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Dinafem Gorliia - Sog Grow - Welcome to the White House.


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@unity yeah that was the most extreme defoliation I have done to be honest, I only went so heavy on the sog plants as I needed to slow them down so I could let other plants in the cab reach the stage I wanted to start flowering. These Gorillas got way to much veg time as a result I have bushes rather than sticks of bud, but it is what it is and will deal with it some how lol.


But when I normally do it, I would do it on more Indica strains. It produces tighter nodes on them and with them being so leafy it also lets airflow get into them, as you can see my cabs packed and the last thing I want to see is wet leaves because they have sat transpiring on each other(mold risk). People will say sort your airflow out, there is airflow and there is too much airflow. In a packed room it will still happen hence the defoliation. Others will say you need them leaves as they are the solar panels, so why do they lollipop same thing really, but that's their preference. I don't find it causes a reduction in yield  when used on bushy plants, if you look at it in a different way them big fan leaves are hiding bud sites and no light gets to them, so if you remove the big leaves and expose the bud sites with just the smaller leaves and sugar leaves  they do the same job, there is loads of them on Indicas normally and bingo loads a light reaching further down into the plant and also gives more air flow. I won't argue the point with people it's up to people to experiment and then make their own mind up as I have right or wrong. I do it with my tomato mini bell / cherry plants/ black currant bushes/ chillie bushes etc long before I grew weed and it works the same way. It's nothing new it's been done with fruit bushes for hundreds of years. Try it on one bushy plant if it don't work, it's no big loss. Googles good but it don't grow weed, it just has some sheep running off in different directios and arriving at the end point.


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helped a friend who does a flood and drain sog and he takes all the fans off before the switch to bloom. he has really good yields, i haven't noticed it to be detrimental at all. he runs indica doms so they come out as sticks of bud you were referring to. he also continues to defoliate the entire bloom cycle. your grow reminded me of helping him, he used this method for years with good results. looking great brother, smoking some of the ape now it is excellent.



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@tokenroll and @samhigh, I wonder if you could have a crack at answering my question on this.  Frequently I see people defoliate by the removal of large fan leaves, obv seen more so on the indica strains, with the general consensus being that the removal of these leaves exposes bud sites to the light source, giving the buds greater light = more bud.  My question was if the plant uses the leaves to absorb light and essentially convert that light energy into bud - doesn't removing those leaves restrict that process?  Or does a plant not use it's leaves to grow bud, if that's the case why don't they fall off once flower starts?

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@unity from my experience as said above once the fans are off the new leaves that are produce will absorb the light and with all the sugar leaves open to light as an extra little boost. Plants do use leaves as you know but more in veg than flower as far as im aware and my results sorta show that. Try it and see, then you will learn first hand whats happening and become clearer.



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All the sog plants got lower branches chopped on the 15/02/2019 Except one as I held it over for a before and after photo. Some of the older fan leaves that had the brown spots also got removed.






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Reference the sog plants so far they only stretched by 4 inches , Nearly all 19 sog plants are 24/25 inches measured from the rim of the pot to the plants top bud. Happy with that, the extreme defoliation and leaving the lower branches on the plants slowed them down as expected and what was needed to let the other plants in the cab catch up to flower at same time.


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Thanks for putting the pre and post lollypopping shots up brother  :yep: it really helps other members who want to try this tech out  ;)


Not to much stretch bring shown which as you say has allowed the other plants to catch up and maintain that even canopy ;)


Until next time  :bong:


All the best 



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From today I will be doing maintenance work in the cab, as most will no these plants are in the cab with lots of other plants, so I will be defoliating and making any adjustments to all the plants, checking my run off EC and PH readings, being in 50/50 coco / perlite mix this has to be checked daily just like hydro in dwc etc, they will get a good flush with low levels of nutrients if needed to put everything back in balance. Walls floors and ceilings will be washed down with some antimould solution as a precaution. 


I won't be posting any images over the next few days, so take the images in previous posts as the before images and I will post the after images on Monday or Tuesday.



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On 22/02/2019 at 11:31 AM, tokenroll said:

Walls floors and ceilings will be washed down with some antimould solution as a precaution. 



I wish more growers would take this approach mate, a clean grow room is a productive and pest free room ;)


I'll look out for your next update mate :yep:


All the best  :bong:



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Dinafem - Gorilla Day 25 Of Flower.


Just notes today images will follow on the 26/02/2019.


All the plants have now had about 5 litres of Bloom nutrients flushed through them at EC1.3 and PH6.0 Nutrient temps at 22c same temp as the roots. So PH and EC are the same going in as out, so that sets them up for the next stage in flowering.

Temps in the cabinet are steady at 26c and RH 53% lights on and 21c lights off.


Every plant has had all the large fan leaves and fan leaves that are tight to the main stem removed. I now have for more air circulation above and below the canopy, and light getting into the plants. Buds are setting well as I expected on say the top 12 inches of the plants. The lower branches to be honest seem rather light on it and is my fault not the plants, the heavy defoliation before switiching to 12/12 is the cause, they should have had longer to recover but as already said in other posts I had a choice to make and stick to it. Im sure they will be fine but if in a weeks time if I don't see a lot of progress I may pluck all the buds on each branch and just leave the end clusters on. Not ideal but it's the way it goes and off course will effect the final harvest weight, that will matter to some people but I don't mind, I prefere the quality.


All pots, walls, lights etc have been cleaned, from now till harvest the grow area will be wiped down and hoovered out on a weekly basis, it's just my routine when im able to remove the plants from the cab.


Future updates will be in the normal format more images and less crap talked and relevant info updated when needed.


That's all the info for today, take it easy folks.





Edited by tokenroll
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Ive been slacking on this, you're putting on quite a show here. I like the structure this round better, bit of extra bush in there by the looks of it. Everything's nice and green to, i wish my grows looked like that lol 


Ive had some serious ups and downs building this thing, you may notice the odd extra hole in the frames lol Its done now and should be with you on wednesday along with the other 2 strips and driver. Should give a bit of a boost too the rest of the bottom shelf. 




Good luck with the rest of the round, sorry for slacking :D

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@diyleduk thanks for popping in much appreciated, yeah things seem to be running fine this round. I wouldn't be to worried about some extra holes in the frame lol more air flow and lighter frames hehe. Sorry for giving you extra work on the designs, these things should kick out some amount of extra light at lower power settings in the cab, but I will push and see what we can get them dialled in at.

When the lights arrive expect updates in the diaries with some pre-install images along with specs. I will setup my studio kit for some images to use in your catalogue/website etc (will email full res images for you and web sized versions) and then once installed I know the lights will be doing the talking. As for the extra strips for the bottom shelf I forgot all about them but no worries they will, be connected asap. 

 Once again massive thanks, your dedication to your business and commitment to your customers both on here and elsewhere is to be commended.


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@The Winston feel free to tag along it's all fun im not the best grower by any means, im just not scared to try something different if it flys back in my face never mind nothing gained nothing lost lol.


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