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Critical Mass CBD, Fun Fun Fun


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Howdi doodi and welcome to another diary entry......with pictures :photo: :photo:

As promised here are some pictures that were taken last night (day 6)

Plant A

cm1 d6

cm1 d6

plant B

cm2 d6

cm2 d6

Group pictures

cm d6

cm d6

Well who would of guessed it, only been chosen to try out the Amnesia Kush :toldya: :toldya: :toldya:So plans are now afoot to get the second tent, a few bits of kit are missing from the party, such as a tent, 250w cfl, filter, jubilee clips, the list goes on. But I have got maybe 4 weeks from germing until they will need to be re homed. So I am going to get the bulb and shade sorted, then the other bits. But happy to report that they will be in water before as soon as they arrive, seems to be a few folk that will be running these at about the same time, it will be nice to compare and see how things develop.
Right that's me about done, off to get some food as I missed breakfast.
Take care and stay baked
:oldtoker: :oldtoker: :oldtoker: :oldtoker: :oldtoker:
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All coming together now mate,new bits & bobs,it never ends eh!

Plants are looking great,look forward to seeing them in full bloom.

Good luck 12-12 sy,and niceone with the Amnesia Kush.

Grow them well.


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A picture of health Sy, you're treating your ladies well :yep: Good news on the Amnesia Kush too dude! Will be looking forward to the diary :) (shame I couldn't have gone for them, but just aint got the room at the mo)

Nice work bud on the mainlining bud ;)

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What sort of stretch have you had in these first 7 days mate?

They are on a nice feed regime. These next 14 days will be all the stretch period then flower time :). Very nice job so far mate and a very interesting grow tech

All the best


Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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@@Tenchie thanks for looking in my friend. Your kind words are appreciated as always. Your right about never ending, upgrades are always nice though,so glad I am single with no kids. lol I was looking at a 300w led to have in the new tent,but think I will just whack a 250w cfl in there.

@@botanics cheers mukka, hope your well.glad you think they look alright. Shame you didn't have the space for the AK.

@@Dinafem-Mark I had a look last night and it looks like the stretch has indeed started. The lights go on at 7pm,do I will get the tape measure out. There were switched at about 10" if my mind serves me correctly. I will post the heights with me evening update.

All that has been done today is that the plants were rotated 90 degrees.

Well just enough time to roll a quick one......

Enjoy the day

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@@botanics glad to hear it. My nose has just started.

Today has been a strange one,decided to go on a bit of a mission to get some bits to make some bubble (or try to). Grabbed a couple of buckets,pair of tights and some coffee filters. Just need to go to the shop and grab a couple of bags of ice. I was planning to wait until the girls are done and get a set of bags. But my jars are now empty,so I hope to get a small piece from the trim in the freezer. (1x smile 1x wonder kush).

I will take some pictures of the fun and games.

Actually pretty happy at the minute, 2 healthy plants flowering, about to make some hash, and I have been for a food shop. Quite a productive day.

Tutty byeee

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Greetings earthlings.....welcome to day 9 :alien2: :alien2: :alien2: :alien2:

Before further adooo a picture from yesterday.....day 8

cm d8

As you can see there is a bit of a difference between the 2, the larger girl is standing a 15" (10-11" when switched),and the second which is lounging at 10" (8" when switched). So I would hazard a guess that the taller would be more sativa? I might look at another super crop tonight when they are fed, but then again I might give her some canes and lst the branches. Of course the details will be in my late night update :rockon:

Last update it was mention that I was going to try my hand at homemade bubble (no bags).

I layered a bucket with ice,trim,ice,trim,ice, and added cold water to just cover the ice. And mixed........

making bubble 1

Repeated the process 4 or 5 times,having a smoke between mixes
I then used a separate bucket which I covered with tights, kind of like a drum, I then gently removed ice and plant matter,and poured the liquid through the drum (bucket with tights) I then removed the tights and I was left with a soup.......

making bubble 2

I left this to settle over night, then siphoned off three quarters of the water, then poured what was left in to a small container and placed in the fridge to chill

making bubble 3

then it was poured through some coffee filters

making bubble 4

After a while we were left with this

making bubble 5

I scraped the goodness up with a spoon and was chuffed with the amount of hash that had been collected

making bubble 6

making bubble 7

That concludes the update for now, take care and thanks for reading.
:smartass: :smartass: :smartass: :smartass:
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@@botanics cheers mate. I was quite pleased for a first go.

Just a bit of an update on the hash. I left it to dry a bit on some cardboard, in small lumps. Then I gathered it up and pressed it on a plate with the back of the spoon. It was then scraped off,clumped together and pressed again. I then placed the disc of hash in the freezer for an hour or so. Then took it out and used a sharp knife to chop/shred it. The shavings were then placed in cardboard to air dry. I waited for a few hours and repeated the process. At the moment it is airing on the cardboard, I think that it will just be left now. Hopefully I might be able to have a nice smoke before bed.

Heard that the amnesia kush will be sent on Monday,so a new diary will be started as soon as they land. Pick up the cfl shade,200w blue cfl, and the HPS bulbs on tuesday. As on day 14 the bulbs will be swapped from the 400 mh's to 1 x 400w HPS and 1 x 600w HPS.

That's all for now my dear friends.

Stay safe and stay green.

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Correct mate I'm aiming to get the amnesia kush out first thing Monday :).

Very inventive way of making hash. Looks lovely :)

I may have a old set of bubble bags around only 1 gallon bags I thing 5 in the set. I'll see if I can find them if I can they are yours if needed?

Nice update mate

All the best


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Thanks for the kind offer D-M, I would really appreciate them.

Here are a few pics from last night (day 9), Decided to super crop the taller of the girls.

cm 1 d9

cm1 supercropping

The second had nothing done

cm2 d9

Group shot

cm d9

Be back soon with a feed update.
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Hello again, just a bit more detail about last night's escapades.

As mentioned before, the difference in hieght was playing on my mind. I did look at LST but the girl would of just been too wide. So I supercropped each branch which gained me maybe 3". Also doing it about now should give her a good few days to recover from the abuse.

Feeding wise they were given: 4ml/l OT grow, 1ml/l bio silicon and 5ml/l root stim. Each lady had a drenchwith 4ltrs and was left in the run off. Whilst iI made a juicy joint......yum yum. They were then placed back on the dry tray in the tent,I also swapped their position in the tent.

Well what can I say about the hash, hashtag omg. I remember being stuck to the sofa,then I thought I was levitating, then it is a bit of a blur. Finished it off today, so those bags will come in handy for a second run. Muchous gracias senior @@Dinafem-Mark....your a true gent

That'seeverything up to date.

Stay happy,stay baked.

Edited by sy100276
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Good morning. Welcome to a brief update.

I rotated the pots last night and noticed the pots were pretty light,one more than the other. As luck would have it I had 8ltrs of water standing ready to go. So they were given a good drench with 5ml/l rs,4ml/l grow, 1ml/l cat.

Happy to report that the bigger girl that was supercropped a few days ago has recovered well.

It does look like buds are starting to form,so maybe a few more days of growth and then budding will start in earnest. The bulbs get swapped on Tues,and we will be running 1000w from then(Quite excited).

Well that's all folks.

Bye for now

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When I next chat with my mum I'll see if I think they are. Last time I used the small bags was a good 2 years ago but I will certainly have a look around for them :)

All the best


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