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In the night garden...


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i used to love pepsi twist (lemon pepsi) and the pepsi raw organic stuff in cans, hard to get.. cant get either now, but i try not to drink fizzy drinks just make a fizzy mineral water and ribena or apple...

hmm well what i really wanted to say, was you are clearly making the most out of your space and lights, nice clean healthy green plants, i thank you for your help with my girls.. looking foward to your chop, you and @@SkyRider, have helped me a lot... and of course @@Dinafem-Mark as well..

nice to have friends in high places!

well done mate

Sub Crim

Oh mate I remember when I was a kid and the first time I tasted Cherry Pepsi (wasn't around where I lived and never encountered it before and had it because my mate was an American, his mother brought loads of the stuff over from California) Couldn't get it for years though until I saw the Cherry Pepsi Max in the supermarket a couple of years ago, not quite the same as when I was a kid, but nice all the same :D

Yeah I've tried to maximise the yield for the light and space the best I could, reckon I could do a lot better though but not bad considering it's the first run in this cab, thanks for the kind words mate although, I too have learned much from your endeavours so all good karma on these here boards :yep:

Looking stunning mate. I love the multiple main colas you have done a great job. I think yes maybe to much n but these last week's they could fill out quite a bit more. Either way they look great. Well done and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


Cheers Mark, appreciated mate ;) do you reckon they'll be done in 8 days or a bit longer? (To be honest I think they may be 10 plus days away for most but 1 or 2 might be ok for a week)

@@botanics looking grand in the garden. Bk4 looks a chuncky girl, and the sa, very nice.

As for bottles of preference for me is 2 ltr milk bottles,as I use an awful lot of milk. Not had fizzy drinks for over a couple of months now.

Great update as always mukka

Sy, that BK 4 mate is a treat for the senses and I think she's going to 'blue up' a bit over this next week, got 2 clones of her rooted :yep: Oh and the Jack's Magic mate, good call Sy ;) it beats the Verve :yep:

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I come baring gifts... :bong::smokin: and some cookies. :grubsup: Um and a wider selection of bottles. Mixers, you understand...

Pulling up a chair before harvest.


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@@botanics you will have to tell us if the strawberry amnesia actually smells and tastes like strawberry?

From what I have smoked being 100% honest I get no strawberry. I've smoked a few phenos a couple are typical haze the other 2 one has a sweet/sour haze taste with a spice the other a very fruity smell not strawberry more pineapple or a very sweet apple with that peppery hazey smell and taste.

There could be a strawberry tasting pheno actually there is but I've not tried it. I know very early on I tried the sa in test phase and that was very strawberry but since I've not come across this phenotype. It is out there though :)

All the phenos I have tried have not dissapointed I'm sure if you try it you'll love it :)

All the best


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My ones consisted of fruity smells IIRC. Strawberries is such a varied smell in that it can smell sour or sweet depending on the fruit lol

Loving the colas btw @@botanics :yep:

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:cheers: mate, tis how I've always grown them really, grdually thin them down to the strongest shoots and it usually always ended up at 4 per pot, gonna try something different soon though and fancy a SOG run at some point :)

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If there was ever a SOG strain to recommend, the Smiles I'm growing at the moment looks like it'd be a cracker for that regime ;) I believe you said you have some seeds too?

Edited by dannychoo
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Yeah I've got the F2's subbies mate by Madgiz, was thinking of cracking them alongside the PS x SSH after my next run off clones of these I've got in now, so you reckon they are prime SOG material, mmm interesting, perhaps I'll just do them then on thier own and look for a SOG keeper (it's all part of my upgrade plan for this year, with a new groom and converting to a no til system if I can get it all done)

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@@botanics It's certainly the first thought I had looking at the stock photos and of them growing in my tent. Stock photos, alot of people said that most of their phenos didn't branch out like a indica and was usually one massive cola on a stick lol The stalks, you've seen, are of a good thick, sturdy kind and looks to be able to produce donkey dicks (large colas). They don't seem to deviate much from the structure it's grown into.

We'll see fella, but SOG is 90% something I've been contemplating with the cuttings I've done, judging by their mature stature.

Not sure what the F2's are like (although I have seen diaries), as there may be more variations but I'm sure you'll find a similar pheno to the ones I've uploaded.

