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legalisation what would you want in


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Well of course thats different its for medical use and would be administered by people who know what they are doing, when your life is on the line then recreational purposes doesnt come into it you're willing to risk and damage whatever it takes to get more time


I am talking about giving kids bud like getting them a bottle of cider as an example as to how Cannabis is significantly different to carrots!


There is no such thing as a safe drug and even Cannabis has been known to cause adverse reactions in some people


In that video theres a fully grown man calling an ambulance because he believes hes going to die lol


Isn't that a big difference between carrots?

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32 minutes ago, Davey Jones said:

Its got nothing to do with brainwashing @botanics mate


Cannabis is one of the classic psychedelics, there is only 5. Its everybit the classic psychedelic too. The 5 classics all have an an unbelievable safety profile they are literally retard proof except for DMT if youre worried about death by astonishmenmt! lol


Cannabis is actually quite powerful stuff for the first time toker if you would give bud to an 11 year old child it doesnt say much about you to be honest its no different to supplying them with drink



lol Now I didn't say anything at all about supplying bud to a child did I ;)




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ah..think of the children lol


and forget the plethora of highly toxic every day foods and chemicals in the house


if a twat gave an 11 year old about 3 table spoons of table salt they would kill them


if a twat gave an 11 year old some raw bud it would do feck all apart from give them health (not decarb no high)


if a twat gave an 11 year old some dried bud it would put them to sleep..



AND the 11 year old would be sold the salt in a shop.! 

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Are people really saying cannabis should be looked at no differently to carrots?


Ok, i get it but Come on that's going a bit far with all the.. But, but, but...  its harmless..... lollol






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Related to the topic, but unrelated to the discussion currently (I think?)


I find myself at a serious cross roads about this question.. "legalisation" is prohibition under the guise of plant numbers, cannabinoid ratios and other arbitrary limits which I do NOT agree with, but it also means regulation in the growing of cannabis which I do agree with.., starting at what the grow shops are allowed to sell and ending at testing labs who need to be regulated in how and what they test cannabis for. I can't see much point in full decriminalization if cannabis is going to continue to be grown the way it currently is, overfed and full of residual chemical salts, plant retardants, riddled in molds, mildews, pests etc.. There are products sold today that are used on cannabis that haven't been used on consumable crops since the 70s and thats really serious, and evidently you cannot trust the grow shops to self regulate and not sell these items, you definitely can't trust the growers anyone who has spent time in a grow shop will have heard "I don't care mate, I don't smoke that shit!" (YES REALLY!!) . Some out there are still fighting the good fight but they're few and far between, trust me.


In an decriminalized environment there are none of those regulations much like now, which means that dirty cannabis will still get grown and still be consumed and I don't think thats cool. 

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if your talking about winning over the public to how its use is perceived


surely in the end it breaks down to..


why are we aloud to get (dangerously) drunk off our own booze, and be legally allowed to give children aged 5 and up alcohol in a private building when alcohol is highly toxic and can cause death.??


but denied to (safely) get high off our own weed which has never killed anybody.. because its impossible for it to induce death.??



their is simply no tangible logic to that ..on any level lol


m-m-mad sir  :smokin:


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@Golden Syrup do you not think thats a part of prohibitions fault though dude.?


you don't get that with tomatoes and such do you.. only when you get into mass production (which is shit anyway)



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Just because you can give alcohol to a child from 5/up in a personal dwelling doesn't mean you would... Would you?


I mean some probably do, but only right fkn numpties.

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23 minutes ago, Daze said:

Are people really saying cannabis should be looked at no differently to carrots?

i'm saying if we can grow a list as long as my arm, some listed earlier, that are way more dangerous/toxic/fun and have the(mostly) common sense to not poison children etc then WHY CANT I GROW WEED.

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On 3/6/2018 at 0:57 PM, Cambium said:


But it is different to every other plant. That's why it's so special :) it's not like I don't think it's harmless, but you're on a short shrift comparing Cannabis to carrots, that's just purely disinformation and you aren't going to fight disinfo with disinfo.



ohhhh i dunno mate ....  im smoking a lovely bit of parsnip kush at the mo   lol

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Thanks for the feed back peeps. Follks, read Cambium carefully ~ I think maybe he's getting misunderstood. FWIW, I'm totally in agreement with him. Its Cannabis' unique nature that makes it so important we get some level of decrim.


Some damned fine posts above, Thanks! I am not sure what I want to do, but I have a clear aim in mind, now I'm trying to plot the way, the route forward to get there as quickly as possible. Keep the idaes coming folks. You really cannot guess just how helpful some of your ideas are.


I figured it would be a while before I got my next smoke sorted. Pfft! Should've known better! All my life all I've ever needed to do was wake up and Cannabis seems to come at me like iron filings to a strong magnet! One fuck-off huge obstacle just melted away today.


Meanwhile, peeps, wrap one for me, and light up; then have a listen to this! Trigger Hippies, unite!



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2 minutes ago, twigs said:

their is simply no tangible logic to that ..on any level lol


I think there is bud.......money.......the sole reason behind the whole damned business being kept as it is.......


Not only would the booze business be hit ( it already is ) the by-products threaten many other industries and their profits....


As for control........well, they would have none.........can't have that now can we.....:wassnnme:





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7 minutes ago, twigs said:

their is simply no tangible logic to that ..on any level lol


sorry for quoting myself.. lol thinking on my feet



and you will never ever get anyone in a position of political power to give answer to that..

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15 minutes ago, twigs said:


if your talking about winning over the public to how its use is perceived


surely in the end it breaks down to..


why are we aloud to get (dangerously) drunk off our own booze, and be legally allowed to give children aged 5 and up alcohol in a private building when alcohol is highly toxic and can cause death.??


but denied to (safely) get high off our own weed which has never killed anybody.. because its impossible for it to induce death.??



their is simply no tangible logic to that ..on any level lol


m-m-mad sir  :smokin:



I agree, but we have got to justify why cannabis should be decriminalised now, not explain to people why it shouldnt have been criminalised in the first place.



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8 minutes ago, twigs said:

@Golden Syrup do you not think thats a part of prohibitions fault though dude.?


you don't get that with tomatoes and such do you.. only when you get into mass production (which is shit anyway)




Not now you don't, because their are regulations in place to stop it from happening again because it did happen and where found to be carcinogenic or whatever. That's why there are regulations in place. 

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