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In the night garden...


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Well done dude. Congrats on a successful harvest.

Buds look great and a good return for your efforts.

You'll be cropping again in no time. You won't believe how fast these auto's go.

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Good afternoon folks, well these girls have been down two weeks today, they have been in the jars for six days and as promised I've taken some samples and done a few macros on them to put up, they are combined of the SA and BK buds.

So without rambling, lets get these few pics up :yahoo:

I've put them up in medium format so to give the full macro zoom, I suggest viewing them in the largest format the site will offer for the full experience ;)



Pic 2


PIc 3


Edited by botanics
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Looks lush mate. Great job and thank you for the finish product picture update :bong:

Once cured would you do a small smoke review?

All the best and enjoy :bong::) :)

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Thanks guys, yeah I'm happy with them and it all burn and smokes well, @@Dinafem-Mark, I'll do a smoke report mate in a week or two and put up in here mate to close the diary off :yep:

Once again thanks to all who's followed, without your contributions this would have been less of a diary and more of a monologue, you guys have made it :yes:

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Lurvley mate,

What camera and lens you using?

Atb ✌️

Tis only a point and shoot jobby mate not SLR etc, Fujifilm and basic but does well enough

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  • 4 weeks later...

Strawberry Amnesia

Smoke Report

Well, these girls have been in the jars for a month or so now and as I've previously said, I'd put up some smoke reports to conclude the diary.

This first report will be of the Strawberry Amnesia and I'll put up another for the Blue Kush in a few days, so about an hour ago I dipped into the jars and got myself a bud


And after the grind she went into a J (in my eagerness to get my gums around the results of my endeavours, I forgot to take the pic of the J, so I do apologise :doh: )


So I then proceeded to light up the J and begin the journey :)

Okay, now after being in the jars for a while the burn is smoother with a nice clean white smoke, the aroma of that smoke I would describe as being quite thick with a distinct caramel note.

The flavour is not the most defined, however on drawing in, it is apparent that this is potent weed, now I've been a smoker on and off for a long time (some of those years smoking :soap: ) therefore I find this quite heavy on the chest, but equally so this is really good for getting the crap up and out and she does me cough a bit.

After a few tokes, you begin to notice that familiar easing up which gathers pace steadily as you continue to smoke, she's not heavy in the body and quite heady with an uplifting vibe that brings an inner harmony. continue further and the high continues to and after finishing the J, this then further deepens to a balanced and relaxed peace that's not overwhelming in any area, which is where I'm at right now :D super chilled, munchies beginning to kick in and contemplating a brew :)

Part 2 the Blue Kush in a few days ;)

Thanks for watching :yep:

Edited by botanics
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