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In the night garden...


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Well, I'm all very new to this, I never even realised that web sites like this existed, it sounds very exciting to have a hidden grow room (groom?), very interesting. I hope soon that I will be able to understand all the jargon, and will follow with even more interest!

Good luck! ( although I doubt you'll need any! )

Oops, I realise that I only got to page three when I replied, you obviously did not need any luck, looks amazing, can only hope that mine will look like that soon! Great read thank you.

Hi Bekah, yeah there's a whole lot of secret worlds out there for sure :ninja: what would the neighbours say, ooh er! lol

Aye groom is correct, see you're getting it already ;)

It's a fair old read this diary from the off, a few hiccups along the way, but things picked up and nearly at the finale now :) Can be a right drama at times this growing game, but all good fun lol

Thanks for stopping by and don't miss the :execute:

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Yeah mate I'm itching to get them down now and the clones I've taken are getting on with growing so can't be waiting too long lol

Update Day 48 Bloom

Good afternoon followers, time for a weekly update today and we are getting nearer to the harvest :yahoo: To be honest this may well be the last update before the chop as I need to get them down soon and may take them at 56 days, however that could go over a few days, but cannot leave it too long as these clones need the cab for my next run :D

So, this last weekend was the last time any of the girls was fed, they are on plain water now until the chop, now I'm looking at the development on these buds and I've come to the conclusion I may have give them a little too much N during veg as the buds are a bit leafier than I expected them to be, the bloom has been good, however they have been at that stage when nothing seems to happen (apart from some browning of pistils etc) for about a week, bracts are starting to swell up and then resin production on a few is really good :) hopefully, between now and the chop they will nug up a bit more and harden off as some of the bud lower down is still a bit fluffier, which leads me to the next task that has been completed.

During this last week I've opened out the canopy for light penetration to finish up some of the lower stuff, they have had a fair bit of defoliation take place in order for that to happen, although there are some fan leaves left the majority have now been removed and the 'lollypops' can bee seen better.

So without further ado, lets get on with today's picture show (a couple are a bit out of focus, my apologies as I'm really struggling with this point and shoot camera and poor light conditions). Got a top shot and side shot of the individuals and a couple of groups to show :yep:

Usual format and up first is BK 3, I've taken a couple off this one and they are drying up for now. BK3's aromas are in between a piney, chemically smell and she has a good resin count, however due to the enclosed nature of the canopy, lower down buds are under developed slightly and the defoliation was certainly required on this girl to allow better penetration for those buds to finish off.

Top Shot


Through shot


Next up is BK 4, glad I've got 2 cuts of this girl as she's a good pheno, lovely fruity aroma with scents of pine but not too chemical, she really does smell good :yes: and her structure, bud density and colours have come on lovely with plenty of trichome goodness.

Top shot


Through shot


Right onward to the not so good now and the last of the BK's is number 5, no buds of serious significance on her, smells ok but nothing special and well the buds are poor, she is the mutant this one with the double serration trait and I've got no clones of her so she will not be continued.

Top shot


Through shot


Ok so that was the Blue Kushes as of this morning, onwards to the SA's now and 3 is up first, she stinks this one (mind you all of the SA's stink lol ) Got some lemons in there, plenty of fuel too and trichome count is good too

Top shot


Through shot (bit out of focus so my apologies)


Up next is SA 4, similar in structure and aroma to 3 but more pronounced, again trichome goodness is a plenty

Top shot


Through shot


Last up is SA 5, she happens to be my favourite looker of the SA's, she's a bit more developed than the other two and really pongs, strong fuel scent with her and complexed, again with lemons but very subtle and there's fruit in there too with excellent levels of trichome production.

Top shot


Through shot (really poor photo and out of focus so again my apologies, think I need a tripod or something lol )


Next two photos are of the girls grouped together, the first is of the Blue Kushes, note that these were put in their finals with Verve compost, whereas the SA's finals were using Jack's Magic and my opinion is that Jack's Magic beats Verve for ganja :yep:

So we have BK 3 Left, BK 4 centre and BK 5 right


And the last photo of the day is with the SA's grouped at the front (I think it's SA 3 left, SA 4 centre and SA 5 right)


And that concludes this update at Day 48 of the Dinafem show

Thanks for watching :yep:

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Cheers man @Mr PM :) Yeah coke is shit in comparison mate :yep: I loves the stuff as is evident with my water bottles for the girls lol

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Well due mate

I have this argument with my friends all the time, they say there's no difference,

But to us soft drink connoisseurs, they couldn't be further apart ;)lol

Atb bud ✌️

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i used to love pepsi twist (lemon pepsi) and the pepsi raw organic stuff in cans, hard to get.. cant get either now, but i try not to drink fizzy drinks just make a fizzy mineral water and ribena or apple...

hmm well what i really wanted to say, was you are clearly making the most out of your space and lights, nice clean healthy green plants, i thank you for your help with my girls.. looking foward to your chop, you and @@SkyRider, have helped me a lot... and of course @@Dinafem-Mark as well..

nice to have friends in high places!

well done mate

Sub Crim

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Looking stunning mate. I love the multiple main colas you have done a great job. I think yes maybe to much n but these last week's they could fill out quite a bit more. Either way they look great. Well done and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


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@@botanics looking grand in the garden. Bk4 looks a chuncky girl, and the sa, very nice.

As for bottles of preference for me is 2 ltr milk bottles,as I use an awful lot of milk. Not had fizzy drinks for over a couple of months now.

Great update as always mukka

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