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Nugs's 6 for the 6th Sweet Seeds Grow Diary Competition


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@Tete Cheers dude,  I'm pleased with her structure, she's solid. The only one of the group that I didn't have to put another frame around. It helps that the colas are shorter though :) 


@Fragg Cheers man, the KK is smelling great, like a really fruity indica. I'm a bit concerned about the drying process in the attic when the weather warms up so might have to have a re-think on nthat one. Hopefully I'll be able to preserve the terps for a nice taste. The smoke report will be a bt rushed as I'll be pushed for time but I'll do my best :yep: 


Thanks for looking in dudes :smokin: 

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April 14th Day 49 Bloom.

Hi growers, these girls are into week 8 now so here's an update for day 49 :) I'm always 3 or 4 days behind as it takes me ages to sort the images out and write the update, busy with other things too. 
It still smells really sweet when I open the tent but I think there's some spice adding to the aromas. I'm not that good on pinpointing smells though, which is where I'll struggle with rushed smoke reports in time for the cut off. It normally takes me 3 or 4 nights of smoking a strain to pinpoint tastes and smells. 

Temps: 23-29C
Roots: 22-24C
RH:    40-52%

It's getting a bit warm up there in the attic on some nights, was still 23C ambient the other night at 2am. The set up is keeping things steady in the tent though. The oil rad and leccy blanket are still set the same to deal with the cold mornings. 

Day 46:
2.5L each, containing 1.5ml/L IN Organix Grow.
Day 48: 2.5L each, containing 1ml/L Grow.

This update is about the full plants and some cola shots. The usual group shot first.


The Killer Kush was getting a bit top heavy on one side of the plant and leaning over so I tied the frame down to the pot on the other side to keep her upright. Smells fruity and I'm not getting any of the fuel I was on the early stem rubs. I try not to handle my buds though. Maybe the fuel smell will come back when she's cropped. I forgot to check my last pics before this update and I've ended up with the same cola as last time. Excuse the gnarled leaves on the main image, it's rather packed in the tent.




Loving the frost on the Indigo Berry Kush. She's still looking slightly heat stressed though. I've been thinking about taking her down off the tub she's sat on, for the tallest cola's sake but she's not looking too bad so I'm pushing her for the sake of the lower colas. I'll probably remove the tub soon to releave the stress as she finishes off. A really strong smelling girl she is. Definitely berries but it's weird. I smell blueberry right at the very top and as I move my nose down the bud I'm getting some citrus. Maybe I disturbed the bud with my nose. 




The Calcium problem on the Do-Sweet-Dos hasn't got any worse so I'm glad about that. The middle colas were falling all over so I've used some pipe cleaners to tie them to the back of the frame and one or two to each other to try and keep them well spaced. I also had to tighten up the main stem to the edge of the pot to keep her upright. I'm still not sure what she smells like, sweet though :yep: 




It would have been rude not to include the Psicodelicia. The buds are filling out nicely and the calyx are stacking. Smells of oranges and some spice coming through I think. 




The Red Mandarine's leaves are fading away steadily. I'm hoping she'll look good at the end if they don't fade too quickly. I'll keep an eye on her and hope she stays sweet when I starve her. She's on the home stretch, not many white pistils. I'm just waiting on some amber trichs to appear before I change to plain water. Stinking of mandarines, possibly a bit of aniseed. Really nice anyway. I like the way most of the colas are stacking in a pointed shape and a couple are crowned. I don't remember noticing this variation before across a single plant. The crowned ones are closest to the middle of the tent where the lamp spread overlaps and the light is most intense. 




I had to re-tighten the main stem ties to the pot edge with the San Fernando Lemon Kush too. And also tie some colas to the frame. She's putting some weight on now and was leaning over into the IBK again. Not really evident in the pic but some of her upper half leaves are still a bit dark and shiny (same with the IBK). They're starting to fade though since I lowered the feed. Smells of subtle lemon and possibly furniture polish when I put my nose near the buds. I'm sure she'll smell a lot stronger when I chop her.




I've been having a quick look unerneath on most nights for hermies but on day 48 I had them all out for a thorough check, and good news on every plant :D It took me a couple of hours but I think I can relax a bit now if I can keep the environment steady.  

That's another one closer to the finish line :yahoo:
Thanks for looking, happy growing and be lucky :) 

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:hi: @jadenugs sweet jungle mate!


loving the show.if i had to choose after seeing this i would jump on San Fernando and Red Mandarine for sure.but San Fernando first.Also you just gave me a great idea for next year comp :yes:

beautiful work:yep:

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@Exhale @ANTHONY13:cheers: lads. Soz for the late acknowledgement, I've been working flat out on my allotment for my daily exercise :D Been too knackered to sign in lol 


ANTH glad you've found an idea from my diary. All the best dudes :smokin: 

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April 19th Day 54 Bloom.

