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Àdh Mòr Pota = Pot luck RGSC


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@Flintstone, well what do u expect from a female gurellia but hairy legs lollol .


Ooh my, what big feet you have PMSL :rofl:. I turely & outterly love those wellies, how cool :realcool: are they, sexy or what, love them :thumsup:. Thanks for sharing them :yep:.

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They would probably be quite handy down the plot in the wetter months! Wellies can get quite heavy after a while!! They are under the stairs stairs somewhere! I'll have to dig them out :)

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They are looking well good @Irishgirl the plants, not the legs lol super healthy, not one trace of critters at all, I do think there could be a few creepy crawlies on those legs somewhere! reminds me of my ex Hairy Heather lol 


Just jumped on board, sorry for not following earlier, cracking job so far :yep:

Edited by nudger36
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2 hours ago, Flintstone said:

Holy smokes Irishgirl!!! Them legs are a fire hazard :rofl:

Here's those wellies... found an old pic :rofl:  Adapted for speed :yep:



lollollol quality 

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Those boots were made for those legs, look how the hairy finishes just where the boots start.........:rofl:

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6 hours ago, Irishgirl said:

Hey guys thanks for popping in  & commenting & those who liked, must appreciated :yep:


@Razza420, thanks for helping, answering @SWEET PURPLE BUBBLEGUM question for me as I myself couldn't give an answer as there is no real answer except double up to account for losses etc.... :yep: and as mentioned da pigs :police: where u would have a total loss so it's best to have a few plots :lucky:.


@Key4, thanks 4 popping by & comment. Ya it cud have been a slug but saw no sign of slug trail etc & had pellets out. I did think afterwards it cud have been a field mouse but who knows now :g:.


@Flintstone, catching up, well let me tell u this....... I got new wellies, like running wellies so u won't catch me PMSL :rofl:. Joking mate, thanks 4 catching up. Hope u got rid of that rodent :nope:. I bet da fecker didn't have wellies :rofl:. Now your on about crocodiles on da first pic lol, now what r u seeing that I ain't or I don't get? :g:lol .


@terpa, no problem with trying to help. I'm only learning myself but by helping, supporting each other we will get there :yep:.


@TEESSIDE GROWS, thanks mate for comment & that DFG is taken off now. Pictures shortly to follow :lucky:.


@joesoap, thanks for calling by :yep:. Make herself at home, Barry's tea in da cupboard :yep:. Ooh God, u can pick my brains away as nothing there as I'm only starting out myself but willing to help in anyway I can. Shame about da cages but you got to deal with what you have & make the most if it. On a positive note isn't it just great to b able to do a GG :yep:.




Your a good egg 

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Get on gal! Sorry I haven't visited much I barely have time to update my sht uff.

Looking real nice - and you do pamper your girls like they were getting ready for a night out. Very nice. Oh apparently, cats taste a bit like rabbit. Just a thought:execute: :skull:    lol. Only messing. Keep up the spirit and dem positive vibes going. Much respect. :hippy:.

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Hi @LE BIG BUD, thanks 4 calling in & no worries mate as there is a lot happening this season with plant outs, diaries etc & hard to keep up with it all :wallbash:


Thanks to all for popping in  commenting, likes with the great sense of humour,  love it :yep:.


Ok folks, off with the wellies & on with the grow lol .  I went to visit da plots today & everything seems good as the plants are coming along nicely  :yep:. I did notice one tyers hole was water logged so i had to dig a trench foe this to allow the water to pass out. Sorry no picture of this. My main purpose in visiting the plots was to scatter a few seeds to create a cover crop for the ladies so they will have a nice layer on them like a feather duvet & the living organic casts have a good mulch. So I mixed the following seeds together & scattered them out .......


Clover Seeds



Mustard Seeds



Buckwheat Seeds



Watch out, bettle's about



That's all folks until the next time keep safe :yep:.









