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What grow room?

Slippy One

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Very tidy job there, looks similar to mine in design, but i've still to paper it and add a skirting board. :stoned:

took my inspiration from the Tennessee Pot Cave (worth watching on youtube if you haven't already seen it) but it's not underground and i ain't nicking the juice to run it.


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Looks really good that does dude, you wouldnt even know would you :rofl: Well done

Just one thing though if i may?? Where are you drawing your fresh air in from dude?? I can see your extraction will be running into the loft but cant seem to see were your bringing it in from??


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Hey guys, thanks. The house has a floating ceiling. I re-plumbed all the extraction, so air goes outdoors, and fresh CO2 comes in from outdoors, independent of the rest of the house. At the moment, I have no intake fan, and I'm aware passive should be 7 times larger than the outtake, but it's holding out so far. I've made a huge square hole in the ceiling, and finished it with an inspection cover, with 2x 100mm circular holes cut into it. Looks quite pro, and it's helping to seal the room well. Intake has a 5m flexi duct, ending on the floor in front of the circulating fan. Extract is a 6" Prima Kilna CF, with a reducer going into a 4" Airfoce box fan which can suck twice as much as the noisier 4" RVK. From memory 750sqf/m.

Kitchen extractor disconnected, and by passed. :yep:


Outdoor passive intake on the left, outdoor extract on the right. Over generous use of brown silicone to seal the inspection cover frame, which with the help of some duct tape, seals the cover. The flex duct was very tight on the circular holes on the cover. The giant hooks have been screwed into a wooden frame inside the ceiling. They could technically hold my body weight and I'm not a small fella. :yep: The bluetac on the hooks is also to help seal the room.


And here you can see the ceiling finished, with the intake [top flexi-duct, going out of shot], ending on the floor behind where the shot was taken. A 20cm fan pushes this fresh CO2 over the canopy when lights go on. :D


I'll take a few shots tonight after lights on, so you can see it in action.


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Thanks guys, the extraction should read 304m3/h. The entire extract, and circulation system is on bungee chords to stop vibration. The smallest Airforce Microblast fans can really pump air. The negative pressure is so strong, it's like a spaceship when the hull is breached!! lol

It's stealth because tents are too obvious and I don't want the kids to see it. You know what they're like, "Daddy has plants growing under lights", which wouldn't go down too well with teacher...

I also have frequent visitors. Nobody has a clue so far... It's a delicious feeling having a cuppa with our conservative neighbours, knowing whats going on behind 2 inches of drywall... :D

Nothing to see here, officer... :wassnnme:

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