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Nugs's 6 for the 6th Sweet Seeds Grow Diary Competition


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San Fernando Lemon Kush.
May 3rd day 68 harvest.

Hello growers :)
The San Fernando lemon Kush was the next to be harvested and this was done on day 68. No nanas or nads anywhere to be seen. Rock solid colas most of the way down, with only a few softer buds low down. So I left a few lowers on the plant to ripen and firm up some more. Some tops of the lower branches were firm but I thought I'd leave them too to swell some more. Doing this with most of the plants has caused me more work in the long run but I thought I'd get the best out of them after the long hawl, why not? 

Not sure if I've mentioned it but at one point in the last week and a half I unplugged the extractor from the variac and plugged it straight to the mains on full power. I also put the circulation fan on 24 hrs and full power.

Average over the 2 days since the Killer Kush harvest.

Temps: 23-29C
Roots: 22-24C
RH:    43-52%

Day 68:
I gave them all 2L each of plain tap water, barring the remains of the Killer Kush. The pot was still heavy from when I watered her 1L after harvest (she'd had her usual 2L the day before that).

Harvest Images.
Apologies in advance for the main plant and hanging cola pics, the orange background wasn't such a good idea. It's a bit dayglow and a bitch to get the exposure right with the flash bouncing off it. If I get that right the plants are too dark and if I get the plants right the background is too bright and looking yellow. The close ups are better though as the flash is set to lower power and drops off before it hits the background :) 

Full plant before harvest.
Chuffed with how she grew and looking at how she faded she should be a tasty weed if the dry goes right. 


Cola and 2 closer shots of it.






Another cola and 2 closer of it.






A top on it's own, no close ups.


Another top and a closer one of it.




2 more tops close up.




The trim.


16 very dense solid colas ready for the drying area. The drying area has cooled down thankfully with the cooler weather. ranging from 16-19C and 59-64%.




Remainder of the plant. 
Still nice and perky in it's frame and no need for a screen to keep the buds in the light. 




Scissor Hash.
Decent amount off this one compared to the Red Mandarine and Indigo Berry Kush, I've started scraping the scissors and cleaning off my gloves every 3rd cola because I lose a lot of it in the trim tray when it builds on the scissors and drops off. Same with the gloves, half of it ends up stuck to the cola stems if I don't clean them off in time. 


Lemon, wood and mixed spice. A hint of paint or turps, something like that. 

Quite hot and peppery with a hint of lemon. I was hoping for more lemon but the taste is nice, different. 

Spacy head high, noise enhancing. Heavy on the shoulders and neck but not quite relaxing to the body. More in the head this, and nice. 

Next to come down was the Do-Sweet-Dos on day 72 and then the Psicodelicia on day 75. By the time I've got all my photos and harvest updates sorted there's no way I'll get proper dried smoke reports done for all these strains in time for the cut off, which is why I'm putting reports up for the hash so at least you get an idea of what I think of all the strains before the deadline. Dried, cured reports and final weights of second harvests can come later when my head is out of this pickle trying to get things complete.....or in more of a pickle lol One thing for certain is I've enjoyed smoking these hashes so far. All quality and potent :D 

Thanks for looking dudes, happy growing and be lucky  :smokin:

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Haha I recall counting how many posts I needed to complete before finishing my SS comp diary, before the deadline...eeek :)


Another great post tho mate, those buds look divine. Love how healthy all your leaves are right up to harvest, a sure sign of a man who knows what he is doing ;)


The Kush would be my pick but that’s cos I just love Kush lol Reminds me of the old skool black hash :oldtoker: Got some Sweet Afghani Delicious on the go atm and she smells heavenly, in fact most of my tent is full of Indicas!


ATB with the workload! :skin_up:

Edited by Fragg
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@Fragg Cheers man. Getting there, slowly lol 


Both the Killer and the Lemon Kushes did well, pleased with them. I remember talking to you a few years back about the old skool hash, that Red Leb had me tripping lol 


Powerful strain the SAD if you've not tried it yet. When I grew the autos I might have chopped a bit early though, was a bit paranoia inducing for me. Or I might have just been going through a bad patch lol 


All the best dude :bong: 

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May 7th Day 72 Harvest.

