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The 2018 HSO Pot Noodle Challenge!

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39 minutes ago, MicroDoser said:

still do not know, are the seeds autoflowering or not?


The bubbas gift seeds will be feminized photoperiod my friend  :yep:


As long as all roots are contained a mini bubbler system would be allowed :bong:


Yes, pm me your details mate :)


Kind regards 



Edited by HSO-Mark
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Looks like people are keeping their Pot Noodle grow secrets to themselves. Usually, if a grower can help a fellow grower, we will not hold back and would always explain the growing techniques in full.


This is different, its a chance for the pot grower to compete instead of just co-operating. Its all for fun, I'll spill all my secrets at the end of the grow but I'm seeing a lot of people thinking along the bubbler route. I did say hydro myself as I know from experience, its easier to grow hydro when you have a small pot. That way, you lose less space with whatever substrate one might use. NFT is going to be difficult. Flood and drain easy, drippers likewise. Using sprayers I guess is out. Hand watering is more involved.


I'm keeping it simple though. As a soil grower I have no hydro nutes but I may go for some 'all in one' like Ionic, which has had great results in the past. I have my EC truncheon but for ph I'll likely be using some nute that corrects the ph. That way, flush with fresh solution and your good to go.


Got to do an organic one also. We are on a level playing field that way although those with more experience will likely be able to fine tune it better. From seed, in a pot as small as we are using, I think getting an ounce would be fantastic. Hydro, I bet someone out there is hoping they can push it to 100 grams. Its possible.


Yield aside, the main thing is growing a healthy plant. The beauty of seeds is that we will all have something a bit different and so its possible for a new grower to get lucky with some genetics and just happen to have some monster. I've not popped a seed without cloning it for the past 15 yr. I still remember some of the classic outstanding plants I never did clone.


Thanks to the HSO generosity and their faith in their own strains, I will be taking a look at their seed catalogue as I want to bring some new genetics into my life.


Best of luck everyone!

Edited by MyDisplayName2000
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typical, i got the wife to pick up a bunch of king size and now i have just seen the pics jibba jabba posted the normal size would of been a better fitting for my grow space .

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6 hours ago, MyDisplayName2000 said:

Looks like people are keeping their Pot Noodle grow secrets to themselves. Usually, if a grower can help a fellow grower, we will not hold back and would always explain the growing techniques in full.


This is different, its a chance for the pot grower to compete instead of just co-operating. Its all for fun, I'll spill all my secrets at the end of the grow but I'm seeing a lot of people thinking along the bubbler route. I did say hydro myself as I know from experience, its easier to grow hydro when you have a small pot. That way, you lose less space with whatever substrate one might use. NFT is going to be difficult. Flood and drain easy, drippers likewise. Using sprayers I guess is out. Hand watering is more involved.


I'm keeping it simple though. As a soil grower I have no hydro nutes but I may go for some 'all in one' like Ionic, which has had great results in the past. I have my EC truncheon but for ph I'll likely be using some nute that corrects the ph. That way, flush with fresh solution and your good to go.


Got to do an organic one also. We are on a level playing field that way although those with more experience will likely be able to fine tune it better. From seed, in a pot as small as we are using, I think getting an ounce would be fantastic. Hydro, I bet someone out there is hoping they can push it to 100 grams. Its possible.


Yield aside, the main thing is growing a healthy plant. The beauty of seeds is that we will all have something a bit different and so its possible for a new grower to get lucky with some genetics and just happen to have some monster. I've not popped a seed without cloning it for the past 15 yr. I still remember some of the classic outstanding plants I never did clone.


Thanks to the HSO generosity and their faith in their own strains, I will be taking a look at their seed catalogue as I want to bring some new genetics into my life.


Best of luck everyone!


I don't mind telling my plan because it cannot be copied. I will be using my doser that I have spent the last 18 months designing to monitor and dose the pot noodle 'tank'. As I am limited regarding workshop space, my testbed system was a 1 litre jug and I managed easily to regulate that single litre to within very tight tolerances.


