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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Thankfully operation relocation went very well :) and thank you to the good uk420 mod team for removing the picture, for security reasons :) always better to keep family pics out of it :)

All the best


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Little update from England via tenerife.

Had a text today saying my large kitten is looking a little off colour.

So I rang my friend. I half expected this as the cj looked to be incredibly hungry especially for N. I had adjusted my feed schedule accordingly before I left and the last two feeds got up to 3ml bloom and 1ml pl of grow and 1ml of calmag and then the last feed 3.5ml bloom .5 g and 1 cal mag

I had a sneaky feeling that at even 4ml pl this girl could still get hungry.

I haven't seen any pictures as it hasn't come through but he assures me it's contained to the bottom of the plant on the larger older leaves with them looking pale.

Its gonna be one of two things. But I'm placing my money on it just needing a touch more N so I've instructed him to give it an extra ml pl of grow tomorrow night when she gets fed.

Fingers crossed this is the right thing to do.

He says he hasn't lost a leaf still and none are looking like there fucked so touch wood one extra little boost of N should keep her right till I get home and can diagnose it.

He says she is showing no signs of burnt or yellow tips at the top so it shouldn't do it any harm

Thanks for looking by.

Signing off from tenerife

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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I would say a n increase will definitely help especially if they are not showing any nute burns. Hope you holiday is going well and thank you for taking the time from your break to keep us posted on "operation relocation "lol.

Enjoy the rest of your break mate.

All the best


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The girls are home safe and sound. Carried covertly in my buddy's van with "home gardening services" written on the side with me tailing him from behind. Although they didn't smell an awful lot when they went, they fucking honk to high heaven now.

Overall they look OK. They were looking hungry from the pics but it appears the cj has got some yellow tips so I reckon temperature fluctuations have caused a bit of lock out whilst simultaneously being ever so slightly overfed.

This mostly affects the bottom half of the plant and the canopy still looks pretty healthy with the budding coming on very nicely.

Hopefully now she is in a stable environment she will not get any worse and will still continue on with little I'll effect from this.

The cheese surprisingly looks pretty healthy overall showing only minimal issues.

Pics tomorrow night. For tonight I will be monitoring temps like a hawk and leaf tucking to get them looking a bit more in order. There a mass of greenery at the minute and some leaves have taken the canopy over. They haven't half grown in ten days even with these issues

Overall I'll give my plant care takers a solid 7 outa 10 for there efforts. Had the temperature been more consistent it would be a 9 but he's tried his best and to be fair it's been a lifesaver. Would have seriously knocked my cycle back if I'd have had to bin these. Instead in a few weeks I'll still be hauling in a decent haul. Might not hit a gpw but that doesn't concern me too much.

On another note. The white widow with a bit of a cure has transformed herself entirely. She's developed into quite the smoke. Full report analysis soon.

For now peace out

Mission accomplished

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Aah there looking a bit happier now :oldtoker:

Apart from a bit of hunger the cj doesn't look as bad as I thought. She's still rocking on pretty good I reckon but I'm glad I wasn't away for any longer as another few days we'd have been running into problems if they were left at my mates how they were. It was very damp in the tent and temps had been fluctuating from 15 min to 33 max.

I'm happy to report there happy in a 40%humidity 28 degree canopy temp 24 degree soil level environment with perfect air movement so they've perked up already.

First up the Critical Jack

She was fed 4.5 litres of 4ml pl bloom and 1.5ml pl calmag :chef:





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Then the cheese.

This girl has a few odd looking nasty dead bits. Its only affecting one or two branches on the outside so I reckon this is down to condensation on the side of the tent. I think my mate got a bit more on top of temps but I think it got damp in the tent overnight while there were heavy dews especially in the first few nights before he put a heater in there.

Anyway. Overall she looks OK I think apart from the environment issues and again a little under fed but again I think this is temperature related.

I still think we're on course for a decent show






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Taking the phrase of 'a bucket of budz' to whole new level in here mate aye, impressive skillz on show and I'm liking it :yep:

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Thanks @@botanics mate.

They've had a bit of a hard time over the last two weeks but it just goes to show how hardy these girls are.

Piss poor temps. 2 moves, insane moisture. 3 Power cuts and

They still look ok.

The thing I'm most impressed with is the fact they were unsupported bouncing around 6 miles of the bumpiest roads you've seen and not a single branch snapped or damaged even given this extreme width which puts extra pressure on the branches anyway

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After operation "relocation " oh my god they have exploded with hrowth :). After 10 days you can really see how well they are doing, it looks like your mate did a nice job of plant sitting :). Now they are back under your control lets see how they finish. Nice job so far mate, very impressed..

All the best


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Aye he's done a top job really. Maybe a bit harsh width my score. I'll up it to an 8.5. Cheers mark, to be honest I'm looking forward to getting these outa the way so I can crack on with the ABK grow diary...so I can get that out of the way because I really fancy a run of dinachem and haze 2.0 to be honest. They sound lush.

Then the mind wanders thinking of what I could have a stab at getting close to a gpw with one auto under a 400w. Then I think mum hazey jack

The cheese got her feed tonight now the girls are on different watering schedules again (I kept it at them getting watered together at set times for my friend for ease)

She got 5 litres of 4ml pl old timers bloom and 1.5 ml pl of shogun calmag.

There both looking happy sat in a 40% steady humidity 27.1c canopy min and 28.6 max

Steady 24c rootzone

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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