The Do-Sweet-Dos finished off with a nice fade to the leaves and had quite a bit of a lean on from the weight of the colas. If it wasn't for the pot I could mistake the whole plant image for an overhead shot. I could have taken her longer but wanted to crop before the bud leaves yellowed back too far. The images were actually taken on day 70 with the intention of cropping then, but on further inspection a fair few of the milky trichomes were only half milky so I left her another 2 days. Looking back at the pics though, day 70 would have been ok for me, there were quite a few amber scattered about. The buds are absolutely rock solid on this plant and I think she'll yield better than I first expected, she seemed to be slower at forming decent colas than the others.  

On day 69 I turned the oil rad down a bit further to halfway on the thermostat so a bit of purple was appearing. Could have turned it down sooner for some better colouring but I have plants flowering in my veg cab and that draws from the rad box too.
Averages over the 4 days since the San Fernando Lemon Kush harvest:  

Temps: 22-29C
Roots: 21-24C
RH:    40-49%

Day 70:
2L each of plain tap water.
Day 72: Same again but the Do-Sweet-dos had hers after harvesting the tops. She'd had 8 feeds of plain water before harvest, so 16 days on plain water in total. I forgot to mention in the SFLK harvest update that the SFLK had 7 plain waterings before harvest. 

Harvest Images.
The usual whole plant first.


A cola and 2 closer shots of it.






Another with close ups.






These 2 are of the same top.




5 different tops close in.










The trim.
It took me 2 and 1/2 hours to trim this one, trying to get all the yellow ends off the bud leaves.


23 rock solid tops ready for drying :yahoo: 






I didn't leave much on this plant as everything was firm and dense, but left a bit just to ripen up the trichs some more. The missus likes the plant remainders, says they look like Bonzai trees.




Scissor Hash.


Floral perfume, citrus and dank mold/earth.

Earthy with a sour aftertaste. Not the best tasting hash but smells divine.

Very nice realaxing body stone with a warm head buzz. A dreamy head stone, head wandering off. Strong but nice. Potent and good for getting off to sleep. 

Psicodelicia harvest update to come next and there's loads of images, when I manage to get them sorted out. So it's back to the drawing board lol   

Thanks for looking, happy growing and be lucky :smokin: 

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great diary and grow ,as usual m8,looking forward for your Psico harvest.

Have a nice summer.

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May 10th Day 75 Harvest.

Hi folks, hope all's well :)
Much like the Do-Sweet-Dos, the Psicodelicia got a nice leaf fade on near the end but not too much that they were curling up all over the place. Just right IMO for a nice tasting weed. Over the past few years I've been trying to keep my plants green and healthy right to the end for them to put on more weight but there's always that chance of overdoing it and spoiling the taste. I'm quite pleased with how these genetics have grown on a one feed fits all, thanks to Sweet Seeds :)  

On day 72 I turned the oil rad thermostat down further from 1/2 to 1/3 for some colour but it didn't make much difference to the temps even though we had a couple of cold mornings. Downside was it raised the humidity a bit but not too much. 

Averages from day 72 to 75:
Temps: 22-29C
Roots: 22-24C
RH:    40-56%

Day 73:
I gave the rest of the plants 2L each of plain water. I was intending to harvest the Psicodelicia that night, but like with the Do-Sweet-Dos I decided to leave her a bit longer after taking the harvest images and noticing there were more clear trichs than I'd thought. So I gave her 1L to keep her alive.
Day 75: The remains of the other plants had 2L each. 

Harvest Images.
A couple of whole plant images to show the extent of the leaning. She was worse than this by the time of harvest so I had to put some more framework on just to hold her colas up while I got her out of the tent. 




With the plant leaning so much it was difficult to get full cola pics so most are just of the tops. 





















Some closer ones. The first wasn't composed very well and missing the tip so I took another with the tip in focus. 













More to follow.

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The 2nd of the following two wasn't as well focused as the first but I've included it, the hazy green leaf behind it looks like a candle flame.





Some more close ups.












Two of the same with different parts focused.





The trim. 

Plenty here to add to the hash/oil pile.



The colas trimmed and ready for the drying area. I chopped the whole plant this time.








Scissor Hash.
I got about the same amount of hash I got from the Killer Kush and San Fernando Lemon Kush. Has a nice colour to it.


Smooth subtle orange, woody spices and a hint of coffee.

Sweet tasting with an oily black hash aftertaste that turns more sour after a while.