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13 minutes ago, Irishgirl said:

Hi @LE BIG BUD, thanks 4 calling in & no worries mate as there is a lot happening this season with plant outs, diaries etc & hard to keep up with it all :wallbash:


Thanks to all for popping in  commenting, likes with the great sense of humour,  love it :yep:.


Ok folks, off with the wellies & on with the grow lol .  I went to visit da plots today & everything seems good as the plants are coming along nicely  :yep:. I did notice one tyers hole was water logged so i had to dig a trench foe this to allow the water to pass out. Sorry no picture of this. My main purpose in visiting the plots was to scatter a few seeds to create a cover crop for the ladies so they will have a nice layer on them like a feather duvet & the living organic casts have a good mulch. So I mixed the following seeds together & scattered them out .......


Clover Seeds



Mustard Seeds



Buckwheat Seeds



Watch out, bettle's about



That's all folks until the next time keep safe :yep:.









I wanted to do the same cover crop idea @Irishgirl, but not sure how it works and I'm confusing my brain... I read that the nitrogen fixing plants like clover store the nitrogen in nodules growing on their roots. However it tends to be used up (I think?? :unsure:) during flowering... So do you need to work it into the soil just before it flowers? Do you know?

I love the idea of getting free fertiliser and potentially a camo cover when the ladies are young. 

If the case is true for the release of nitrogen, the clover would probably need to be sawn as to timing it with the end of season, so it doesn't flower before the ladies are ready. Donno if that makes sense?? 

My other reservation is that hunters in the US :badass:use it to attract deer on their patch :g:... Not too much of a problem on my plots luckily.


Anyway, there's a field near where I go fishing that have a cover crop of clover going on. I'll check if they plow it in before it flowers or not, unless you know the answer?


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32 minutes ago, Irishgirl said:

Hi @LE BIG BUD, thanks 4 calling in & no worries mate as there is a lot happening this season with plant outs, diaries etc & hard to keep up with it all :wallbash:


Thanks to all for popping in  commenting, likes with the great sense of humour,  love it :yep:.


Ok folks, off with the wellies & on with the grow lol .  I went to visit da plots today & everything seems good as the plants are coming along nicely  :yep:. I did notice one tyers hole was water logged so i had to dig a trench foe this to allow the water to pass out. Sorry no picture of this. My main purpose in visiting the plots was to scatter a few seeds to create a cover crop for the ladies so they will have a nice layer on them like a feather duvet & the living organic casts have a good mulch. So I mixed the following seeds together & scattered them out .......


Clover Seeds



Mustard Seeds



Buckwheat Seeds



Watch out, bettle's about



That's all folks until the next time keep safe :yep:.









Omg that's a brilliant idea. I used to always be wondering how I'd camoflauge the big obvious exposed beds of compost I had. They kinda stick out in an otherwise rough looking field.That's genius.

I used to be trying to cover mine with old grass and dead ferns haha. Any idea how long it takes for those seeds to sprout on the surface?

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@LE BIG BUD, ya I love the idea of no till with these plants. The reason I use cover crop is mainly two things...


1. Keep moisture in soil 

2. Mulch for living organic casts.


I'm very new to all this no till but I follow brownguy420 with his style of no till grow. I have learnt about natural teas/brews from him, other internet site & here of course. This site is the plant bible for me :yep:

The seeds can be sown at anytime but for me now is the right time as the worm cast etc will want something to munch on. As the worms route & feed from the cover crop the plant believes it's under attack, so to speak & the plant comes to it's defences & root out & become bigger stronger plants. Nature is magic lol . This is my understanding or logic to this method. I just scattered the season in, around the tyers & gentle rolled my finger tips on/around the area. I know rain was forecasted so there was no need to water in as the rain will take care of this for me. In another 2x plots I did the same thing but also scattered on the ground area & racked/rubbed in lightly with me wellies lol .

