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Black Jack, Mohan Ram and Blow Mind Autos in supersoil under LED


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@Fragg I've just read through the post i did earlier and the top bit didn't make sense, then I realised some of its from a post I didn't finish a few days ago so it must have auto loaded it and didn't spot it,sorry buddy second half of its right though.


I'm going to roll a fat one and fall asleep with David Attenborough on tv I think.


Take it easy mate.








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@Badbadger It made perfect sense to me as I had already compared the final week to the monthly comps in my original post so yours slotted in nicely mate...in my mind ....and yours So we are all good lol 


Have a a good week man:oldtoker:

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Cream Caramel  - Day 56 - Week 8 Update

Greetings ganja guys n gals its Week 8 for the Cream Caramel and we are coming to the end of this diary/potumentary :) I will be running her for at least another week to 10 days I think as she still has mostly white pistils and I prefer my ganja to be well done for the extra pain relieving effect of the higher CBN levels.  ;) A trichome check showed she has mostly cloudy pistils about 60 % but still 40% clears and had not really ambered up so far....


She had an ACT this week that I wont document here as I already have earlier in the diary, I dont do these at a particular time in the grow just every 3 to 4 weeks to keep the microbial populations nice and high for want of a better word lol Other than that she is on bubbled water, no longer rain water as I had run out, having had the longest dry period in my living memory in the wettest place in England....just my luck to try and do rain water growing right now :D Luckily its finally rained big time today and I've been filling up all day and filtering and storing it in case of another long drought! Rain just seems the natural choice to water my plants with and I noticed many years ago how watering my lawn with a hose stalled growth and made it go yellow too thanks to either the chlorine or chloramine levels. Plus the idea that it was free appealed and up until recently plentiful! I live next to a river but after a big rainfall it froths up something rotten, must have some chemicals from somewhere, so I would wary of feeding my plants with it, although I use it alot on my outdoor garden with no issues. I just like to be extra careful with my ganja :yinyang: So a big thanks to @bobnudd for coming up here for a break and bringing me the rain, his midnight naked shamanic dance on top of Scafell Pike appears top have done the trick lol 


I did have an issue this week when I fell asleep, knackered plus not a little wasted, on the sofa having left the heating on after work to help clean up after a busy day, this meant I managed to cook the plants and myself a tad :wallbash: I'm fine, thanks for asking, but the plants have some upturned leaves and some are a bit burnt but nothing too drastic as it was only for a few hours. I'm hoping it will improve resin production as it recovers from the heat shock! Yeah wishful thinking I know lol That said the buds have been fattening at quite a rate and continue to do so :yahoo:


Lets start this evening show off with an across canopy shot...




Now for some closer in looks at her buds!




This is the one with my beard hair in it....ooops :) Plenty resin though :bong:




This bud had developed two heads which is always a good sign :guitar:




The pistils are just starting to turn now so 7/10 more days should see her cooked :yep:




Lovely even buds too, they are all the same size :)




Another resin factory pumping out Creamy Caramely trichomes :D




This was my fav shot from tonight's sesh :smokin:




So into the final stretch now on this grow and I think I'm going to have a pretty sweet yield  :toot: Gonna need it too, as so much for being a 'kid free zone', daughter is resigning her job today and moving back home 'for a bit' and my youngest son will be back soon too from uni having finished his degree, tbh I cant wait as I miss them both terribly :yahoo:


I had an email today from Tommy asking for my Tel no for the delivery co. so it looks like I wont be able to incorporate my first bubble hash run into this competition before it closes, possibly a good thing as I bet I cock it all up lol I'm not going anywhere tho, touch wood, so I will be covering my experiences with the 19l 8 bag Bubble Bag system at some point :) 


I'll have her on plain bubbled water until harvest now and I expect her uptake to slow as she stops growing and also producing resin :yep:


The next update will be the harvest update to bring down the curtain on the growing part of this diary, leaving just the smoke/vape reports to wrap it all up :band:


Oh yeah I thought I'd include some bud washing tunes I use to help skank dem buds :bong:



Thats all for tonight folks so until next time stay frosty and keep it green all :oldtoker:


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On 14/05/2017 at 4:23 PM, Badbadger said:

Wether we take it seriously or not once your nominated your thinking "well a few quid would help out so may as well do what I can" then before you know it your like a competition behemoth trying to find any angle to improve your chances and its not easy.


