you wanna live longer? smoke pure spliffs


now we know smoking cannabis is totally fine, I wonder if the same can be said of vaporisers? :g: 


e2+ I’m not trying to rubbish vaping at all, just giving my experience of vaping for a week while my mate was down (he vapes) and giving my honest opinion and felt jumped on for my opinion and provided evidence is all.. I wish everyone would chill and let people have an opinion :bong:


Edited by twigs
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Good point @twigs , ive seen some shoddy made ones , even the arizer Eq takes its air over the chipboards/elec's via a tiny pc fan.

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1 hour ago, twigs said:




e2+ I’m not trying to rubbish vaping at all, just giving my experience of vaping for a week while my mate was down (he vapes) and giving my honest opinion and felt jumped on for my opinion and provided evidence is all.. I wish everyone would chill and let people have an opinion :bong:



I was just putting in my experiences too mate, purely becuase you sunded like me on some stuff and i know it to be the opposite now. :yep: and didnt mean it to come across as not chilled but im 100% convinced any smoking or vaping is unhealthy tbh.


Out of interest, how many joints do you get through on average?  do you not cough shit up or notice probs with breathing?

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I don't think I would have made the switch to vaping so easily if I hadn't had a good long tolerance break beforehand. 


Even now I still use a bong adapter and glass waterpipe for a hit. 


And I still occasionally smoke a bowl of neat green through the pipe.  I usually regret it quite quickly after as it does blow me away lol I think combustion has some extra chems in the mix plus as someone mentioned earlier its the minor hypoxia thing going on too.. 


I don't really enjoy vaping without the bong though, it's tickly on the throat and you gotta take hit after hit. With the pipe I can clear a bowl in 1 (or maybe 2 hits on a bad day).




I remember talking to a mate a few years back about the pros/cons of baccy in the mix and I'll never forget his response 


"why do we care!? We smoked rocky mixes threw plastic bongs/buckets for a decade!!!" 


lol he had a point lol


If we survived that, a bit of smoke ain't gonna make much difference at this point lol



Fuck it, I wanna bong now! A proper one with flame n smoke n everything! 

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1 hour ago, penchant said:


Out of interest, how many joints do you get through on average?  do you not cough shit up or notice probs with breathing?


cool! :stoned:  the only time i’ve had any breathing problems was when i smoked with baccy, or weed grow/dried wrong (thankfully almost never since growing :) 


like everyone else, when I stopped with the baccy my lungs felt like they expanded loads and I could hold loads more air/oxygen and felt lighter etc.. another thing is how much longer I could hold my breath for and just how much better I felt all over. Baccy is evil shit that rots your brain and body and weed can help you kick that shite and any other drugs..


my weed smoking changes with work patterns, and I’ve cut back with age, but i would be listed as a ‘chronic user’ in research papers terms lol :bong: If there’s a chance and the time to smoke Ill grab it.. pipe or a hemp king size :) 


coughing wise, cannabis i think is a necessary in some jobs, like working on building sites with the dust / plaster dust etc because the particles are bigger they trap the pollution so you can spit them out of your lung


I do a one cough greeny type extraction every now and then but you need to do this, it’s natural because naturally you lungs trap particles it’s part of your filtering system, like cleaning your air filter in a car.


my lungs feel top mate, no wheezing, deep long breaths as I type this, if they felt shite I would say do t smoke any more..  it they just don’t. I was never a big baccy only smoker, maybe did it for a couple of few years when in drinking years, only in the pub though for whatever reason, probably because my dad smoked and I hated it then..


one other thing is lighters, feck those off, your just sucking used petrol down your throat:fart: I noticed a other big change in throat burn and soreness when I got to a certain age and thought somthing was wrong with my throat, looked into it and got a natural hemp wick and it stop my throat burn almost straight away (couple of days) 


I got and still get ragged because of it,  but been using them since 2015? and they are great, I recommend it for sure..


If your going to be smoking for the long term and you use a lighter, get a hemp wick! 


have a cool night dude :stoned: 



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3 minutes ago, Dodgee said:

remember talking to a mate a few years back about the pros/cons of baccy in the mix and I'll never forget his response 


"why do we care!? We smoked rocky mixes threw plastic bongs/buckets for a decade!!!" 


lol he had a point



lol same here!


we used to do a rocky/baccy mix in a pan at the end of the night where we crumbled an eighth in a warm pan with half a fag and mixed it all up to a smooth crumble gently heating it in the pan then bong it..


why didn’t we just smoke weed lol 

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I can't hold back any longer, sorry.


You can see by what I've liked in this thread where my 'loyalties' lie.


When you stop smoking combustible materials your cilia start working again and you cough up shit (i.e. little black flecks in your phlegm) from your lungs. Ergo, smoking stuff is not 'good' for you! 


@twigs You're an evangelist where cannabis is concerned. I respect you loads and I like that you post the things you say, but like most things in life, it ain't black and white :yinyang: 

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2 hours ago, mrrichiet said:


I can't hold back any longer, sorry



lol no worries dude! I well respect you too dude, come joint the debate! everyone’s opinion is what this is about! :stoned: 


I don’t really know where to go after posting collected info from a head pulmonologist who’s studied cannabis longer than anyone else (over 30 years) in the world saying cannabis doesn’t effect lung function though :g:


did you read the bit about pure cannabis smokers living longer than people that don’t smoke? lollol 





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