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Remo Chemo in DWC


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13 hours ago, zen-ken said:

An old friend decades ago used to swear by using a MH in the last days of a white widow....makes some sense now lol


Funny you should say that. My old man used hps through the 80,s-2008 but always did a bulb swap 2-3 weeks prior to harvest for a MH bulb. 


This must have been something he picked up on when working the Dutch farms in the mid 80s :)


Sadly the old man ain't here so I can't ask to see why he did this. It does make sense though  :yep:


All the best 



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47 minutes ago, Dinafem-Mark said:


Funny you should say that. My old man used hps through the 80,s-2008 but always did a bulb swap 2-3 weeks prior to harvest for a MH bulb. 


This must have been something he picked up on when working the ditch farms in the mid 80s


Sadly the old man ain't here so I can't ask to see why he did this. It does make sense though  :yep:


All the best 




My condolences for your father bro.



Me and my friend always loved this old white widow that the guy grew and thankfully we were friends of.....this has to be very early 90's for me.

This is the worst explanation for taste but me and my friend described it as 'old piano keys'......It may not have been a 25% like todays hybrids....but its effect an taste were extremely heavy and delicious as he was a soil man all the way....a master of his craft......but you never knew if he was pulling your leg or not as he said it only works on the widow.


We grew it but could never get near the taste.....not even close.


Looking at the manufacture website and the profile of the bulbs(MH v 10K finishing) I can see why a UV blast at the end would trigger resin response and the MH would have done that now in the absence of the 10k jobs back then....

I suppose by the last weeks you can trade trichome/depth of flavour for yield....I suspect this would show more in Hydro systems.


I was always worried at the time (advice was in short supply with no instagram, internet full stop) and a lot of people 'thought' they knew how to grow back then) I thought it would cause problems but have since seen the light lol lol the CDM light thread on here is very long but very good and got me thinking again...stayed up all night reading about how photosynthesis and exposed wavelengths affect the colour of leaves......wow things have changed....for the better!




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4 hours ago, zen-ken said:

wow things have changed....for the better!


They certainly have my friend and for the better :)


Thanks for the condolences mate. He passed away 10 years ago now and at the time I was growing but we clashed a lot. I learned everything from him but his teaching methods were let's say less than orthodox.


I remember turning 16 and going to Holland. This was not my first visit to Holland but was the first time my dad took me to the farm's. 


I got chatting with one of my dad's friend son who was 1 year older than me and some stories were crazy. When he turned 16 he wanted in the business. His dad said yes but the rules were brutal. 


Basically farming and that's it for 12-24 months. No social life, foreign country,  limited access to tech etc. It was a sort of initiation and something my dad did.


He learnt their then helped set up farms in other countries namely the UK and France. 


It was an experience and my dad said if you want in I'll leave you here but you'll have to do the apprenticeship which would have been 18 months in Italy. Setting up and running a farm. I was 16, big headed and said "I'll do it myself"


I wish I had done that 1 year just to make him proud when I was young. Thankfully my way worked but not how he wanted.


Before he passed we did a few grows together. He passed me his 3 cheese cuts. Exodus, suicide and psychosis and I still hook up with the Dutch from time to time :yep:


The only think I did he hated was feminized seeds. Called me lazy lol


I hope he's proud :bong:


All the best 



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Love it bro. :notworthy:


I know it must feel like you missed out on the year (i would have gone in a heartbeat)....and it may not have worked quite as he wanted....but as a father myself... I would be immensely proud (and am) my son had made his own way......Getting to do a grow with my kids would be a dream.


I know he may not have liked the fems .....but peeps like me sometimes just aint got space to sex them out.... but as a purest he is correct....I would use regs every time if possible and will go back to the fold once im a bit more stable and looking for a mother.


I have smoked the psychosis many times (I think).....my god she is good to smoke...absolutely soul destroying....dont mention the exodus cut please or ill cry (Love at first sight)......Suicide is a new one on me.


Im sure he would be proud that you are bringing his legacy to the world.


My best to you and yours





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Clean bottoms and perfected conditions.......my favourite 


You can see here how I use the CO2 bag.....I use the fan now to suck it up and push the CO2 into the plants


Not sure if it works but it makes me feel better lol lol lol


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The fan set up is not ideal...(may get a bit of wind burn) but is all I can do at the mo.


It does however circle the air round lovely and makes sure everything gets a nice blow of air.