More or less instant hit to the head that progressively gets stronger with a bit of confusion (amnesia). Takes a good 10 or so minutes for my head to get around the initial intense hit and then it clears into a happy uplifting high. Body is relaxed but head says go. I don't think the initial 10 minute buzz would suit me for the daytime if out and about, as it's a bit intense but I'm sure the cured buds will be more mellow and nice for getting motivated and on with things, I'll soon see. I think some bubble made from cured buds and then cured for a while longer would suit me better than the scissor hash. Either way this is a top smoke and I can't wait for the buds to cure :D 

The rest of the plants' remains are down now and I'll update on their harvests when I can. I'm trying to get some dried bud smoke reports done for at least 3 strains so that I meet the requirements before the deadline. 6 strains were maybe a bit too much to take on after a late start but I'm glad I did and got the hash reports in for all 6 strains. 

Thanks for looking, happy growing and be lucky  :)

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Great job mate, lovely shots and you have the feeding just right with them all. ATB with the the comp! :oldtoker:

Did you diary your SAD grow btw, if so do you have a link?

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@Fragg @Exhale Thanks very much lads. 


Fragg I did one but never finished it so no smoke report, It was a diary for another breeder with the SADs at the back so I won't post it here. I'll send you a link by PM mate when I get a minute :yep: 

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Managed to get all the reports done just in time so here they are :)


Red Mandarine F1 Fast Version Smoke Report.


Yield and bud structure.
Yield could have been better after all the training work but she's well dry and good stash. Also the plants were a bit crammed in there so with space she'd yield better. Having multiple colas only produced thin ones on this plant so if I grew her using this method again I'd trim more from the bottom to ensure better colas. Yielded 76g. 

Top buds have dried nice and firm and the lowers are softer and airier

Jarred on May 11th after 14 days drying. Maybe a little on the dry side. I put a hygrometer in one of the jars and it's only reading 56%. Still not too low to spoil the taste and smell though so must have dried nice and steady :) 




In the jar it smells smooth and fruity, definitely a mandarine aroma.
Grind it up and it smells of mandarine with a sour punch to it. 

Sweet and orangey, quite pronounced for only 5 days in the jars. Drenched in terps, really sweet in the mouth and throat and lingers for ages, very tasty and preffered to the scissor hash. 


Clear headed and a nice balance between head and body. Nothing too heavy on either so functional and will be great for a daytime smoke . The head buzz is followed by the body relaxation after 20 minutes. The body buzz is good, not too heavy to become unmotivational but nice and relaxing to get rid of the aches and pains. 



Indigo Berry Kush Smoke Report.


Yield and bud structure.
Up to now the yield is looking ok for the smallest plant out of them all. The 8 tops I cut first are dry and weighed 53g. The buds are quite firm but not rock solid. Not sure about the lowers yet as they're still hanging to dry. The lower half of the plant had an extra 11 days growing in direct light so hopefully they'll have firmed up a bit. I never lowered the lamp though as the main reason I left it was for the trichomes to ripen. 

The first harvest was jarred on May 12th after 12 days drying and they're a bit on the dry side too. Humidity in the jar is 57%.  




In the jar it smells of sweet biscuits like digestives, with a hint of berries. Blueberries I think or as close to blueberries as I can tell, definitely berries. In the grinder it smells wonderful.  Tangy blueberries and something else sweet, citrus fruit. Maybe it's the citrus giving it the tang. I'm not very good at recognising aromas so all I can tell you is what I think it smells like. 

Can't smell earth in the buds but the taste is sour and earthy. When the sour taste wears off there's a bit of sweetness. 

Stone takes a while to kick in but when it does it's nice and relaxing. Quite balanced but leaning more to the body. Happy stone and I like it The taste isn't really my thing but I like the effect and that's more important to me. Relaxes my neck, back and shoulders, which is where my problems are.  




Killer Kush F1 Fast Version Smoke Report.


Yield and bud structure.
The first harvest was jarred on May 13th after 12 days drying and weighed in at 99g after 5 days curing. The humidity in the jar is 56%. The tops are dense and hard, the lowers are more loose. I won't waffle on too much as it's the same for all the plants, being crammed in and a lack of light to the lowers. 




The lower half of the plant had an extra 11 days growing in direct light and I'll report with final yield in due course. 

In the jar it smells fruity like a mixed fruit punch, no fuel smell I got from the stem rubs in veg. Ground up, it smells really strong of fruit salad chews. Smells exactly like one of the Sweet seeds strains I grew last year. Not sure if it was the Crystal Candy or the Green Poison CBD. I remeber one being like fruit salad chews and the other like refresher chews. 

