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Jim's Competition Diary

Organic Jim

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271.7g is an excellent result well done! :skin_up:

AAggh you stole my thunder in my own diary!!! :shuriken: :badass::pitchfork:

Just kidding my man!! I wish I could share this mighty haul with you all. but I can't so :nenenenene: :nenenenene: :nenenenene:

I'll have to have it all myself.

Thanks again folks.


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Hi Jim, sensational result there. Thats 400 and a bit grams from a 400watt parabolic isnt't it ?(when you include the Taiga harvest).

I think every home grower dreams of growing a plant like that Think Different at some point, A-mazing!

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Looking good Big jim :) Looks fantastic mate, how much did you yeild from the small one?? out of the 5 i have left 4 of them are about the size of your smaller but the tall meaty monster is now packing on the weight!!

Nice one man and hats off to your and your 400w, fantastic result bro

Peace Haribo

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271.7g is an excellent result well done!

AAggh you stole my thunder in my own diary!!!

Just kidding my man!! I wish I could share this mighty haul with you all

aw :censored: sorry man, didn't even realize :doh: such a stoner :skin_up:

As far as wishing that you could share that wonderful plant with us all, if you wish hard enough, and send me your addy, i'll be there within the hour!! :cheers:


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Thanks chaps, I 'm glad you like the pics.

I'll try and get some nice dry shots up soon. The smoke testing is underway but I want to try and bring a bit more flavour out in the jar first. Meanwhile, to keep myself entertained, I made some Ice-o-Lator hashish yesterday and after drying hard overnight I have been testing it today. I must say :skin_up: It's fairly hard to type after a T.D, Taiga and ice hash joint. In fact it's hard to do much at all, reading is impossible as I can't keep my eyes in oneplace! The general FX of the hash and the Think Different combined are bright intense colours, extreme positive vibes and a giggly smiley demeanor.

ANd pretty bad stumbly bumbly thought procsesses, like going to the kitchen and forgetting why completely.*

I tried making a full roast meal last night and it was really hard work under the TD.

I'm going on a bit now, :wassnnme: so Here are the pre pressed pics of the hash crumbs




It was all the Taiga and TD frozen fresh, and one ounce of the dried TD buds (small plant)roughly crumbled.

Mixed in ice laden water for 15 mins by hand with a slotted spoon, then poured through the 2 bag system 220u and 70u.

Once dried, the balled up lump weighed 4.7g :yahoo:

Coming next, the lump of finished hash and "out comes the butane" :!: .

Cheers folks

Jim the extremely high fellow. :smokin:

*like just now when I spent ages tring to post these pics as media files!! :headpain:

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It certainly is my man, it certainly is!

OK, I was a bit premature with the weight of the hashish (because it fell apart to powder again this morning) and now we'll never know because I've been picking at it and smoking pinches here and there. :wassnnme:

I've put it in a safe place until I've made the BHO.

What I have made with the mucky water which was left after the hash run, is a tiny amount of very powerful hash settled out from the smallest particles that got through the sieve.

I poured the final 'trichome/water slurry' into a novelty silicone ice mould and left it overnight.

When I popped it out this morning I had this

Hash Solo? Frozen in Cannabonite?



Edited by Organic Jim
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What I thought was a finished lump, but it fell apart.

I tried the Sole Hash method but just ended up with hash paste. I'll mix it with the BHO and make jelly. :skin_up:





I've really enjoyed this last 2 days thorough testing of Think different. She's one I can smoke all day long if I want. Fantastic daytime smoke which allows sleep at night.

Never really gets too heavy going and is pretty high and bouncy in the head.

Proper smoke report coming soon.

lots of love

Jim :smoke:

Edited by Organic Jim
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hmmmmmmmm cant wait to make some of that, ill have to get a chew bacca mould to save you Han Solo jim, great work

peace haribo

Edited by madharibo
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  • 2 weeks later...

nice work man love the matt to i want one of each please sir lol

Hiya Tripp,

I'm not sure what you mean there??? :unsure: care to expand?

but thanks anyways! :alien2:

hmmmmmmmm cant wait to make some of that, ill have to get a chew bacca mould to save you Han Solo jim, great work

Cheers Haribo my man.

I got some more nice hashish coming up for you now. Including the smoking of Hash Solo's legs.

This used to be all the trim from Taiga and an Ounce of Think Different plant A. It was throughly dried after :hi: ice-o-lating then butaned with 4 cans of London Gas.



Mmmmmm scrapey scrape. Gooey goo!!!



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This is what I made with the BHO, the Ice O lator hash and Hash Solo.

And some Think Different and Taiga bud.

Wrapped in Raw 11/4 papers (very nice if you haven't tried them) it was a superbly intense ride.






Edited by Organic Jim
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This is the Jelly hash I made with the 2 extractions mixed together.



(some of it at the top's in focus)


This is the Jelly getting Bonged.








I must admit, I like the taste of the hash more than the taste of the bud. (my fault for letting it dry too quick) I'm tempted to get a screen and dry sift most of the TD once the Night Queen is done.

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