My feeding schedule was way out.....had to dump a load of the water as the mix came out @ 1.4 E.C (I hate having to mix in the system but I aint got the room for a standing tote anymore to pre make the feed)


Just playing the wait an hour and adjust game......I should be at 1.1E.C and 5.9PH at some point today and thats where they will stay......I hope lol lol


peace and love






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It's all looking good in there buddy, just picked up on the bulb swap and funnily enough am in a position right now to do a little experiment.....


Due to limited space I can only do one at a time and currently have a Girl Scout Cookie clone 5 weeks in flower,


I started this one from seed and she's probably about the fifth or sixth generation clone from clone, so I know how she performs with just HPS to the end.


I use the MiniMax 150 which can take either HPS or MH, same ballast etc...........I'll swap them over at seven weeks and we'll see what happens........:yep:




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thanks @stu914


Please let me know how you get on and your thoughts on it....I would love to try again (the MH or the 10K finishing....may still...depending on your results)

I have had so many problems getting my set up ...set up lol lol and as the Remo is a new strain for me my results would be meaningless for comparison.


You being dialled into a strain your very used to is going to give us the results we need to compare.


Thank you for checking in







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The E.C dance didnt last long......thank f@@k :headbang:


Just checked and Im at 1.0 E.C and 5.9 PH :thumsup:


Really aware of over feeding....  @Badbadger and @badbillybob have advised about how easy it is to overfeed these girls so will leave them there for the moment.


Maybe slide it a little towards 1.2 E.C later in the week...Ill see how it drains the res first.


(I may be an old dog but im very much liking learning new tricks)




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The girls seem unimpressed with my feeding schedule and want more....they have dropped the system by 0.1 E.C again.....in 16 hours :yep:

(if it had been more time I would have left the E.C at 1.0 as the res water has no nutes in it so will always drop the E.C when it tops up)


I am going to very very gradually move it back to 1.1 E.C today and see how they get on....if they strip that im going for a heady 1.2 E.C :thumsup:


this is getting close to as far as I like to go at this stage (1.6 is the highest I have ever been in my system but that locked out a HGK recently - and she's a heavy feeder)

(this could have been the old nutes I used....they were in storage in 40+ heat for two years and I had space problems...they are tall bitches).


Why i brought 5 litre feed bottles is beyond me....I could do about 8 grows by how much I'm using lol lol cant even get a 1ml/litre in it at the mo.


Hammering the silicon tho.....a trip to the grow store is on the cards.


Good health and fortune to my green fingered comrades 


Peace and love





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I always worked on the principal that in RDWC you want 70% of what you feed in other systems.


That being the case 1.6 would equate to roughly 2.2 e.c.....no wonder I locked them out but they were going so strong i just kept pushing.


not happening this time....i hope lol lol


As always.....thank you for checking in guys 


:thumsup: :thumsup: :thumsup:

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Looking good mate I never knew about that RDWC ec ratio vs other systems but that's because I've only used soil/coco I haven't researched much DWC but I'm definitely interested in giving it a go. 

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3 hours ago, UKsFinest said:

Looking good mate I never knew about that RDWC ec ratio vs other systems but that's because I've only used soil/coco I haven't researched much DWC but I'm definitely interested in giving it a go. 



If you do bro give @badbillybob DIY RDWC thread a read .....its pure gold and the spray bars are savage for DO levels (did an iccle experiment and was shocked at the result)

I can only use one spray bar at the moment but my next build will use his basic design with some of my own tweaks so it can fit in my space.



The results are staggering when dialled in.....you use next to f@ck all nutes.....and best of all.....I have some roots, stalk and a handful of hydroleca to get rid of at the end. (compost bin for those with some potato peelings)

(run out of places to keep burying the coco and getting rid of a tray of hydroleca full of roots from my ebb and flood tables was getting silly.


Quick clean with H2O2 and Im off and running again.


You get more yield this way but taste does suffer (my mates soil pisses over mine for taste but i yield twice as much - sometimes lol).


I have used the bat shit flavour enhancement...not sure what difference it makes as I never did a serious comparison but the science was good and its not like it adds a lot of E.C to my mix

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The inline filter thing i added was the best tenner i have spent so far.....when doing the water change I cleaned it.....it  had caught an iccle bundle of roots destined to ruin and block my new enhiem pump.


It also caught the plastic bits from installing the chiller :yep:

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