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Reggies Jack47, Crystal Candy and Cream Caramel competition diary


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Special boost update....

Come on in and have a little Jack47.....



The dog hair just gets everywhere!


On ‎17‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 6:27 PM, Arthur Mix said:

Reg that cola is a fookin whopper, any chance of using something to show how long it is? Amazing :oldtoker:


Hi @Arthur Mix actually had a go at holding a metre ruler up in front of the camera. Didn't work so well...






Trichs are mainly clear going cloudy so she still has a few more days. Not long now....


On ‎18‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 1:31 PM, vince noir rock n roll star said:

jesus reg ..you been flashing both yer nuts at that j47 ..that my dear boy is something rather impressive ,hope it smokes well  for you .


dunno @vince noir rock n roll star that might make it smaller. lol

Thanks man. Been trying a bit off the drying vine and so far am liking the effects.

This shot is a side cola off the Jack47.....




On ‎18‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 2:15 PM, Breezus said:

Mate, that cola is mahoooosive! :bong:

@Breezus one of the joys of not topping is a large main cola. Gotta to say I'm liking it on this one....







On ‎18‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 7:46 PM, Inspiration101 said:

If that big one starts asking for Seymour to bring it some food...... run !


Looking great there, what a monster :)


Thanks @Inspiration101 your comment made me chuckle.  FEED ME, FEED ME NOW!!!



On ‎18‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 10:10 PM, DomTong said:

Wow Reg I would be bothered that big triffid doesn't tear up roots and come and harvest you instead lol 

lol Dom.


Going to be harvest time soon so we will find out!




On ‎21‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 11:09 AM, AustrianTokker said:

:eek: you can't even take a picture of the whole jack47 - it's that big! :) well done on the nomination and good luck.


Hi @AustrianTokker absolutely true about the Jack47.  Thanks for the well wishes.

Here is my latest attempt to take a pic of the whole thing in the tent...




Some of the colas are hidingbehind the main one but you get the idea!


On ‎21‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 3:51 PM, vince noir rock n roll star said:

congratulations on your grower of the month nomination reg ..ive no idea who would get it this month ..so fingers crossed ..


Thanks @vince noir rock n roll star  not given it a lot of thought as I'd only end up going nuts about it. :bangin:  Have tried to make this comp all about enjoying the process and those of others as well as a chance to learn and indeed grow ourselves. Anyhow I'd better move on b4 I get all 'Star trekky' on you. :alien2: lol


Cream Caramel in the middle and crystal candy on both sides. The last crystal candy has been in the flower tent just a few days now...







23 hours ago, Badbadger said:

@Elvis Reg




I've just showed your massive shaft of bud to my Wife and it made her blush and giggle that's a rare thing these days buddy hahaha


That's one freaking awesome plant man and your others look fantastic to.


@Sweet Seeds-tommy


Whoever wins this months grower of the month or the overall winner for that surely there should be a special award for an achievement the size of reg's?


Having an indoor bud thats bigger than a Man should be acknowledged in the annals of ganja growing and in the future it will be a seminal moment in Sweet Seeds history.


In future comps there could be a one of prize awarded to a grower who does something spectacular.


From now on I will greet you as Sir Elvis.


(Sorry for the bit of fun Elvis but that's some fantastic growing)








@Badbadger thankyouverymuch




22 hours ago, styer556 said:

Superb Elvis ....:bangin: grow 


thanks @styer556 it has been a fun grow so far. this is one of the cream caramels frosting up nicely....



7 hours ago, Fragg said:

@Elvis Reg congrats on your nomination this month mate, no great shock with buds like yours! :eek:


I can see why your other name is The King now ;) 


ATB for the rest of the competition fella :oldtoker:


@frag thanks man and good luck yourself. Like you said I'm just an organic watering machine and these  genetics do the rest. Eagerly awaiting your next video btw. Love those. Thanks for stepping in here is a pic of a Jack47 and a 1m ruler...







6 hours ago, bobnudd said:

Wow! Great work Elvis, aint nothing but a Monster that Jack! And the rest are looking might fine :yep:


Best of Luck in the comp mate, well deserved ! :) 

Many thanks @bobnudd very nice to hear that. The comp really is secondary to enjoying the comp/grow, getting good plants and having a bit of a crack. Th nomination is a bonus way and above what I expected.

4 hours ago, Sweet Seeds -Jaypp said:

Cheers Elvis :hippy:

well deserved mate, you have great skills with the plants ;)


Good luck and keep up the sweet work!



@Sweet Seeds -Jaypp thanks man. Thanks for following my progress this far. Hope this diary can do the nomination justice.


1 hour ago, botanics said:

Fucking mental that's what it is, a freak of nature being created in here :eek:   Awesome work :yep:

@botanics it just kept growing!! Thanks. :yep:


Finally a giant 1 metre ruler shot of the big girl. Been on pure water since last update.  Next update she will be coming down....





That's all for this time.....

Thank you for visiting.

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Special Chop update part 2....

Jack47 comes down....




Day 86 of flower by my reckoning. Trichs were cloudy but not all the way. Could have let it go another few days but had started to look a bit 'done'




Here is the haul from the first Jack47 plant. Have not weighed but a nice amount. Am happy.

Like to brown bag the bud after hanging until close to being dry. This is hanging up behind the dehumidifier in the flower tent. It is an area with good air flow that is in the shade....



If you look behind this crystal candy plant you'll see the de-humidifier  used to control RH in the flower tent.  It is where the brown bag is hooked.leaving it 24-48 hours in there. It really 'finishes' the bud perfectly imo. just don't like the bag being in direct light as I figure it might heat it up a bit too much and in my set up it is possible behind the dehumidifier.