There is an indoor no till grower on here @Percygrower_420 who would know a lot more about this method as I believe his on his 3rd run of no till. He also has the cover crop in his pots. Take a look at his diary :yep:.

My idea is to start as I have, compost, amendments  etc in the tyers with cover crop & all being well next season just add to it like a lazanaga, layer after layer lol . Have a look at this link. Mark from dinafem shared this with us.


I hope the above somewhat helps you out but as mentioned, this is my theory anyway as I'm just experimenting of what works, what doesn't work etc.. there is a wealth of info out there that can get overwhelming so I just try to keep it simple & follow a few videos or guys on here. I'm learning as I grow :yep:


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23 minutes ago, Irishgirl said:

@LE BIG BUD, ya I love the idea of no till with these plants. The reason I use cover crop is mainly two things...


1. Keep moisture in soil 

2. Mulch for living organic casts.


I'm very new to all this no till but I follow brownguy420 with his style of no till grow. I have learnt about natural teas/brews from him, other internet site & here of course. This site is the plant bible for me :yep:

The seeds can be sown at anytime but for me now is the right time as the worm cast etc will want something to munch on. As the worms route & feed from the cover crop the plant believes it's under attack, so to speak & the plant comes to it's defences & root out & become bigger stronger plants. Nature is magic lol . This is my understanding or logic to this method. I just scattered the season in, around the tyers & gentle rolled my finger tips on/around the area. I know rain was forecasted so there was no need to water in as the rain will take care of this for me. In another 2x plots I did the same thing but also scattered on the ground area & racked/rubbed in lightly with me wellies lol .

There is an indoor no till grower on here @Percygrower_420 who would know a lot more about this method as I believe his on his 3rd run of no till. He also has the cover crop in his pots. Take a look at his diary :yep:.

My idea is to start as I have, compost, amendments  etc in the tyers with cover crop & all being well next season just add to it like a lazanaga, layer after layer lol . Have a look at this link. Mark from dinafem shared this with us.


I hope the above somewhat helps you out but as mentioned, this is my theory anyway as I'm just experimenting of what works, what doesn't work etc.. there is a wealth of info out there that can get overwhelming so I just try to keep it simple & follow a few videos or guys on here. I'm learning as I grow :yep:


Thanks for you reply. I've checked out mendo dope before I started this season. The tree growers hey! Pretty insane... Guess they have the weather too.


I'll check the other chaps diary too. Thanks for sharing @Irishgirl:thumsup: I love lasagna lol

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I've used the same method of scattering ground cover seed in the form of clover and some other companion plants. The clover has really taken off and is starting to blanket the area. I'll take some pics next time I'm down there and put them on my diary. I've also got some basil, parsley and mint seedlings to plant out around the lorry tyre too!


Here's some good info on clover/nitrogen https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/resources/966-the-role-of-clover

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Well I have just read the whole thread and can say you have definately put the work in to deserve a very bountiful harvest.


I am very sorry for your loss (of seedlings), these are trying times, if theres anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask.



As for those legs, you are making me regret all those times I said "women never go au-naturel anymore" lol


Good luck with the rest of the season.



look how condescending I am, wishing the Irish luck. pffft


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Wow I'm only just getting round to checking out your diary? So rude of me! 


I have to to say I LOVE the idea of using the old tyre's. I have access to loads of old manky ones and I will deffo do this next year. Thanks for the inspiration! 


You've put so much effort into your plot it looks great, sorry about the seedlings! I've killed loads too (as you know :') ) but I just chalked it up to being new and just plain bad luck. 


I think there's a lot to be said for not going with the more commercially popular brands of seeds. I see loads of diaries on here using RGSC seeds or Dinafem etc and having much better success (outdoors) than those using Barneys etc. This could be a case of experienced grower vs genetics though and those growing RGSC etc are just better at it haha! 


Thanks for doing this diary, super helpful! I'll be sticking around.  Good luck!

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