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Sk's Special Sticky Spanish Sweetie Shop!!

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Last pic for now people.... Sorry to have to update all that at once but hey its done now :doh:

This is the smaller but by far the best smelling of the CC's!!

Hope u like'em .... we sure do :yep:


Edited by S.K.
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Some delightful looking buds there S.K :wink:

Sounds like your growroom is a sniffers paradise with all those smells going on...luverly.

I've smoked some of my friend SAD that he's just finished and its a lovely narcotic hit...real headslapper :D Btw he refused to call them sad the entire time and called them happi instead, like you said he thought there nowt sad about them at all :ouch:

Good luck for the run in fella, not that you'll need it going by them beauts :punk:

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Some delightful looking buds there S.K :(

Sounds like your growroom is a sniffers paradise with all those smells going on...luverly.

I've smoked some of my friend SAD that he's just finished and its a lovely narcotic hit...real headslapper :wink: Btw he refused to call them sad the entire time and called them happi instead, like you said he thought there nowt sad about them at all :wink:

Good luck for the run in fella, not that you'll need it going by them beauts :punk:

Cheers Withnail , the carbon filter is working overtime at the moment! :yes: Glad to hear the SAD packs a punch, we had a feelin she would! What was the flavour of the smoke like?

Our sad is really starting to fatten up now and she still has a way to go before maturity, still mostly white pistils with the odd yellow/orange hair dotted around. Think they might go a bit longer than we first expected but its all good as we like to wait for some amber trichs before chopping. Me n Mrs SK have cut down our smoking a bit (during the day) so it will be easier to let them go that bit longer and hopefully end up with that knockout buddage we all love so much.

Edited by S.K.
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Day 54 12/12 - Every day the Cream Caramels are showing off more colour and maturity, the CC's have most def entered the final stages of flowering.

This is a pic of the most mature looking CC showing off some nice colours, this bud is about half way down the plant. :smoke:


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The S.A.D. S1 is really fattening up and covering herself in silvery resin glands although she has yet to start displaying colours like the CC's.

The SAD will almost certainly be left longer than the CC's but we think she will deffo be worth the wait!!


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Cheers MGM, they are really doing their 'thang' now lol

Glad you like the pics fella, been trying a few new techniques with my camera that seems to be workin quite well.

If they smoke as good as they look then me n Mrs SK are in for a hell of a treat!!

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Yesterday I spotted small traces of what I think is the dreaded white powdery mildew, it only seems to have affected one of the Caramels and only 2 lower branch of the SAD. So far its only the lowest branches that have shown any sign of it...

None of the actual bud has been affected but some of the small budleaves have tiny traces of it as do the branches leading to the buds.

I have chopped away every lower branch that showed signs of it, mainly all the branches I chopped were of the same Caramel, the other two seem fine. and 2 lower branches were chopped from the SAD.

Its not a problem we have ever had before but I think we have caught it early and no bud has been lost as the powder only showed on leaves and stems.

Today was the day we had planned to begin flushing anyway, Im going to go start the flush after this post is done, so we just need to make it through another 7 days!

Here is a pic of a lower CC bud that was chopped yesterday, like I was saying the bud has not been affected at all and still looks amazing..... I suppose every cloud has a silver lining as now we get to try some samples a bit early :)


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Got the CC's on flush now but decided to leave the SAD on nutes for another couple of days or so :wink:

Have been all over them with a magnifying glass and can not see any more traces of powder! Will be keeping a very close eye on them but I think all is well now!

The buds in the last pic and this pic are lower buds from the slightly less mature of the 3 Caramels and they look and smell really nice!

We quick dried a small bud for sampling purposes and was very pleasantly surprised at the taste considering these buds were not flushed and this particular bud was force dried. The stone is strong too, by the time they have had a good flush (7 days) and been cured I think that we are in for an amazing smoke!


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Last pic for tonight, this is our foxtail cream caramel on day 56 flowering

This lady is deffo my fave in the looks department!!


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Last pic for tonight, this is our foxtail cream caramel on day 56 flowering

This lady is deffo my fave in the looks department!!

wow...that sure is one beautiful CC pheno :rofl:

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Last pic for tonight, this is our foxtail cream caramel on day 56 flowering

This lady is deffo my fave in the looks department!!

hi sk

nice .very . i hope my c.c come like that . mine are 40 days in gl m8

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