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Jackass 3D ~ 7

it's OK but once again it makes you wonder why we have to pay

extra to see a film that never needed to be in 3D in the first place!

Skyline ~ 8

critics have been divided about this movie, like a cross between

War Of The Worlds and Starship Troopers was a bad thing!

go with the flow/blow, you'll dig it

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Get him to the Greek' on saturday funny as, despite previously thinking Russell Brand was a complete cock before this. Having seen it all I want is to smoke Geoffrey.

I watched it on saturday too, were you that fella outside the window in the mac?

I'd give GHTTG a resounding 10/10, some great performances all round, especially from P Diddy who showed himself to have fine comic timing with some pretty decent acting skills. You could argue he was only playing himself, but he was playing himself on Jeffrey, which is another thing altogether.

I honestly couldn't fault it, not a dull scene in the whole near two hours and it flew by.

"You can't outrun me, I'm a black man." :wink: :rofl:

I know where your grow is.


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Dolan's Cadillac. It's an adaptation of one of Stephen kings short stories, and I thought it was great for a gritty revenge is a dish best served cold type of flick. outta 10 I'd give it 7.5 stars.

I've read that story. Is it a new film? Where did you see that mate?

I got it off netflix... you can stream it or order it.. It has Christian Slater in it as the bad guy, and the good guy is someone I've seen a few times, but can't remember his name...

E2A: IMHO of King's work I'd say it's a full notch above most of the other things Hollywierd has put into film.

Ooo I watched this last night podgy and I'm gonna have to differ. Me and the missus thought it was fucking terrible, really really bad. poorly scripted, badly directed, shit acting apart from a passable performance from christian slater. Hated it.

I'm a big fan of Stephen King's early work and have watched most of the films of his books. So far, this is the worst I've seen, it's even worse than Children of the Corn and Sleepwalkers! :guitar:

Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks. For me it's 0/10

Edited by robot chicken
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it's even worse than Children of the Corn and Sleepwalkers!

There bad in a goodway imo...The Enya soundtrack and lead actress in Sleepwalkers are goood! :stoned:

And as for Malachai ... :yep:

Last film Holy Mountain, funded by John Lennon and Yoko during the height of the Beatles Acid era.

10/10 Never seen anything like it...very special filmaking.

A Christlike figure wanders through bizarre, grotesque scenarios filled with religious and sacrilegious imagery. He meets a mystical guide who introduces him to seven wealthy and powerful individuals, each representing a planet in the solar system. These seven, along with the protagonist, the guide and the guide's assistant, divest themselves of their worldly goods and form a group of nine who will seek out the Holy Mountain, in order to displace the gods who live there and become immortal.

Prepare for the madness...

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Four Lions - Funny 7/10

I'd give it 10. Unbelievably funny film. I was routing for them to blow something up by the end.

Edited by JustinWafroGuy
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Dolan's Cadillac. It's an adaptation of one of Stephen kings short stories, and I thought it was great for a gritty revenge is a dish best served cold type of flick. outta 10 I'd give it 7.5 stars.

I've read that story. Is it a new film? Where did you see that mate?

I got it off netflix... you can stream it or order it.. It has Christian Slater in it as the bad guy, and the good guy is someone I've seen a few times, but can't remember his name...

E2A: IMHO of King's work I'd say it's a full notch above most of the other things Hollywierd has put into film.

Ooo I watched this last night podgy and I'm gonna have to differ. Me and the missus thought it was fucking terrible, really really bad. poorly scripted, badly directed, shit acting apart from a passable performance from christian slater. Hated it.

I'm a big fan of Stephen King's early work and have watched most of the films of his books. So far, this is the worst I've seen, it's even worse than Children of the Corn and Sleepwalkers! :stoned:

Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks. For me it's 0/10

Sorry, off topic again (it's me, I live off topic). What did you think of The Mist ?

I loved it, a great old school monster B movie that totally twisted it at the end to make it a fantastic proper horror movie. The stuff in the supermarket was great, but that ending... man, that's one of the great, dark endings, even King himself (I believe) said the ending was better than he could have written cos he's no good at endings. If you haven't seen it I recommend it, it's a most enjoyable movie (that ends like a punch in the guts :yep: )

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Guest Bonsai Labs

Agreed, the Mist is a proper modern classic. I don't know if you've seen it in the proper High Contrast Black and White version that he initially intended it to be released in (before Hollywood insisted the colour version went out instead) - that takes it to an entirely different level! can't reccomend it enough :rofl:

B lol

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Completely agree with you Boojum , The Mist is an awesome film , typical B movie but the effects are pretty good compared to most other lowish budget B movies, the end is superb and definetly makes a good film great. If you are going to watch only one Stephen King book to film conversion I would say this is probably the best.

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It's amazing that The Mist passed by without a whisper. I'd never even heard of it until a GREAT friend who REALLY knows her horror recommended it to me after it was out on DVD. So I got my torrent on ( :rofl: sorry, trying to be all hip & shit, and failing horribly :rofl: like your dad trying to dance after a few too many light ales at a wedding lol ) and absolutely loved it :(

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Despicable Me in 3D - don't bother...

Saw 7 3D - Standard Saw guts and gore but in 3D, good laugh.

Jackass 3D - Same again but in 3D, had me in stitches - but that's my humour. Some bits might cause you to lose your dinner - be warned...

Gonna see Skyline, Burke and Hare, Due Date and Harry Potter 7 (thursday night hehe) next.

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Dolan's Cadillac. It's an adaptation of one of Stephen kings short stories, and I thought it was great for a gritty revenge is a dish best served cold type of flick. outta 10 I'd give it 7.5 stars.

I've read that story. Is it a new film? Where did you see that mate?

I got it off netflix... you can stream it or order it.. It has Christian Slater in it as the bad guy, and the good guy is someone I've seen a few times, but can't remember his name...

E2A: IMHO of King's work I'd say it's a full notch above most of the other things Hollywierd has put into film.

Ooo I watched this last night podgy and I'm gonna have to differ. Me and the missus thought it was fucking terrible, really really bad. poorly scripted, badly directed, shit acting apart from a passable performance from christian slater. Hated it.

I'm a big fan of Stephen King's early work and have watched most of the films of his books. So far, this is the worst I've seen, it's even worse than Children of the Corn and Sleepwalkers! :pugwash:

Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks. For me it's 0/10

Sorry, off topic again (it's me, I live off topic). What did you think of The Mist ?

I loved it, a great old school monster B movie that totally twisted it at the end to make it a fantastic proper horror movie. The stuff in the supermarket was great, but that ending... man, that's one of the great, dark endings, even King himself (I believe) said the ending was better than he could have written cos he's no good at endings. If you haven't seen it I recommend it, it's a most enjoyable movie (that ends like a punch in the guts :pirate: )

Yeah I watched The Mist last year, it's one of my favourite short stories of King's, pretty damned good adaptation, the CGI monsters let it down a bit, but still, very good.

that ending though, fucking hell talk about downbeat!

I'm looking forward to the adaptation of the Gunslinger books which is apparently in production. Done right, it could be amazing.

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