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6 plant 6 strain grow


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@jadenugs Thanks brother :yep:


1st lot cracked by me personally for 5 year's. I've already messed up by using 2l fabric pots as I think it's going to be a real pain potting these up. With that said the speed of growth in fabric pots is crazy fast :yep:


I'll try get a thread up at some point ;)


All the best 



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18 minutes ago, Dinafem-Mark said:

I've already messed up by using 2l fabric pots as I think it's going to be a real pain potting these up.

A cake knife or butter knife should do the trick to loosen them around the edges I reckon. Either that or cut them and peel them off mate, they're cheap enough. I suppose it depends how many root ends have pruned themselves into the fabric as to how easy it is to remove the rootball

Let me know how you go on dude as I might try potting up with fabrics in the future. I don't think it would stress them as the rootballs are very dense if given time, and the ends are dying off anyway with self pruning ;)


I'll be following anyway if you get a thread up :yep:

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@jadenugs I'll keep you posted mate  :yep:


This is mainly just for veg and sexing as I'm playing with regular genetics. 


I may let them veg in the 2l, sex them, clone and do a full run ;)


This Laika has me excited :)


All the best 



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Just now, jadenugs said:

Laika?? Is this a new lamp? :)



No mate a test strain I'm trying for Subcool. Not Dinafem related :bong:


Laika was the first dog in space ;) the strain is (StarDawg x Space Queen)


Quite a cool name ;)


All the best 



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4 minutes ago, jadenugs said:

lol I'd seen a post somewhere, you mentioning a new lamp lol

Sounds a nice cross ;) You'll have to start a thread now :yep:



Oh the lamp lol


That's another monster and a game changer. I'm just waiting for mine :yep:


The guy who created it is so humble and want to let the light do the talking. He knows what he has. Let's see how it performs. 


I don't know if I can do a diary on UK420 as the light is not by a UK420 vendor.


Maybe? Don't want to get in trouble lol


All the best 



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Sounds like something special ;)


2 minutes ago, Dinafem-Mark said:

I don't know if I can do a diary on UK420 as the light is not by a UK420 vendor.


Well I don't know the ins and outs of the rules but can't see any harm in mentioning the name of the lamp as long as there's no links or spamming/advertising.

We all mention the names of our gear, feeds etc ;)

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Day 22 bloom


Hi folk, I'm a day late with the 3 week update, been busy with other things.
So in their 3rd week they carried on stretching nice and steady, just how I like it, no hassle :) They've about stopped now.
The aroma when I open the tent is getting strong now. Started off as a dank sweaty sock smell but as the week progressed fruity aromas are coming out. I'll be disconnecting ducting on the exit side of my extraction fan soon to check if my filter is still doing the job.
Pak is still being fussy but we're still on a one feed fits all. There'll be some slight adjustments to that as we go into the main flowering phase.
I've still been rotating the girls on their axis every 2nd day but it's starting to get a bit awkward to do without disturbing the trichomes on the developing buds.
The lowers were cleaned up on Tuesday night.


I'm really pleased with my environment at the minute, night/day temps are nice and close. Adjustments to my intake has really helped. The rad thermostat was turned up by 1 degree when the nights got a bit colder. Humidity could do with being a little lower but I'll deal with that as they progress, if it doesn't lower itself, which it probably will do anyway as the leafy growth slows in main bloom and outside temps get colder. Here's the latest stats:


Temps 21-24
Roots 22-25
RH    48-59


As usual the 59 will be the spike straight after watering.
Sitting at about 50-51 on average.


As mentioned they are all still on one feed fits all but I won't get away with it for much longer. Fishmix went up to 2ml/L then down steadily to 1.5ml. Bloom was raised steadily to 2ml/L.


Last feed: 0.5ml/L Magnecal+, 2ml/L bloom, 1.5ml/L fishmix.
Volumes were 1.6L every 2 days for the Purps#1, 800ml for the Pak and 1.9L for the rest.

Last feed the P#1 had 1.4L, Pak 800ml and the rest 1.7L


Onto the pics.

Getting a nice amount of trichs at this early stage so I'm hoping for a large amount of frosty goodness at the end. My health is suffering so I'm moving on to oil extraction for medication from now on, with less using for recreation.


