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28 minutes ago, brambleminer said:

I recently discovered this forum and asked about how to grow in a swampy ground and after getting some tips started to prep.

So i bring in some 4" drainage tubes, chicken wire ETC.

So im doing some clearing, digging, fencing and feeding the mosquitoes when the dog goes missing for 10ish mins, nothing new she always comes back.

Finish up and walk back to the car and discover that the dogs harness is missing, £35 quids worth of Halti, missus goes mad.

Week later i go back, plants in the backpack and reach the site.

There, tied to the wire is the dogs harness! Fucker must have been watching me for 2 hours!!!!!!!!




28 minutes ago, brambleminer said:



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Well, not gonna bother posting much here as per... But for whoever may be interesting in some of the thinking I've tried to touch on, Daniel Kahneman is a good place to start.  He might not have as many likes as Dan Pena but Kahneman is actually one of the greatest minds of our are time in the given fields IMO.. 


Im off to do some micro brewing... Turns out the produce is considerably better than any commercial stuff, who'd of thunk it? :book:


Night ;)

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Where the fuck did you try touch on Daniel Kahneman please ??? 

I beg you point out that post where you touched on this guy’s theory’s? 

full off shit fuck off an stop treating everyone like fucking fools .. if anyone in there right mind laps up this crap the deluded as you .


e2a give it a rest man

Edited by panik
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You guys ramming you’re points home just remember who the real enemy is please. 

starts with pro ends with hibition 

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Guerilla busts reminds me of the time I was arrested in hong kong,nothing grow related,but arrested on a different matter and taken to TST cop shop on Nathan road.I remember being handcuffed and standing in a corridor waiting to go into the interview room,stuck up on a notice-board beside me was an aerial photo of a large crop of plants up in the new territories somewhere,either going to be raided or already had been,growers all over the world are going through the same shit day-in day-out.:smokin:

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11 minutes ago, Ch@ppers said:

Guerilla busts reminds me of the time I was arrested in hong kong,nothing grow related,but arrested on a different matter and taken to TST cop shop on Nathan road.I remember being handcuffed and standing in a corridor waiting to go into the interview room,stuck up on a notice-board beside me was an aerial photo of a large crop of plants up in the new territories somewhere,either going to be raided or already had been,growers all over the world are going through the same shit day-in day-out.:smokin:

And that’s where it all began, .. the idea was in printed in your mind from that day forward... serendipity, or was it luck lol 

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9 hours ago, panik said:

Where the fuck did you try touch on Daniel Kahneman please ??? 

I beg you point out that post where you touched on this guy’s theory’s? 

full off shit fuck off an stop treating everyone like fucking fools .. if anyone in there right mind laps up this crap the deluded as you .


e2a give it a rest man


Oh, only all the stuff about risk taking, optimism and overconfidence etc. The sort of things he won a noble prize in economics for highlighting…


Fact is that while traits like these are beneficial and arguably essential in entrepreneurship, they can also be a recipe for disaster (in our case jail).  I like my freedom, hence I suggest that in this case, risk is not something to be simply accepted in the pursuit of reward,  but something that should be reduced or eliminated where practical. 


Then of course there was the parts of my posts regarding under valuing the role of luck, and the hindsight bias that many people have when the risks do pay off.


Anyway Im repeating myself, if people are interested in these things then a good place start would be Kahneman.  


Have you read much of his stuff out of interest?  


Anyway, lets not get too frustrated at each other, in reality we probably think the same about a lot of this stuff, just easy to see something that appears apposing and run with that, arguing against something thats not really there...? 





Edited by Amarillo slim
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9 minutes ago, panik said:

And that’s where it all began, .. the idea was in printed in your mind from that day forward... serendipity, or was it luck lol 

I was actually thinking I hope they take these cuffs off lol

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55 minutes ago, Ch@ppers said:

I was actually thinking I hope they take these cuffs off lol

Reminds me of the time me a you got ripped out the car on the French/Spanish border, I wasn’t bothered about the cuffs more the M-16 rammed in my back .. lol 

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3 minutes ago, panik said:

Reminds me of the time me a you got ripped out the car on the French/Spanish border,

Wasn't me,I wasn't there,I have alibis,I deny everything,I need to see my lawyer :ninja:

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