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3rd Sweet Seeds Grow Diary Competition

Sweet Seeds-tommy

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I would very much like to be in this competition too : I've sent the PM with my details and choices........Black Jack Auto, Cream Caramel Auto and Sweet Thai :smokin:

Just hope I get in now :)

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Hey Tommy/Sweetseeds team

Will it be okay to also include some other sweetseed plants i my comp diary?? - I have a Black Jack clone that'll be ready to go into 1212 soon , and I'd like to pop another botafumeiros as well- in addition to the 3 vars Ive chosen . Is this okay?

I never really grow more than 4-5 flowering plants at a time , so i hope i can fit in 2 flowerings during the contest .

(Also ought I not mention the non-Sweetseeds vars that will be growing alongside ? Will info /pics of other strains mean my diary is 'diluted'??)

cheers , Im well looking forward to this again.

ram :smokin:

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Valid PMs received so far:

1 - ramblingmadman #

2 - billbud

3 - thisUncoliingMortal

4 - Evertondave

5 - DingoVirgin

6 - SaddamHussain

7 - bud_boi

8 - PauloLx #

9 - 0ska0

10 - Oddysee1

11 - Serpent #

12 - domingo

13 - dman4276


15 - noxhit

16 - davie blah

17 - Nu Jerzey Devil #

18 - funkfarmer(sb)

19 - weedmonsta #

20 - smokie1 b c f c #

21 - silverskins

22 - Monkeymagic #

23 - ratdog #

24 - hicabuffy

25 - Greenclaws #

26 - hantshaze #

27 - stonedcold #

28 - Poacher

29 - wallydistemper #

30 - m2jlv II

31 - killergibbo

32 - gunner99

33 - postdestruction

34 - hazzyharry #

35 - DirtyLittleBilly

36 - Botrytis

37 - Digger '49

38 - bibs64

39 - JustPercy

40 - I_L_M_G

41 - passintime


43 - AustrianTokker

44 - vince noir rock n roll star #


46 - La Viva Sativa

47 - Atomic Haze

48 - se7en #

49 - nelviss

50 - GwaanPlant2 #

51 - BongMonkee #

52 - spirit77 #

53 - Stoned Island

54 - beanpopper #

55 - dodgee5

56 - yamazuki

57 - bugsy

58 - ScumbagGardens

59 - GerryK

60 - puglins

61 - THC4METOO #

62 - Amnesia #

# = also entered last year contest (21 so far)

(list updated at least every 24h)

This users have sent a valid PM, confirmed they're intention in this thread, so can be considered as participants of our 3rd Sweet Seeds Grow Diary Competition. We'll start sending the seeds hopefully in the next 10-15 days.


Edited by Sweet Seeds
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Hey Tommy/Sweetseeds team

Will it be okay to also include some other sweetseed plants i my comp diary?? - I have a Black Jack clone that'll be ready to go into 1212 soon , and I'd like to pop another botafumeiros as well- in addition to the 3 vars Ive chosen . Is this okay?

I never really grow more than 4-5 flowering plants at a time , so i hope i can fit in 2 flowerings during the contest .

(Also ought I not mention the non-Sweetseeds vars that will be growing alongside ? Will info /pics of other strains mean my diary is 'diluted'??)

cheers , Im well looking forward to this again.

ram :smokin:

Hi mate! :stoned:

Yes, you can include other Sweet Seeds plants in your grow diary. On the other hand, includind non-Sweet Seeds strain in the diary is not allowed. You can have them, but you should not show them ;)

And yes, you can do 2 or 3 grow diaries, no problem, like this you increase chances of getting a Grower of the Month prize.

Good luck for the contest my friend, keep it sweet! :yep:


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Hi Sweet seeds

I've just PM'd you to enter into this competition and now i have to write on here to confirm my entry

Thanks for the chance

Will be nice to grow from seed again :yep:

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:yahoo: good luck everyone!

Hope its as much fun as last years!!

Big thanks to Tommy and the SS crew , and the UK420 Crew , namaste.

Cant wait to unvail my new build , specially built with this comp in mind..

Good luck to all.

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Thanks for such a successful participation of all you guys!

Oh, one thing, I understand some of you prefer to give a false name, but remember... if you're not at home when the seeds arrive you'll have to get them from the post office. And if in your ID document your name is not "Darth Vader" (just an example) the post office employe is not going to give you the package, it will come back to Sweet Seeds and you won't be able to participate :(

Just to let your know... oh... and I also don't know if my colleagues from the Sweet Seeds sells and delivery department will agree with sending seeds to people with names that really don't seem to be real, hehehe :wassnnme:

And also... please always mention the name of your city aswell as the name of your COUNTRY. Specially if you live a small city. You have no idea the time I've spent searching maps trying to find out where some cities are... hehehehe.

Keep it sweet and good luck to all you guys!!


Edited by Sweet Seeds
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:doh: I cannot believe i missed this thread, i see 60 have already been chosen. I take it no more can participate then?

How did i miss this? :ranting:

Yes you can my friend!

60 is the minimum grow diary threads we accept to make the prizes valid. I mean, when 60 contestants have started a grow diary thread in this subforum, the contest is officially running and the fantastaic prizes are valid.

It is the minimum, hehehe, not the maximum, that would be around 110 participantes, so you have plenty of time to enter.

And even when the chance to ask for seeds ends (if it will one day) users can still participate with their own seeds or clones. So don't get bored, you're in and with free seeds ;)

Sweet regards :stoned:


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A quick question.

Can use Sweet Seeds plants that i already got growing to add to the new strains?

Or i can only use the 3 new strains that come in seed form?

I am ready to start it :guitar:

Thanks again guys :yinyang:

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Valid PMs received so far:

1 - ramblingmadman #

2 - billbud

3 - thisUncoliingMortal

4 - Evertondave

5 - DingoVirgin

6 - SaddamHussain

7 - bud_boi

8 - PauloLx #

9 - 0ska0

10 - Oddysee1

11 - Serpent #

12 - domingo

13 - dman4276


15 - noxhit

16 - davie blah

17 - Nu Jerzey Devil #

18 - funkfarmer(sb)

19 - weedmonsta #

20 - smokie1 b c f c #

21 - silverskins

22 - Monkeymagic #

23 - ratdog #

24 - hicabuffy

25 - Greenclaws #

26 - hantshaze #

27 - stonedcold #

28 - Poacher

29 - wallydistemper #

30 - m2jlv II

31 - killergibbo

32 - gunner99

33 - postdestruction

34 - hazzyharry #

35 - DirtyLittleBilly

36 - Botrytis

37 - Digger '49

38 - bibs64

39 - JustPercy

40 - I_L_M_G

41 - passintime


43 - AustrianTokker

44 - vince noir rock n roll star #


46 - La Viva Sativa

47 - Atomic Haze

48 - se7en #

49 - nelviss

50 - GwaanPlant2 #

51 - BongMonkee #

52 - spirit77 #

53 - Stoned Island

54 - beanpopper #

55 - dodgee5

56 - yamazuki

57 - bugsy

58 - ScumbagGardens

59 - GerryK

60 - puglins

61 - THC4METOO #

62 - Amnesia #

# = also entered last year contest (21 so far)

(list updated at least every 24h)

This users have sent a valid PM, confirmed they're intention in this thread, so can be considered as participants of our 3rd Sweet Seeds Grow Diary Competition. We'll start sending the seeds hopefully in the next 10-15 days.


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