Sweet deep grapefruit
Smelling of sour grapefruit and really strong. Probably the strongest smelling of them all at the moment, along with the P#1. Hard to tell cos I can't smell em both at the same time lol

Stretched about 1 x it's size from switching to 12/12.



Early amnesia cbd
Sour lemon and skunky

Stretched just over 1 x it's size, a little bit more than the SDG



Smelling fruity this one

Stretched just nder 1 x it's size



Pineapples but very subtle up to press.

Stretched about 1/2 of it's size



very dank smell coming from this one, mixed fruit and sweaty socks. Quite strong too.

The fans covering the lower tops were tucked after the pics ;)

Stretched about 3/4 of it's size



Cali hash plant
This one started off smelling hashy, just as the name suggests but it is giving off a very sweet tropical fruit aroma now which surprised me for some reason. I expected it to be dank and musty like the Purps is, for some reason. Never mind, I like it :)

Gonna have to start defoliating this one, a leaf or two at a time I think. Been putting it off. I'll get a better pic of the cola sides next time so you can see the lower buds better.

Stretched about 1/2 it's size.



Group shots to finish with, showing the underskirt clean up and how much they've stretched, against the timber tent brace at the back. The tops of the back 3 were more or less level with the top of the rear brace at switch. If you can't make it out, the top of the rear brace runs level with the bottom of the side braces.




Well that about covers everything for this update.

Until the next one, thanks for looking in and happy cultivating :yep:


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Thanks for adding so much detail buddy  @jadenugs :yep:


The stretch info in particular is very valuable information for potential new growers of the strains your showcasing. ;)


The more detail the better :yep:


Your at the stage when stretch will be over or very slow now and stopping in the next few day,s. Then the girls can shift focus to bud/flower production  ;)


You already look to have some nice sites forming so let's see what the coming week's bring  ;)


Now the fun can begin  :headbang:


As always thanks for the diary update mate. I'll drop back in on the next :bong:


All the best 



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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@jadenugsI have finally managed to catch with your diary dude. 


As as always things aware looking sweet as in your garden, I love your attention to detail and the way you constantly fine tune everything to get every plant dialled right in. The result of all that is every plant in your grows looks perfect.


I am loving all the photos too, your diaries are always top quality, keep up the good work dude.


I feel the same as you and @botanics about popping seeds and I too have recently given up on mother’s and taking cuts. Popping seeds is way more fun and by using trusted breeders for feminised seeds I very rarely get a bad plant.

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13 hours ago, Smokebelch said:

Popping seeds is way more fun and by using trusted breeders for feminised seeds I very rarely get a bad plant.



That's what we like to hear :yep: and I hope we are a trusted breeder :)


There is something a bit special about the seed process  ;) I don't know if it's the nursing through the baby stages which you just don't get with clones.


Don't get me wrong clones have a place but I do like growing from seed too :bong:


All the best 



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Cheers lads :cheers:


On 15/11/2018 at 7:36 AM, Smokebelch said:

 Popping seeds is way more fun and by using trusted breeders for feminised seeds I very rarely get a bad plant.


The only bad plants I've had from Dinafem are through my own doing, environmental problems.


18 hours ago, Dinafem-Mark said:

I don't know if it's the nursing through the baby stages which you just don't get with clones.


Agreed mate, I call it the crucial stage and if you get through that with good results you're onto a winner. Don't get me wrong, I like growing my fave plants from clones but it's the surprise of what you get from a seed that is the most exciting, with the unlimited variation from genos and phenos. Then again, my Critical+2 clone I put outside is totally different to it's mother as far as aroma goes. Might try it tonight for a taste ;)

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You’ve got a couple of strains there that seem to fly under a lot of people’s radar. The Cali Hash Plant is one I don’t remember seeing a diary for and I think I’ve only seen one or two diaries for the sweet deep grapefruit. 

I’ll be interested in your thoughts on them when they’ve finished pal.

Plants are looking awesome pal. Top growing!

Edited by Rick Grimes
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@Rick Grimes Thanks mate, yeah I've been wanting to grow the SDG for a while now, sounds a tasty one. I don't think it has a very strong effect, from a couple of posts I've read. Maybe that's why it hasn't had many diaries.  I like to have different strengths in my arsenal for different times, places, moods etc.


Moobman grew a couple of CHP outdoors last year. They did ok, even though he had light contamination from a neighbours garden light and had to force them.  Here's the diary from the page he started the hash plants if you wanna read :yep:



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