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Sweet Seeds Grow Diary Competition

Guest weedmonsta

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just letting you guys know i wont be doing a diary of the moham ram...

while i was away from home over Christmas old bill kicked in my front door over concerns for my welfare...well they found my moham ram my green poison cuttings and mother plant...... :(

i got a nice note saying they had taken my plants ..

so i call this diary now closed apart from answering questions ect

f in coppers , glad you only had your few cuts and the mum eh m8! :ouch: keep your chin up m8.and roll 1 :v:
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Guest weedmonsta

thanks guys they only got 8 small 6" cuts and my green poison mum...they had been without water for 3 weeks so were probably dead..

and a bag of trim... prob a quarter..

took my energy saver veg light

cant move as i own my house but ill shut down my grow plans for a few months

im going to copshop on monday i think to hand myself in...(easier than waiting for a warrant) !

im hoping to get a caution for posession...should be ok,

will let you guys know how i got on as soon as i can

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dont take this the wrong way ..but if i was you i would really give it some stick with reguards phantom limb syndrome ..as they will all be able bodied it should not only make them feel a bit ashamed but also you can pull the old ..there is nothing else that takes away that feeling so you tell me what im supposed to do blah blah ...really make em feel belittled for picking on a one armed man ..sorry if thats a bit un pc ...but i would certainly go for that ..being nice all the way though ..i reckon they will throw a caution at you straight away so they dont have to feel uncomfortable being around you (yeah i know that sounds shitty but i hope you get my drift ,obviously people that are able bodied feel that way ..ive seen it happen with my mother who should be registered disabled but wont have none of it )

either way i hope you get good karma and they dont act like cunts to you ..good luck man .

Edited by vince noir rock n roll star
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thanks guys they only got 8 small 6" cuts and my green poison mum...they had been without water for 3 weeks so were probably dead..

and a bag of trim... prob a quarter..

took my energy saver veg light

cant move as i own my house but ill shut down my grow plans for a few months

im going to copshop on monday i think to hand myself in...(easier than waiting for a warrant) !

im hoping to get a caution for posession...should be ok,

will let you guys know how i got on as soon as i can

I'm a bit confused with the law over there.. are people, cops (whomever) allowed to bust into your house without permission if you're a home owner, any time they want, take possesions, and are they allowed after the illegal entry to use what they find against you?? I've never heard of such a thing where in all the countries I've ever lived, that's insane! I'm guessing someone you know must have ratted you out.. right?

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if the police are acting on information or have reasonable cause for entry then in they go ..theres many reasons why they can enter ..ask danzig about it ...

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if the police are acting on information or have reasonable cause for entry then in they go ..theres many reasons why they can enter ..ask danzig about it ...

where I am they need pretty concrete, recorded or tangible evidence evidence against you, on a few separate accounts (not just an ex or an ex-friend trying to rip on you) before a judge will even start to think about giving a warrant to invade your privacy. Some would say that's not entirely true, and they'd be right to a degree, but even so, where I am you would have first had to have done at least something, to some degree, to earn the interest of the authorities. If you're quiet here and don't have an odor issue there's no excuse for someone to enter your house based on a whim or heresay, even if your leccy bill is high, some people are just crazy about using air conditioners in the summer and heaters in the winter and have no concept of killowatts = $$$$, and the same folks leave all the lights on in the house all hours of the day and night, so unless you're trying to get away with ten or twenty thousand watts, a few extra thousand is nothing out of the ordinary. Out of the question for a homne owner to have to deal with that, but I've fought a few landlords confused about this and won restraining orders preventing them from visiting their own property.

Anyway I'm so sorry for your loss Weedmonsta, it's not fair or right in any way shape or form, it really upsets me that can happen and you seem like a good guy. Makes me realize I've taken for granted the restrictions being what they are in my own location, sorry again man, that's real rough.

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Guest weedmonsta

just a quick update on my situation,

i got arrested at about 2`oclock for cultivation and got a ride down to the local station. and after 3 hours was released with a simple caution...no lecture or anything got my dna, dabs and mugshot....

thanks for your concern guys

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Unbelievable bad luck dude. :wink: I am just back on the site after being away a while and see this..

Thankfully you just got a caution. Not fair though.

I also own my own place and I cannot imagine why the porkies would have any reason at all to kick the door in...

If you don't mind me asking.. were you grassed up? exhausted CF? or 'previous issues' with the porkers ? As posted above, I thought they needed fairly good reason.

Hopefully you still have some stash to smoke.. :stoned:

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well sorry to hear about that wm,

glad it wasnt as bad as it could've been.

f in porkers

stay well sir



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unlucky bro, that sucks big time... know how u feel!

give it a good few months then maybe test the water if you feel all is well....

Best of luck whatever you decide,


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Guest weedmonsta
If you don't mind me asking.. were you grassed up? exhausted CF? or 'previous issues' with the porkers ? As posted above, I thought they needed fairly good reason.

Hopefully you still have some stash to smoke.. :geek:

hi dorko m8.... they kicked in the door cos they smelt a damp smell.....apparently they were expecting to find a body :wink:...

stash was hidden away m8, still got my gp and sd :wink:

me-1 pigs-0

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Fucks sake dude :wink:

Pig fuckers, you'd think the cunts would be pleased that they didn't find a body but no, gotta take it all the way ain't they :geek:

Sorry you had to go through that man, hopefully the fucker's will feel guilty and leave you alone if future, not holding my breath mind :wink:

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Guest weedmonsta

hi guys just to lighten up a bit.... a couple of pics of the green poison dried and cured lol just showing off with my new camera lol pics will be better in my next diary in a couple of months

first is a pic of a nice tight bud and the second one is a closer shot hopefully you can see the trichomes..



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