There's not much I wouldn't do for a few bits of non DIY equipment so it's easier to run and less faff for me but it is what it is and I tried my best as you did in the first two,I was actually happy to not get put up 3 times lol 


Totally agree with this man, I was the same with my 2 and it gets to your head a bit like, start streeing out etc which confuses the issue somewhat...just gotta do YOUR thing mate and let others worry about theirs I've found, restore the balance a bit like ;)

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Hey mate, you're bringing them Creams home lovely , bang tidy and as you said should fill a jar or two :yes: I feel for your invasion, my two have had the odd "just til I sort myself out" returns lol  I'll pop back for the big finish bro. 


Breezus :yinyang:

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6 hours ago, Bud Wiser said:

Oooh, @Fragg ... those Caramels are looking lovely mate. Top job. I can taste 'em from here ... :punk:

Thanks Mr Wiser! Appreciate the support mate :yep:


6 hours ago, botanics said:


Totally agree with this man, I was the same with my 2 and it gets to your head a bit like, start streeing out etc which confuses the issue somewhat...just gotta do YOUR thing mate and let others worry about theirs I've found, restore the balance a bit like ;)


The thing is lads the prizes are superb from Sweet Seeds so the pressure really piles on if you let it, I've noticed it a few times over the past few months with various members. Gotta agree with @botanics best to focus on your own growing and giving good vibes and love to your plants, worrying about prizes isn't good for your health lol 


6 hours ago, Breezus said:

Hey mate, you're bringing them Creams home lovely , bang tidy and as you said should fill a jar or two :yes: I feel for your invasion, my two have had the odd "just til I sort myself out" returns lol  I'll pop back for the big finish bro. 


Breezus :yinyang:


Hey man thanks for popping in and I hope you are well! :skin_up:

I have a feeling this is just the start of this phase mate, perhaps time to implement my plan of moving back to Greece...or will that make matters worse?? :unsure:


I'll pop by your diary later mate, finding not enough time of late to get around all the diaries :/


ATB dude :smokin:



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@Fragg not long now buddy.


4 days and Its all over bar the smoking,vaping,mixing,extracting etc and of course the $$$$$ plus maybe a high holiday lol


To think it felt exotic to smoke a pipe 30 yrs ago or maybe a well packed chillum if you had enough when we were generally classed as "druggies" or "on the funny cigarettes" or Rodneys "wacky baccy" in Only Fools and Horses lol


Get those plants cropped scrubbed and pics up the finish lines calling you.


Great growing mate.

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11 minutes ago, Badbadger said:

@Fragg not long now buddy.


4 days and Its all over bar the smoking,vaping,mixing,extracting etc and of course the $$$$$ plus maybe a high holiday lol


To think it felt exotic to smoke a pipe 30 yrs ago or maybe a well packed chillum if you had enough when we were generally classed as "druggies" or "on the funny cigarettes" or Rodneys "wacky baccy" in Only Fools and Horses lol


Get those plants cropped scrubbed and pics up the finish lines calling you.


Great growing mate.


No not long now my friend!! :yep:


Things have indeed moved on from chillums in the teepee circle at Stonehenge man but tbh I'd go back to those days in a flash they were idyllic  :smokin: 


Gonna be both sad and relieved come Saturday I think mate :) 

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Mohan Ram Trim and Weigh in Update


Top o' the evening uk420ers!! I trust we are all feeling nicely enhanced by our favourite herb this evening :smoke:


The Mohan Ram's stems were snapping with the thicker ones just bendy really, this I find tends to give me c. 62% humidity in the Kilner jars which is what I'm aiming for. I also use Boveda 2 way humidity packs, the 62% ones, to help correct any errors in over/under drying plus they also mean I dont have to worry as much about burping jars as I tend to be a little on the forgetful side :bong:. I have a little home made trimming tray, basically a cress box with a picture in the bottom so I can rest my arms as I trim and I can clean the glass easily at the end :) 


There is virtually no popcorn in with the trim pile as you can see its just leaves really, the buds themselves are rock hard as always with LEDs tbh....




