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In all honesty, after reading all that I can see truths in both of your opinions. But that's it. They are opinions. Please respect each other's as you would want yours to be. People on here look up to both of you weather you like it or not. That comes wit a responsibility.. weather you like it or not. Imo of course. Handle yourself wit manners and have respect... Also, what are these other forums ppl talk about? Surely nobody could ask for more than uk420? 


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2 minutes ago, ocb said:

Also, what are these other forums ppl talk about? 


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8 minutes ago, ocb said:

Also, what are these other forums ppl talk about?


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38 minutes ago, ocb said:

But that's it. They are opinions.


Of course,  theres not always a right and wrong, different ways to skin a cat.  Panik's more entrepreneurial and a do-oer, I'm more scientific and a thinker, pros and cons to both, and sometimes perhaps we could benefit from taking a leaf out of the others book...?  


However, when I've had a few ciders and someones saying I'm full of shit, when in fact they haven't understood my posts and they are actually the one talking shit , I might respond with some sarcasm.  Does that help the situation or anyone? no.  Nobodies perfect haha. 


38 minutes ago, ocb said:

Also, what are these other forums ppl talk about?


Im actually only a member of one other forum. In all honesty I'm not sure its worth the initiation test which involves - but is not limited to - performing certain 'acts' on a dead badger :puke:...


Edited by Amarillo slim
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3 minutes ago, Amarillo slim said:


Of course,  theres not always a right and wrong, different ways to skin a cat.  Panik more entrepreneurial and a do-oer, I'm more scientific and a thinker, pros and cons to both, and sometimes perhaps we could benefit from taking a leaf out of the others book...?  


However, when I've had a few ciders and someones saying I'm full of shit, when in fact they haven't understood my posts and they are actually the one talking shit , I might respond with some sarcasm.  Does that help the situation or anyone? no. Nobodies perfect ;) haha. 



Im actually only a member of one other forum. In all honesty I'm not sure its worth the initiation test which involves - but is not limited to - performing certain 'acts' on a dead badger :puke:...


This is exactly my argument, I said you was full of shit in my last post to you yesterday, your previous posts to that was just your lame excuse to antagonise me , and now I’m the one actually talking shit, there you go again with trying to play the victim when in fact you had had a few drinks and was doing what you normally do yapping at my ankles like a little chihuahua , most people would turn round a kick that yapping mut across the road,.. 


but as OCD says I must keep my cool , have some manners an respect as per , so I’ll leave this thread be, I don’t post much nowadays as much as I did and  I try to pop in to check diarys and threads that my customers have running with my genetics in the outdoor comp they all pursued so all this shit is only wasting my online time upon the boards when I have better things to be doing , goodbye.

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11 minutes ago, panik said:

This is exactly my argument, I said you was full of shit in my last post to you yesterday, your previous posts to that was just your lame excuse to antagonise me , and now I’m the one actually talking shit, there you go again with trying to play the victim when in fact you had had a few drinks and was doing what you normally do yapping at my ankles like a little chihuahua , most people would turn round a kick that yapping mut across the road,.. 


but as OCD says I must keep my cool , have some manners an respect as per , so I’ll leave this thread be, I don’t post much nowadays as much as I did and  I try to pop in to check diarys and threads that my customers have running with my genetics in the outdoor comp they all pursued so all this shit is only wasting my online time upon the boards when I have better things to be doing ,


C'mon, was one sarcy post because you were talking bollocks, hardly ankle yapping stuff...  Not like your response to perceived bullshit is any more elegant "full of shit fuck off" lol 


Anyway apologies for the sarcastic post, you know sometimes I just can't help myself, its genetic :rolleyes:


I'd recommend giving 'Thinking fast and slow' by Kahneman a read, think you could actually benefit a lot from that one...


21 minutes ago, panik said:



Farewell, precious flower :kiss:

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Here’s a recommendation for you @Amarillo slim...  0117 926 5520 give me a call we can help you.. 


id suggest stay off the forums when your intoxicated I learnt that lesson many moons ago .. 


And if you are deadly serious about your Alfemco company stop the bollox and concentrate on showing people your genetics and what you have to offer instead of the bullshit posting that means fuck all and helps absolutely no one , if you spent as much time building your brand with relevant information and documentation of said genetics (Guerrilla grown ) you would do considerable well but you need more than 6 packs for your customer base so cut the shit and get busy , I would suggest documenting your  own grows Guerrilla style as a starting point for your buying customers :yep: 


innit my little flower .. :kiss:

Edited by panik
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Ok, I'll call the helpline as well as documenting more of my grows here, you buy and read that book.  Deal?  


There we go, perhaps something constructive has come from all this yet...  


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Brand is everything. Investors want it. Without it, you're just a guy with a plant. :v:



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So back to the thread! (Sorry to re-rail)


Got busted by someone way tougher than the feds at the start of this season. 


I was well underway, all no tell no smell no sell, tight lipped and ultra stealth that would make happy tears stream from all true fans of America Ninja. 


Beans were popping in a glass when mrs popper located the pop plot (aka airing cupboard) and disposed of the contents of the glass down the bog beans an’all. 




Lesson learned: don’t piss off her indoors till it’s all outdoors. 



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8 minutes ago, Ch@ppers said:

Albanian guerrilla grow in spain,theres other footage of this around 16000 plants.


Looks like they drafted you in to cut em down.. :(

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