With a small amount of tweaking, I reckon I could design a control system to run a very stable hydro system in a king size pot noodle pot.


Personally, I reckon this will be a lot of fun and a great learning experience.

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I feel like I've already lost the competition before its already started, I was just going to use soil or coco lmao

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I figure that within a month the roots will have filled the container enough to demand daily watering. 

Then you think we will hit June July and august and it could need twice a day watering .

Has to be on a timer of some kind for me , cos miss a watering or 2 and could mean plant death lol

When my big plants are fed , so will the pot noodle one, so touch wood it will flower to the end.

I just don't know how long I should veg for really? ooo the unknown , exciting ennit lol

Good luck all 

Mines cocod up sitting in position just waiting on the pips and I'm off. 


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17 hours ago, UKsFinest said:

I feel like I've already lost the competition before its already started, I was just going to use soil or coco lmao


Nah, not at all. I will be leaving my plant/plants over a hundred miles away from where I will be and I will just be monitoring the graphs for a couple of weeks at a time. I do not expect to make the prettiest plant, that will surely go to someone who can care for it every day (hint hint)


Many things could happen to my entry before December. I will be relying on a much more complicated system than just a timer and leaving it without human care for much much longer than a few days ;)


I will be using this as an extreme test of my doser. Sure you can make an inaccurate, sloppy doser that can dose a huge tank well enough but it is far far harder to make a doser that can keep a plant healthy in a pot noodle cup...

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On 4/16/2018 at 9:52 AM, UKsFinest said:

Am I the only one here that actually likes to munch a pot noodle? 

I used to live off them mate. Not so much now tho. Chicken and magic mushroom for me

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I will be sat by my letterbox waiting @HSO-Mark. Need to work out timings now for them to go in my stealth tent, I guess my diary is a good place to reveal my set up. 

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Hi marc, this sounds fun and interesting. I would like to enter into the challenge. Can you put down please.


Thank you

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Pot noodle purchased and scoffed.

Seems like this competition is hotting up!!

I have no secret formulas or plans, just straight up coco and the old hps. It's just abit of fun for me,I definitely won't be monitoring graphs.

It's going to be a great show off of the bubbas gift,so good luck to everyone :yep:

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1 hour ago, speshul91 said:

Just got back and put the kettle on, sticky rib and a bombay bad boy for me. Kingsize of course.


If I were to only have one, it would be the bad boy. As we are getting three seeds I got three flavours. Bombay bad boy, chicken and mushroom, and original curry. Kingsize, of course ;)


11 hours ago, Tete said:

Pot noodle purchased and scoffed.

Seems like this competition is hotting up!!

I have no secret formulas or plans, just straight up coco and the old hps. It's just a bit of fun for me,I definitely won't be monitoring graphs.

It's going to be a great show off of the bubbas gift,so good luck to everyone :yep:


It will just be a bit of fun for me too, I will be finding out with everyone else how things work out in the real world monitoring and dosing such a small amount. It could be great, it could be terrible. I am very curious.


Just to make things even harder for myself, I will be running RO with no medium (no pebbles, coco, or anything) for maximum instability, relying on the remote operation of a doser for maximum inaccessibility, for weeks at a time. Growing a new plant for the first time too so there will be lots of unknowns.


I will be very surprised if no issues happen and some may very well be terminal. I will be happy if I get one good plant to finish. I hope it will be the bad boy, hehe.

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Morning Uk420,


Right then I have been playing with the pot noodle idea, I have decided to try something new to me that I have never tried before.


I will be using what I have around the shed or garden, the only thing I will buy is the pot, which I already have.


So far my list goes,

Empty paint tin,

pot noodle, king, chicken and mushroom,

some irrigation tube,6mm,

a tiny 12v pump,

and the give away clue, an air pump,

probably a drop of coco to,

that's about it,


Have a good day.Jj:hippy:


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