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1st Ever Grow - Blue Kush Auto


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I'm using vitalink coir max and feeding by filling up the tray at the bottom of each plant so that's probs where the fish tank smells is from also have roots showing out the bottom of each of the pots. Il do a more detailed photo shoot over the next couple of days. 

Thank you all. 

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Happy Friday everyone here's a few pics I took on Wednesday morning day 52 I think it was first up a group shot


Then starting from the back left


Back centre 


Back right


Front right


Front centre 


Front left


All fattening up nicely just the fucking temps driving me mad now but should only have a few weeks left so not long at all I can't wait.


Thanks for reading

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Don't feed from the bottom mate :nea:  


That fishy smell sounds like root rot and I can see on the outside of at least one your pots that fungal mould is present, that aint just salts, the material is rotting because it's fabric and done for...some hydrogen peroxide (or bleach) for cleaning any and every piece equipment will be needed after the grow...you'll also need to scrub your tent out I'm afraid ;)


Sitting in water is a nono for ganja on the root systems and you also need to hydrate (flood) from the top in order to cause suction of air down into the Rhizosphere and subsequent gas exchange at the roots...this keeps them healthy and is essential for keeping them well supplied with Oxygen :yep:

Edited by botanics
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Thanks for the heads up il have to make room to get in to water from the top. it's not a fishy smell, but I'd say it ain't right however when Iv had them out on the bed to mop the tent floor it stank the house out how I'd expect with a nice ganja smell. They need a wet today so il have a go from the top. 

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Just had a good look at each plant the funky smell is from 1 of the plants the shortest but fattest nearly all the pistils are orange so I'm gunna lower the feed on that one before going to plain water. 2 of the the others aren't far behind either so il lower them aswell then the other 3 have just started spouting orange pistils so I'm gunna leave them on what they are on atm. 

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I went to plain water not 100% if its correct but i cant see it making any difference. I started seeing yellowing of the leaves after second flush :D



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Thank you mate Iv deffo fucked at least 1 plant up so gunna flush to see if they can still be smoked don't fancy nutes in them still or I'd chop now. 

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Go direct to ph,d water mate no need to reduce the feed :)


Don't be to hard on yourself as this is a learning curve and you now know not to leave plants more specifically the roots in stagnate water as it can cause so many problems :)


By the sound of things it is only 1 plant so you have got lucky :)


Get some fresh water running through and don't let those roots or bottom inch of the pot stand in water for to long :yep:


Will check back in on the next update to check progress out mate  :yep: hopefully you can salvage this plant :)


All the best 




@botanics Thanks for the input brother  :yep:

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Cheers mate 4 of them have had 1 plain watering and 2 others are still on the nutes because they have pretty much all white pistils they will be switched to rinse beginning of next week. All the buds look and smell fine just the rest of the plant looks fucked. Can't wait for grow 2 now lol

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Thinking about it more and talking with other growers we are finding that whilst fabric pots are great additions to a garden. They do react very different when being watered :yep:


An example.


If I grow in say 11l square Wilma pots in soil I can get away with watering every 48-60 hours but if I use a 12l fabric pot I need to water every 24-36 hours.


It's a learning curve mate and you have myself and the UK420 community for support and advicd if needed  :bong:


All the best 



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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3rd plain watering and the runoff is still pink/red by Wednesday it will have been a week and they will be just having watering number 4. Il post some up close pics soon they don't look pretty no more tho mainly yellow but the buds look smokeable. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Right il start off by saying chopping and trimming takes hours didnt expect it to be so time consuming at all but they are all down and dry now, due to the time of year and possible visitors had to wait till night also i forgot to take detailed photos i did take a couple during the chop but time wasnt on my side so just got on with the job. I chopped 3 then let them dry, wasnt sure if id flushed properly so took the remaining 3 down a week after roughly. The first 3 weighed in at 9oz given or take and the other 3 weighed in at just over 11oz plus some small buds that wasnt worth hanging that weighed 44g so im going to try making some oil using ISO and a slow cooker.

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Sometimes you just have to crop out when you can :)


By the sound of things that extra week for the 3 remaining paid off but saying that 9oz/3 is not to bad at all :)


Let that bud cure and you will have some potent bud on your hands  :)


Maybe finish off the diary with a smoke report and a few dry bud shots?


Until then great job and enjoy that end product mate  :) well deserved  :)


All the best 



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Lovely yeild for the size of the plants mate. Would love a smoke repoet on that blue kush its been staring at me for months lol


Nice job



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