Hi growers :)
Hope you're enjoying this weather the best you can under the circumstances and keeping well. I've been keeping myself busy on the allotment ;) No cannabis growing there though and I'm not sure if I'll be doing a guerilla grow this year. This grow is a little late running and I've also got 3 plants flowering in my veg cab that are 3 weeks behind these so they'll coincide with germination for an outdoor grow. Plus these Sweet Seeds will still be drying/curing before they get bagged and buried to keep them fresh. I get a little bit nervous with plant numbers. I had thought of germinating on site at my guerilla plot but I have a nice new LED that I'm itching to try out and see how that performs in a hot attic in summer. So I think I'll favour that over an outdoor grow. You watch, it'll be a cracking summer lol We're due one so best of luck guerilla/garden growers :yep: 

Onto the update.
Right, what's been happening? Not a lot really, I've just been watching these Sweet flowers getting fatter and ripening :D On day 52 I had to do some more tying of colas on the Do-Sweet-Dos and the SF Lemon Kush. On day 54 I had to do the same with the Killer Kush, she's a right Miss Fatty! 


Temps: 23-28C
Roots: 21-24C
RH:    37-45%

The above are averages over the 5 days since the last update and I'm pleased with the stats. The room temps have not been above 29C, roots 25C and RH above 46%. The extractor fan is still set to 90% (IIRC) on the variac. 

Day 50:
2.5L each, containing 1.5ml/L IN Organix Grow. 1ml/L for the IBK and SFLK. If you remember, the upper fan leaves were a little bit too dark and shiny for my liking.
Day 52: Same volume and I lowered the feed to 1ml/L for them all.
Day 54: Same again and I lowered to 0.5ml/L.

I took them all out for tops and close up pics and it took me a good 4 hours. Unfortunately I forgot the group shot before I got started. Not good at this stage of the diary :doh: I'll make sure there's one in the next update as that might be the last full canopy shot before I start chopping. There's 23 images here, I'll split the update into 2 so this page doesn't end up too much of a scroll. There's amber trichs on them all, some more than others. I won't bore you with much more text, just the odd word above some of the images :) 


Both the following close ups are of different tops to the one shown above.










I couldn't resist a crop of the above image to show the trichome on the end of the lowest brown pistil to the right. I couldn't crop it down further though, as I wouldn't be able to scale it up to fit the picture frame so it's not that close lol  If I'd seen it before I'd have took a close up






Both the following close ups are of the second top above, but from different angles.




The rest to follow.


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Close up of the above top.


From a different top, I think.


These are all of the same Red Mandarine top pictured. 








Same Sweet sugar leaf as above, taken closer in. It didn't turn out how I wanted but it's nice and arty so I thought I'd still share.


These are all of the same SF Lemon Kush top.








That's all for now. I'm getting excited now the end is nearing :D
Thanks for looking, happy growing and be lucky :smokin: 

Edited by jadenugs
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@jadenugs All stunning m8, really are. Can't wait to hear what you think of the Indigo Berry Kush. Good you found no he she's in there always a big pain in the arse that.

Take care.


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@tokenroll Cheers mate. The Indigo smells absolutely lush. I've been checking the undersides like a hawk and haven't found any since the couple in the early days when I was plucking leaves. It's a bit difficult checking in amongst the canopy though with it being quite dense so fingers crossed.

The Red Mandarine has thrown out a couple of cola nanas, trying to reproduce at a late stage as can be expected, but that has only just happened since this update.


all the best.

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@jadenugs I took some cuts this morning from the spare Indigo Berry Kush hoping they root easy and if so I feel a little sog grow coming on over the summer months. As for the smell from her its bloody nice but what it smells off I have no idea lol.


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Loving the image presentation and their quality too mate, not to mention what a great job you are doing with your ladies, as per usual ;)


Funnily enough I’m considering my first outdoor grow, if they keep the Lake District closed I have the place almost to myself for a change. :D Doubt they will mind.


Will miss your outdoor adventures this year...


ATB :oldtoker:

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Plants look great , top growing. Hope they give results you deserve :yep: 

Edited by Lean Bear
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Good job you've already won POTM...:yep:


Amazing... and I don't use that word lightly...


Plenty of time to get the Guerrilla hat on...

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What a joy to catch up with this diary mate, bit lost for words to be honest. Stunning and dreamy. 


I bet Red Mandarine seed sales get a right boost from this, incredibly alluring plant. 


Keep up the good work fella, almost there :yep: 

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