 A closer look at this superbly named strain of White Widow and SAD parentage :smokin: All washed organic meds :yahoo:




I dont normally weigh my ganja as its pointless as I can see how much I have normally but for the sake of this completeness with a diary I weighed her at 78 grams or 2.79 oz I make that :guitar: She smells unreal quite unique actually sort of spicey but complex already I have super high hopes for this lady :smoke:




I've loved growing this strain from start to finish and I hope you have enjoyed the journey too :) I'm growing her again for sure, soon too if I can and I've already ordered another pack with my April monthly winnings :yep: Gotta thank Sweet Seeds for developing such sweet sensi :yinyang:



Vapexhale report still to come! :bong:

As an aside I've collected a bucket load of rain, 5l x 20 to be precise aaaaand the drought is over! :)

Next up I will bring you the harvest report for the Cream Caramel but for now its vape o'clock :skin_up:

Til next time stay frosty and keep it green all :oldtoker:

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29 minutes ago, Irishgirl said:

Fantastic diary @Fragg & unbelievable grow skills, top notch mate :yep:, excellent :yep:.


You are too kind @Irishgirl here's wishing you all the best for your outdoor season! :oldtoker:

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Congratulations on your April win mate, it's definitely deserved I hope you get some nice goodies :) Bud looks excellent man delicious, I know they taste awesome in the vape.




e2a: that's amazing we posted at the same time in each others diaries :hippy: 

Edited by ska
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8 minutes ago, ska said:

Congratulations on your April win mate, it's definitely deserved I hope you get some nice goodies :) Bud looks excellent man delicious, I know they taste awesome in the vape.




e2a: that's amazing we posted at the same time in each others diaries :hippy: 


I know very weird... as I said... synchronicity, in your diary :yinyang:


I had been busy for a few weeks so had not got round to seeing how you were getting on but kept thinking must pop by ska's diary not knowing the score , the split second I click on your diary I get a notification you are looking at mine lol


Thanks for your kind words and I will be sending good vibes your way my friend :oldtoker:

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Cream Caramel  - Day 65 - Week 9+ Harvest Update

Greetings one and all hope everyone's had a good ganja day :smokin: Time with just 3 days to go in this comp to do the harvest update on my Cream Caramel :yahoo:


Before I do I had a lovely comment from a customer today I just thought I would share if I may. This fella was an old boy that had been coming here for decades, his grandchildren had played in the river next to me as kids and they are in their late 20s now he told me. Anyway he said the highlight of his Lakeland holiday was sitting in my garden for half an hour every holiday. :yinyang: That just made my day that he found it so relaxing here but also made me chuckle .....if he saw my "other" garden lol


Anyway enough tales from the river bank onto the main even the harvest for the sweet Cream Caramel.:guitar: I took her at day 65 from seed having seen enough amber trichomes for my tastes :smoke:She was on 2l of plain water daily  for the last 10 days now but her uptake slowed over the last 3/4 days showing me she is ready for the chop!


First up this evening an overall shot or two of her in front of my Green Qube 1.2m tent having had a tidy up before I wash her, she smells ridiculous!! She makes me feel hungry to consume her if that makes any sense, I smell her and my eyes go all wobbly like in this smiley -> :smokin:




Changing the angle a bit




A closer in view of one of the buds :)




Here's one of her side buds before I trimmed off unwanted leaves and tidied her up,  I thought my hand would help for scale :)




and another pre trim shot




Another close in shot but after pre trimming this time ....




I then chopped her into manageable stems for the washing and drying process and placed them onto a large picture I have of an old Indian dude smoking a "Hookah" pipe :oldtoker:




There's a bit of purpling in them I think :)





Another close in bud shot




The whole plant all chopped and ready for the 3 bucket wash! No more Sweet Seeds plants!....not so!...... I actually have a Jack 47 following along just cos I want some more of that kick ass strain lol However for the sake of this competition this ends the growing part at least they are all down now. :band:




I will be back with a trim and a weight report for the Cream Caramel next but before I go I had a play with the video on my camera and grabbed a vid of the buds being jiggled to dry for a laugh. It is NOT an entry in the video category lol There have been some class time lapses in this comp and I do love watching them, who doesnt like seeing cannabis grow fast?? :D  So best of luck to all those in the video category as they have put in alot of work :yep:



I had done another but youtube picked up the music as copywritten :(


Next up as I say will be the trim and weigh in for her once dried but the smell of this whilst drying was possibly the stinkiest weed I've ever dealt with, it was literally a security concern it was so pokey and we bought loads of smelly candles as an emergency measure. The general public are in a part of my house 7 days a week so it cant honk of dank ganja lol


I hope you have enjoyed tonight's show and my foray into the video world, Ridley Scott beware! :pitchfork:


2 more days to go and just 2 more updates too ...... :sweaty:


Til next time stay frosty and keep it green all :oldtoker:



Edited by Fragg
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