Sweet mixed citrus and a bit of a tarty pungent aftertaste.


The buzz is more in the body than the head and is very relaxing. I really like this one and could smoke it any time of day if I had nothing to do and just wanted to relax. The head high is nice and clear and good for relaxing my mind as well as my body, proper smooth high that seems to get stronger as time goes on. I need plenty to drink with this strain, it gives a very dry mouth. 




San Fernando Lemon Kush Smoke Report.


Yield and bud structure.
The first harvest was jarred on may 14th after 10 days drying and yielded 114g. Humidity in the jars is 56%. The tops are dense and solid and the mids aint too bad either. 

The lower half had an extra 11 days under the lamps and is still hanging. I'll report the final yield when it's dry. 






Lemon, wood and spices. I'm not good at pinpointing spices but I get a hint of Indian curry spices in the jars. When I grind it the lemon is more pronounced. The missus thought she could smell licourice in the jars. 

Lemon and pepper, the lemon is quite intense. Really glad the lemon has came out strong in the taste. I was thinking it would be weak, with the lemon smell earlier on being subtle. It gives a good coating of terps and is very sweet.  

Quality effect from the Lemon Kush. It's a really uplifting happy smiley strong high accompanied by a nice body relaxation. And not forgetting the cheeks and eyes, they get a bit heavy lol Gonna be a social smoke this one. Happy grower and can't wait to smoke it with my close mates :yep: 




Do-Sweet-Dos Smoke Report.


Yield and bud structure.
The main harvest was jarred on May 17th after 10 days drying and weighed 121g. Humidity in the jars is 56%. Rock hard buds all the way down the colas I harvested.  

The lower buds only had an extra 7 days to finish off. I turned the lamp off as there wasn't that much left on her to warrant the electricity usage and I wanted to get it down before the weather warms up. 




In the jars it smells like a mixture of lemon and melon. Also a digestive biscuit smell like with the Indigo Berry Kush. The floral/perfumy aroma seems to have disappeared and a bit of spice is coming through. Ground up it smells of lemon and melon. The floral returns but mild. 

There is some floral sweetness coats the mouth but the taste is mainly acrid and earthy, similar to the IBK. Not that keen but still, it's early days so the taste might change and the sweetness come through more after a decent cure. 

The high kicks in quite quickly along with body relaxation. It's a buzzy tingly type high though the head and the body. It creeps and then gets quite heavy on the legs and a bit couchlocky. Very relaxing stone, dreamy and spacy. Last thing at night smoke. 




Psicodelicia Smoke Report.


Yield and bud structure.
The Psicodelicia was jarred on May 18th after only 8 days drying but with her buds being more sativa like and less dense she dried ok in time for the deadline. She weighed in at a very respectable 158g. The humidity in the jars shows 56% in the photo but I'd only just put it in there. It rose to 57% after a couple of hours and has settled after 24 hrs at 60%. 

The top buds are quite firm and dense, just not as hard as some of the other plants. The lowers are more airy as expected.




Oranges, spices and tiny hint of coffee while in the jars. When ground up it smells just the same, no stronger. There's time for the aromas to come out though, it's only been jarred a day.

Old school black oily hash taste and some sweetness.

The high is clear and uplifting, motivational and very nice. Body relaxing too, mainly the upper body, heavy relaxed shoulders.

To finish off with, here's a photo of the whole harvest. The remains of the Indigo Berry Kush, Killer Kush, San Fernando Lemon Kush and the Do-Sweet-Dos are still drying so I'll let you know how they weigh in when they're dried and in the jars. 


A massive thanks to all at Sweet Seeds for their hard work in making this competion possible and also to UK420 for hosting it :)
Best of luck to all in the comp. I've really enjoyed this grow/comp and following your diaries. 


Thanks for looking, happy growing and be lucky :yep: 

All the best

Nugs :yinyang: 



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great stuff mate, and very detailed smoke report.


im holding off testing mine till they have cured a bit. 

this has been a great diary to follow, with some excellent pics and lots of detail.


enjoy your smokes, they look superb, all of them...

Last pic is my favourite- lots of full jars

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Finished off to perfection mate, really enjoyed following along to this diary, an to learn abt some strain’s I had interest in. 
Top Class final smoke report, detail’d in all the right places. 
Good luck an enjoy ur buds dude. 

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