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Burglary stats shoot up just before Xmas time maybe thats what he meant? You wernt ski masked up when you asked him were you .. :rofl:

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Burglary stats shoot up just before Xmas time maybe thats what he meant? You wernt ski masked up when you asked him were you .. :rofl:

No,that was at the bank next door :wink:

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Guest matt101

Hi everyone, ive got a few questions that i hope you can give me a hand with.

Ive got access to a fair amount of chicken manure and i was wondering if i can use it straight away or does it need to be prepare at all? i keep reading 'well rotted manure' and it makes me wonder if there is a specific way of preparing it? at the moment its just sat in a chicken shed doing nothing.

Also how much chicken manure should you use per plant as i have been told that it is strong stuff and not to over do it. Im looking for specific amounts as i tend to over do things any way and i dont want to screw things up. Should this manure be added now when im preping my plots or when i plant the seedlings out?

Im also thinking of using blood and bone meal, should i use this in conjunction with chicken manure or should i stick to one thing. If i can use both how much should i add to each hole (one plant per hole) ?

I hope i havent asked to many question at once, im getting very excited about this year and i want to get preparing my plots as soon as possible to ensure that i get some good quality buds come sep/october.

Thanks very much

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hello matt, try and use the well rotted crap if possible? dig into it, the bottom older layers should be the better stuff... i would use a cup (half a pint) per cubic ft of soil, is my rule. Work it in now, the sooner the better, although it wont get broken down properly until the soil warms and the micro flora work there magic. You can always add more, lightly top dressed, a tablespoon every couple weeks or so. Watch the plants, they will tell you when they're happy. You add a tablespoon per gallon of water as root drench feed, if its well rotted? The fresher stuff, that stinks of ammonia (astringent piss) might burn at that dose? Ive only had experience with pellets and was using half a cup per gallon of water with decent results....

its better to feed often but small, than large but rarely.

chicken is high in nitrogen, so is blood meal... so be carefull if you use both, you could probably get away with a cup each per cubic foot?

i use chicken, fish, blood and bone but i also use rock dust, rock phosphate, kelp meal (good stuff) etc to add extra trace element goodness, structure to soil, flora food etc..... ill be experimenting with bio char this season.

good luck

Edited by dpn
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Guest matt101

Cheers for the quick reply,

Im planning on getting most of the holes dug by the end of this month, this will include adding the chicken manure and blood bone meal to the soil as well. Ill test the ph before the holes are dug so that can sort it out if needed. I need to get things sorted out as soon as possible so im going to visit a few of the plots tomorrow with a ph tester and see whats what, no going back now!!


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Cheers for the quick reply,

Im planning on getting most of the holes dug by the end of this month, this will include adding the chicken manure and blood bone meal to the soil as well. Ill test the ph before the holes are dug so that can sort it out if needed. I need to get things sorted out as soon as possible so im going to visit a few of the plots tomorrow with a ph tester and see whats what, no going back now!!


don't waste your chicken shit now ..right now u r better of digging in stable manure that contains straw rather than sawdust .. u can add coir blocks at the samw time if your soil is poor .. dig in the chicken shit at least two weeks before you intend to plant out your babes .. bag the shit up now so that by spring its well rotted down lol .. then use the blood fish and bone as a top dressing at 4-6 weekly intervals .. ph tester is worth investing in terms of how your soil ph will affect your yeild :smoke:

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Even in the snow do people still dig etc..as i am not as 1 its too cold :yinyang: and 2 the foot prints give away the site.

Just wondered who was hardcore? :headpain:

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nows a brilliant time to check your plots! just dont get to close to your actual plot obviously.. i couldnt be assed to check a spot ive been pondering on for a few years cosa the snow, but i thought "but i can see everythings thats happened in the last 4-5 days or whatever", one set of human prints and one set of dog prints, over 4-5 days, not to shabby id say, still fucking paranoid though :russian:

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Guest matt101

ok, so i source some well rotted manure for digging in now and then dig in the well rotted chicken manure a few weeks prior to planting out, then use the blood and bone meal when the plants are growing, sounds simple enough. I know of a place where a dung heap is stacked up for passing people so i think ill grab a few bags of that.

Will the wood shavings in the chicken manure make a difference to the plants or PH of the soil?

Im going to wait for the snow to melt away before i dig the holes, ive just finished a load of assignments and i NEED to get out the house. I just want to go have a look at the plots from a distance and sort of plan what im going to do and where im going to put each plot. I do like the idea of seeing how many people have been in the area from the foot prints! Although there will be a lot more people roaming about in the summer when the plants are in the ground.

Can the PH really affect your yeild that much?


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Guest Rolling-King
im going to be up in the trees this year right up there with the lil dicky birds so keep n eye out for my diary chaps
i read abit about growing weed up in trees in one of the books i had,

i'm certain i read about it in, "european cannabis cultivation"


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im going to be up in the trees this year right up there with the lil dicky birds so keep n eye out for my diary chaps
i read abit about growing weed up in trees in one of the books i had,

i'm certain i read about it in, "european cannabis cultivation"


find a nice old pollard ,bound to be a few holes up there !,

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im going to be up in the trees this year right up there with the lil dicky birds so keep n eye out for my diary chaps
i read abit about growing weed up in trees in one of the books i had,

i'm certain i read about it in, "european cannabis cultivation"


find a nice old pollard ,bound to be a few holes up there !,

i done 1 once in an old ash pollard once,ill c if i can dig up the photo!,it was a few years ago and done with a poloroid so i may not have it,ill look anyway

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