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Sweet Seeds Crystal Candy LED grow.

assault and battery

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Tonight I did a soil drench with pyrethrum 5ec, im so down about this grow, the dirty thrip riddled bitches are still carrying on, im scared they’ll be dead in the morning. 

Tomorrow they’ll be sprayed again, so long as they don’t die tonight. 

After this grow I’ll set fire to the tent. 

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Ok. Powering on. They are growing on through their problems, looking better than I thought they might, no ones died anyway. 

The ones on the left are pretty much over their ordeal but the ones on the right not so much. 

Group shot 



A bud. 



Damage below 



Crispy bits 



Still new signs of damage on this girl,



Another full soaking of pyrethrum 5ec before bed time tonight. Tomorrow a break and then Thursday another root drench. 


Feed stayed at 2ml/l fish mix and .25ml/l root excel 


temps 22.4-26.6 - atleast somethings going well :) 

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nice m8, shame about the problems your having but they still look good to me, hope you get things under control :thumsup:


nice temps too, mine has also been 22 lights off & 29C lights on, perfect weather helps lights off temps a lot at the moment.


keep up the good work man :skin_up:

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thanks :) 

im hoping I’ve broke the back of the the thrip problem, it’s been a learning curve. I’ve had them before and have got rid quickly but this is a new tent new space and a new super thrip... 


Im going to give them a little thin out again at the weekend and hopefully remove someofthe crunchy parts, I’ve bought more boards to go in - I’m just awaiting their dispatch/arrival so by the end of the week I should be able to just blind the remaining thrips into submission. 


This was meant to be in my amazing quantum grow... But it’s far from amazing...for now lol 


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On 8/27/2018 at 8:10 PM, assault and battery said:

I’m open to suggestions. @ratdog should I use the harkers when it arrives? Or just do the pyrethrum again in a few days? 

Or both? 



Really sorry I missed this mate, tbh it doesn`t look like thrip damage that I had, I`ll try to find a pic from a few grows ago, thrips damage the leaf a bit like mites do.

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I think it is thrips, the silvery trails were very apparent. The crispy shit only happened after the first spraying of pyrethrum, I think because I did it an hour before lights off they burned a bit by being closest to the lights, I’ve since only sprayed about 15 mins before lights off and moved them to the unlit end of tent and then at 7am I get up and wait for lights on and slide them all back under the lights.

its a fucking mission at the moment trying to make sure I’m free at the right times to crack on undisturbed, I should have run the lights until an hour after the kids go to bed. I’ve been a bit of a plonker this grow all round :( 

I’ll keep this up for a couple of weeks and then see how they look. I put sticky traps around the base of the pots and so far nothing has stuck which is encouraging. 


On the other hand - maybe I’ve got thrips and mites? ... In which case ...I’m done.... 

Edited by assault and battery
On the other hand
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Tbh it looks like the pyrethrum has done more damage than the thrips, I would just give a spray with harkers and raise the lights and see from there mate.

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I think they are going be fine mate. Seen / had worse lol  Older growth effected, tops look ok. By the time they stretch you won't even notice :smoke:

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Day 18 of Flower


Im trying to stay positive about this grow, im suffering with some disparity of thought as to how it’s going, if I hadn’t have vegged so long I’d have abandoned the grow and started again but I think I’ll learn more if I just soldier on. I dread opening the tent, but I did and actually, they’re not looking great but better than I imagine they do. 

The Harper’s harker mectin still hasn’t arrived, I’m broke since spunking all my dough on more grow equipment so I’ll have to sit it out. I spent 3 hours checking for and squishing thrips by hand yesterday.... I feel grossed out by anything creepy crawly but I do it for the girls. 


I bunked off work yesterday, and a good thing too as this lot fell off and crashed into the floor, narrowly missing the girls...large.17A82360-B49F-48D2-B124-A54B3410FC29.jpeg


so shes been rehung, re taped and hopefully staying put. 


Flowers -



group shot 



the new growth looks mostly unaffected. I’ll root drench with pyrethrum again one more time and pray the harkers turns up.. 

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Have you tried diatomaceous earth for your thrip problem? 

Dust your medium and under the foliage as best you can, it’s cheap and effective but don’t breathe it in! 

Do it a few times over the next week then wash it off with a foliar spray and all should be golden .

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Day 21 Flower


sharp horticultural sand been added to tops of pots, im happy to report that I didn’t find a thrip today, I took out the last of the straggly bud sites, I’ll stop doing that now, and cleaned up around the bottom any crappy leaves. 


The harkers mectin has arrived but I think I’m going to stop treating them now and just keep an eye out. 


As we know, only half the tent is lit. I could now add in the other light but think I’ll wait until this grows finished. Although, I’ve been wondering about San Fernando lemon Kush and if she’d like to go straight in on 12/12.... lol 

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Well I’m 99% sure I’m thrip free now! Whoop! 4 weeks into flower and looking better than expected. 


I never used the harkers mectin in the end. I took @Lean Bear advice (big thanks) and used the ecoffective bug killer which was also pyrethrum based (with some other eco stuff) and I topped all pots with sharp sand and even bought some grow room pets to eat the pests and I’ve not seen any more damage or beasts! Yay!  


Im  sure they could have been better but they’ve been through a lot bless. Still, pretty good for a first go with the quantum’s....




group shot (with a couple of friends) 



Another 5 weeks to go so I’m hoping to see some fat chunky buds developing now. 


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