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Sweet Seeds Crystal Candy LED grow.

assault and battery

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I suppose the lesson here is I can grow them much much bigger before flowering than I would conventionally. I’m not sure I’m patient enough though lol 

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@assault and battery I just flipped my cab to flower and to be honest I had no idea what the stretch on the strain would be first hand others told me they stretch a fair bit, so far about 1 inch in 8 days of 12/12 think I jumped the gun this time lol. Shit happens


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its all a learning curve at the moment!

I was expecting a mad stretch on these... also wondering if I stalled/stunted them a bit with the prolonged thrip problem on top of everything. 


Im so looking forward to getting the next grow in with the extra boards in place. I’m going to space the girls right out and let them grow like trees. Having so many boards I’m hoping I will easily deal with the varied heights. 



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I’m moving over to coco when I move the grow to its new home. I’ve got a medusa baseline run to waste system sat in its box awaiting its new home. 


I started with coco originally and moved to soil because I hated sorting ph and I was hand watering but now I’m looking forward to going more automated. 


I’m just waiting for my little log cabin to arrive and be insulated and then I’ll move back over and hopefully never look back! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 41 of flower 

temps holding 19-26c




a scraggly looking bunch but the smell is sweet and sherbet like and I can’t wait to tuck in lol 

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Coming on a treat m8 chunky looking buds for led, ive always just ignored led grows but this has opened my eyes a little :thumsup:


Keep up the good work man & hope alls going to plan with the other thing :ninja:



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I’m glad you think so - this is my poor effort and I’m quite embarrassed - I think they’re smaller due to my lack of watering, I’ve hated these cloth pot things. They’re hard to water properly and I generally haven’t. Had a couple of scares with finding them all wilted and desperate.( I added in a few gap filler plants in small plastic pots and these look much chunkier/happier) 


i do have some more babies In the wings that will be ready to flower when these come down and I can get them in some good old plastic pots - then I think I will have a much better more impressive grow! Fingers crossed eh? But on the whole it looks to be a plentiful supply until the next ones done and the smells are amazing. I just know I haven’t done them justice and I’m sorry to sweet seeds for that. I must try harder :) 


the other project is underway as of tomorrow! Mucho excitement.




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They look good from the photos @assault and battery - no need to be embarrassed.


Never grown the strain so don't know what they're meant to look like but you're still teething with your new lights. 


I'm still getting caught out by the lack of stretch with the quantums - even this grow and this is the 2nd run with my assorted strains.  Bet you'll be impressed with the final result so don't judge just yet - I was exactly the same with a petted lip thinking I'd fallen for the shiny shiny until I sampled the end results.  Flavours and terpines really stand out since switching (I know you are experienced with LED so might not be quite as good a surprise for you).


All the best



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@assault and battery your plants are fine, the fabric pots are something I think really require a drip feed system or flood n drain table. Using them here atm and wish I had setup the auto feeds.

Can't wait to here what the smoke and effect is like with this strain.

@Teeththey still surprise you even after a few years, what I have learnt with the strains I grow, is if stretch is double or triple under hps it's maybe half that under the leds. Have to keep that in mind but usually forget. Buds are not bigger but they are solid and the taste is a shock to the system. It's like a 24/7 candyshop.


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