That reminds me I've not bored you all with my set up yet....



the set up is 2 x 600w HPS in the middle and 'farside' of the tent and a 315w CMH lower down on the 'nearside' of the tent. The idea behind this apparent madness is that the plants arrive in the flower tent needing a good area to stretch and begin flowering. They go under the lower CMH which IMO is very good indeed for growth.

Once they are well past the stretch I move the plants across to the HPS flowering area where the lights are fixed to the roof of the tent as high as I can get them. I used to use parabolics but they reduce the height of the usable vertical space so in these cases they just get in the way.


As you can see I have a pedestal fan for the plant tops and a small static fan that I imagine sways a little on its own in the breeze and another 6 inch desk fan on the floor....




The fan can be seen behind this Crystal Candy which is looking green at the top cos I was wearing a green light with the tent lights off for these pics.



On ‎22‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 7:47 PM, DomTong said:

@Elvis Reg(Sir)  Your gonna give me nitemares reg lol 


@DomTong thankyouverymuch...  :ghost:




On ‎22‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 7:55 PM, vince noir rock n roll star said:

thats you bollocksed reg ..you went and mentioned me lol...


@vince noir rock n roll star oops I did it again! Something strange is going on in the flower tent. A strange green glow can be witnessed just before sunrise.......



The tent is 1.2 x 2.4m Hydrolab running 6' out and passive intake.


On ‎22‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 8:01 PM, Arthur Mix said:

Holy moly @Elvis Reg that is a whopper......Nice grow:oldtoker:

Thanks @Arthur Mix I appreciate your compliment. Here is a shot of the plant hanging.



She was really heavy.




On ‎22‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 10:59 PM, vigorocious said:

:mellow: speechless. that is a cola, a meter long ruler and a dumbfounded me.


ok @vigorocious  check this out! come chop time tried to use heavy duty trimming scissors to chop the stem. the kind with the blue handles. anyhow they broke. One of the blades sheared right off. Next normal garden shears. No chance but at least they didn't break! Finally had to use these.....



Had to use a full size pair of heavy duty gsarden loppers on the stem in the end. lol


On ‎23‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 10:28 PM, mygreenmojo said:

I've had a word with the local council and they are voting now to see if these should be made into a landmark lol




@mygreenmojo hi man. tried to get a non yoyo shot but the whole thing kept toppling over... once chopped was struck by the sheer weight of the plant in the hands.



On ‎24‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 6:31 AM, rabthegrower said:

that looks nice :) 


Thanks @rabthegrower have some cream caramel looking like they might be ready soonish, they look nice too...



On ‎24‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 8:56 AM, Fragg said:

:eek: words fail me! :) 


@frag thanks man. Here are some crystal candy shots...




quite a lot behind the other 2 this one is bushing out nicely under the 315w CMH area of the tent.



On ‎24‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 8:48 PM, Breezus said:

2017 the year of the Triffid !!! F*** Me sideways with a gardening implement if thats not some kind of record!! :yes:


@Breezus thanks man that plant was really heavy! Even the side branches are really heavy. Here is a side cola shot...




even this one is heavy. Tell you it is a great plant all round. Been a lot of fun to grow.


The other plants are remaining normal sized. A lot less plant means a lot less work. np. Things are nice and slack in the flower tent now..




On the left the Crystal Candy, middle cream caramel and right crystal candy behind the others. Plants are all on same feed as last time.


That is all for this time. Thanks for looking in....



Edited by Elvis Reg
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Nice boost update bro :) that was some size of plant. 4 jacl47's just like that every time would do me nicely lol did you keep a clone?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Latest Update....




Jack47 in the bag....


After hanging since chop put into brown bag with holes in the side for ventilation then hung in the tent in the usual place. Been there 24 hours needs another 24 I reckon before into the jars.




The green tinge is the light not the bud.


On ‎27‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 10:31 PM, vince noir rock n roll star said:



Love this tune. Thanks vince.


The Cream caramels are looking all tuned up and ready to go. They just started 100% water flush today. Have been reducing it to 2/3 then 1/3 during the last week on these and one of the crystal candy. Here, have some pics someplace.....





Had a heat issue with the warmer weather recently. Had to shut off one of the 600w HPS in tent to reduce temps which were hitting 35 down to 28 with a nice 22 at lights off.


On ‎28‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 8:46 AM, rabthegrower said:

Nice boost update bro :) that was some size of plant. 4 jacl47's just like that every time would do me nicely lol did you keep a clone?


Not only did I not keep a clone I forgot to try a reveg on the bigger plant during chop like I intended. All cos I was high on the 1st J47 plant during chop. Mistakes, they happen. TBH not that bothered as the Jack47 from the first plant has already transformed from lovely daytime fun to something which comes at the end of something and is to be respected. At the end of the curing process perhaps even feared.

Anyhow The show must go on.....


These are the award winning Crystal candy. Well done on the new award Sweet Seeds.  looking like one of them is coming to the end and the other still has some way to go...




On ‎28‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 2:32 PM, Breezus said:

@Elvis Reg BOLT CUTTERS! lol that is the pic of thee day for me :rofl:


Thanks for stopping by @Breezus that plant is now in the bag and the focus is on the last wave. The smells coming off them are varied and gorgeous and in some cases a bit head scratching. For example I could swear I'm getting a parsnip/swede type scent off one of the cream caramels. I don't know much except they are looking riper and riper by the day.




So all these except the Crystal Candy behind the others are getting 100% water from today onwards. The Crystal Candy is getting 3/3/1/0.5 a/b/cm/boost.


These will be ready soon. Looking to chop next week.


Thanks for coming and see you next time.

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