I'm sure someone else who's had Smiles for years will be able to chime in better than my first attempt hah :yep:

Edited by dannychoo
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Yeah man what you say makes sense and your girls certainly seem to be looking like main cola dominant with stems such as they are, you've given me things to ponder upon for adventures to come :yes: good stuff mate

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@@botanics Glad to be of service mate :)

eta: Pretty sure I read that it's a hybrid-Sativa that's the most indica dominent that OT1 did rather than outright indica since he doesn't do indicas(?)

Edited by dannychoo
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I'm sure the sweet apple pheno you will love mate 😥 it has a nice high,sweet apple taste with a Haze after taste :)

All very nice strain all around. As said strawberry is a very hard scent to pin point :)

Can't wait until you harvest then you will know what phenotypes you have :)

All the best


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Day 55 Flower

Well here we are, nearly at the finishing post and a day shy of 8 weeks of bloom. This will now be the final progress update before the harvest which I decided was going to be at the 56 day mark or thereafter by a few days :yahoo:

So, this last week they have continued with the bloom, getting denser, hardening up and trichomes changing colour etc, we are at the point now where the pistils have been browning off, trichomes have gone milky (but not ambers yet), they look well frosty and dripping on some of these buds :)

The aromas are plentiful and ranging from a deep pine (BK 4) through to chemical's/fuel (BK 3) right through to the spice and apple/pineapple scent of SA 5, they stink these (both strains).

Feed wise of course they haven't had any now since the weekend before last so we are at nine days flush today and I know for sure I'd overfed these girls as only now are they are beginning to exhaust the stored supply in the leaves, I've learned that on the next run less N during veg would be better served.

Well I'm not going to ramble on too much so we can get on with today's show, as per I've taken Individuals and a couple of group pics plus some bud porn close ups too (I'm trying the best with this camera but to be honest It's very basic and seriously limited on the macro front, so no David Bailey but you all get the picture. Oh and all photos today have had to be taken with flash too.

Right, without further ado, let's have a look at BK 3 first, not much to say really, she's bloomed well considering (a couple of buds have been cut now) they are not the densest of nugz and neither are they mahoosive, trichome production is average I'd say. The defoliation work has helped greatly with getting the lower down stuff hardening up too.


Onwards to BK 4, got to be honest, Dinafem-Mark called this one quite a while back and he was bang on, she is the star performer of the BK's that got this far and a really nice phenotype, her aromas are something else, great trichome production, didn't stretch too much, excellent bud formation and bloom and proper hard nugz that don't give on a squeeze, really she's just an all round good un this girl and I'm over the moon with her ;)


Right next up is BK 5, so we move from the best to the worst now with this one, the bloom is well, lacking lets say lol However she smells ok, not in the same league as 4 but good all the same, trichomes are decent too, just not enough flowers and her little nugz are not dense and hard etc. So yeah, not the best of phenos for yield etc but who knows, she might give me a right clobbering.


Group photo now of the Blue Kushes, with 3 Left 4 Centre and 5 Right


Ok so that was the Blue Kushes, now on to the Strawberry Amnesias.

Well these girls are packing it on more than the BK's and yield wise these will give me more, all 3 that have come this far make the grade in my book and that's a testament to Dinafem and the work they have done to get this strain to be performers :yep:

First up is SA 3 and she has performed very well, the bloom is great, the sativa in the buds can clearly be seen and now the pistils have more or less died off there are some lovely hues coming, she stinks this one, get it on your clothes and all day you reek of it so must be careful handling these etc.


SA 4 next and again much like 3 she has bloomed well with the frosty goodness a plenty


Last up is SA 5. Now she's a little bit 'more' than the other 2 this one, a good phenotype that has stayed shorter with dense rock hard nugz that have a little more indica influence than the other 2. This one for me is the star of the SA's for bud density and structure (I think they are pretty) photo tropic leaves that have that praying vibe going on and dripping (to be fair all of the SA's are well loaded) with good stuff :D


Ok so we have a groupie now of the SA's


And the final photos of today's show, consist of a couple of close up bud shots to look at, first two are of nugz on BK 4



And these last two are of nugz on SA 5



Well that concludes the final show before the chop ladies and gentlemen (will take a couple of pre chop snaps on the big day though for all)

Thanks for watching :yep:

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stunning plants mate and i can see that they are both v.frosty and are v green to say they have had a 9 day flush they must have had a fair reserve in the tissues and should smoke really nice now, well done for getting to the end bud, :)


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