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The Noodle Revolution - A fight against "King" Vinces empire of voodoo.

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@2Fat2EatThat Well when this started Brexit should have been completed, now it looks like this grow is going to be well finished before this fiasco is sorted out  ;)


Your looking in much better shape than parliament at the moment buddy  ;)


Buds are fattening up well and lovely dusting of snow  :headbang:


Until next week  :cheers:


Kind regards 



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can we get some root zone shots or pot shots here ..we wont have any of that cheating bizz this year ..too many good honest entrants ..cmon ..royal decree was set out on page one of the rules ..i dont trust bojo ..i bet hes sat in a fucking tomato growbag ..jezza i have not prob with ..probably being fed vegan nutes ..whatta guy ..


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48 minutes ago, vince noir rock n roll star said:

jezza i have not prob with ..probably being fed vegan nutes




Your to much brother :)


@2Fat2EatThat Any chance of a few shots showing roots etc?


Just to show the king their is no shenanigans are going on  :bong:


Kind regards 



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Ah ok @Dinafem-Mark and King @vince noir rock n roll star your not going to frisk me for roots are you? I may have some stashed internally who knows lol


Theres one close up shot I took for the update today but only showing 1 side, theres also a whole plant shot with the noodle rim showing. Will do a full video for you in the morning and pop it up asap,no probs chaps.


Mark - I started the Brexit thing because I thought itd be a bit of fun and get done this month but no luck. Now theres an election I've jumped back into election fever as you'll read below lol 


Here are todays pics and will do a full video in the morning. 


Edit - the very suspicious looking flower pot is for taking photos in.







Hi noodle battle fans,

Hope lifes treating you well folks.


There are alot of flower photos tonight as they're looking immense and a few arty bits to keep tour interest, but first -

Urgent Political News Flash.

It appears that parliament were so badly shaken up by my sudden, surprise withdrawal from political growing in last weeks update that they had an emergency meeting to figure out how to not be such total dicks anymore and decided an election on the 12th of December could be just the thing.

Yes, this diary has had as many dramas, twists, turns, swings and indeed roundabouts as has the political process but I can happily confirm my bud candidates are back in play.





There are 42 days until the election and my bud candidates are 40 days into flower with a possible 30+ days left to run.

So the result of the Noodle Election will be decided on or around Thursday 28th November.

I can guarantee It will absolutely and 100% accurately predict the exact results of the General Election on the 12th of December (probably not actually but just imagine if it does wtf!)





Enough of the chaff its proper growing now, heres my diary data on Wednesday 29th October -

Grow Day 80

Flowering Day 40

Lights on Temp 26.7c

Lights off Temp 20.1c

Humidity 44%

Feed and levels per litre -

Guanokalong Bloom 2.5ml

Seaweed Extract 2ml





Supplementals -

Epsom Salts at 1 tsp.

Dressing of Diatemacious Earth.

I hate to say this but everything's quite stable at the moment. Growth is continuing at a good pace in all dimensions and there is more sparkle than an explosion at a Swarovski factory.

There has been one quite sudden change and that's in aromas. For me OGKZ always had a strong delicious aroma from the moment she had enough stem to rub.


A series of top down flash shots -














Yesterday I gave a lower fluff bud a loving squeeze and upon initial sniffing it delivered a smell that rocked my receptors to their foundations. It penetrated my soul like and was like super concentrated Vicks chest rub but blended with ripe Mango,Strawberry, Orange and maybe a hint of roasted Thyme,delicious? oh yes. What an incredible, thick juicy aroma profile it just blew me away.



Let's get on with the election roll call,here are your candidates Boris "Bojo" Johnson with his glistening top -













Jeremy "jezza" Corbyn -













Jo "no votes" Swinson -














Nigel "thunder flash" Farage -













There we are then all present and correct although I think I may have mixed up one of the buds,apologies.

You may have noticed that they're all now loosely ziptied to each flag post to keep the inner space fully open. I want to get as much light as possible down to the smaller buds on the branches for the last few weeks to gain as much weight as possible.





This grow is the first grow I've ever done with the Blackdoglight LED alone,its normally accompanied by two 150w CDM's but the Trichomes on everything in my space are so heavy I think they may have been wasted.


This is my favourite shot of today,she sure is a peach.





That's me over and out this week and I cant wait to get my hands on these chunky buds.


Take it easy people of the herb.


***video will be up in the morning*** 

Edited by 2Fat2EatThat
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***apologies for the accidental use of "like" and a few typos in my update I'm way to old to talk in that manner and it was a genuine error like, I also shouldnt edit updates past 1am lol



Root video inbound.

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Alright there @2Fat2EatThat


Your looking on point mate, reminds me that I must go and have a look at my noodle in a bit, it’s just far too easy to just top up the rez and walk away, so I’ll go and open the door and take a few photos get an update done, fingers crossed she is still alive.


Take it easy. Jj:yinyang:

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@Jibba jabba that's what happens when you make videos within 10mins of opening your eyes whilst thinking about the dinafem comp.


Always looked on the Mark's more like Stigs,I just shouted the wrong stig lol


My brain is fried,school holidays,sick children,a zillion plants in a zillion diaries but loving every second of it. 


@HSO-Mark video done mate,no roots dangling out. Ive actually not had one properly come out for the whole grow.


The question is why?


Can only think having that forced air 24/7 delivers everything on a plate with no need to really search,like a deliveroo for plants.


I can see roots through the holes but none have actually poked out. There are masses of roots in the top third though as I've been gently turning the top layer of compost over to help drainage.


I'm getting real good flower development though which to be honest has even surprised me as everything I've done has been somewhat of a gamble which was my plan really - a bit of fun,stupid set up and a wing and a prayer.


Perhaps the prayer has helped lol


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the king is more than satisfied ..


(it does say in the rules of this kingdom )

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Thanks vince I know about the root thing and was doing the videos untill a few weeks back. Will keep them regular again now.


@vince noir rock n roll star Do you have any ideas on why the roots arent firing out but I'm still getting good growth?

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some strains like root constraining ,sativas are known for it ,does ogkz have a heavier mix of sativa in its breeding ? that could be it ,or your plant is happy as long as there is medium in the pot and all nutrients have been provided ..think hydro but with soil .when those roots run out of medium or space then you wil discover the fun of a pot noodle grow and how quickly it can end .

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Ah ok thanks mate, its 80% indica apparently so that's out the window.


Will just keep feeding them and keeping my fingers crossed to get as much out of them before they're rock solid rooted out then. 


I was of the belief that root growth slowed during flowering at about 6 wks but from what you say that was wrong.


Hey ho we live and grow!


Thanks my king.

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Rootwatch was the goods 2fat. That music too, got me going this morning. Good man. Also the 4 tops are getting really fat mate. Swelling up nicely. You are about a week behind me in flower but yours are much juicier. If those tops were politicians heads I would give them all a humdinger. 

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On 30/10/2019 at 11:30 AM, vince noir rock n roll star said:

the king is more than satisfied ..


(it does say in the rules of this kingdom )


There you go sire ;)


No shenanigans in here  :yep:


@2Fat2EatThat Thanks for adding in the root shots to oblige the reigning king  :)


Plants are looking smashing buddy :yep:


What day of bloom are we on now mate? 


Kind regards 



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