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Is 'Soap Bar' dangerous ?


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Better soapbar ? Does that mean less tyres and dogshit ?

No. I think it means more.

The more bits of plastic means the better the smoking when it comes to shitbar.

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Guest weedmonsta

Surely if soapbar is getting that good, it will cease to be soapbar and become hash?

still got a bloody long way to go.. judging by some of the shite my mate has been smoking lately

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Guest budzilla2010

Not this again.

Who's brave enough to try some to see if it really is better??

I wont. I went round the local Gak-heads house a few weeks back and he was coughing his lungs up.

He said he usually throws up most morning in the shower from coughing and reeching so much.

I told him its really really bad for him but some people don't listen. I guess its hard to quit a habit of a lifetime.

There is good hash available in the UK just not a lot of it and you'll be looking at £8 a gram for anything slightly better than soap.

The good stuff I have seen has been very moist, it's not squidgy black or anything but very moist hash that wont crumble, its very oily etc.

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this is odd ,my old work buddy called round the other day and he said the same thing ..he had clean soapbar that smelt like hash gave off white smoke too ..i told him to fuck off with it and if he was going to smoke it then go outside ..once bitten and all that .

My mates also know that any Shitbar being smoked in my house will result in a boot in the hole swiftly followed by an elvis moment.

exactly the same happenend to me last week vince. i find the smell discusting, he said it was nice and got him 'stoned' i said it was more likely a combo of placebo affect and chemical poisoning!


Benzedrine,boot polish and human excrement is well known to get you stoned once combined with several other unsavoury ingredients. :rofl:

Can't be worse last time I had a bit they must have just ground it up and pressed it. as the lumps of unsmokable where clearly the papers used to roll joints. :unsure: or worse. Powder which came off was poor at best.

More the fool you for smoking the horrible shit if you ask me,better horrible shit is still" horrible shit" all the same.When it comes to Shitbar there are no grades as it is all shite. :doh:

i love the way that dealers come up with stories to help sell there shit . the best one i have heard was "its good quality as its only been lightly sprayed " lol . also some one in dorset used to sell PRE-GROUND green to save you haveing to grind it yourself lol

peace out farmer boy

Aye we have the same up here with every fucker saying they have cheese when I havent seen one bit that even comes close to cheese,just like my cousin who was sitting bumping his gums about the lovely cheese he had?When I sparked up a straw he said "whats that it smells lovely"Cheese was my reply and his little world crumbled as he realized he didn't have Cheese.The sad thing is he paid cheese prices for something that was far inferior to cheese,that was when he decided to join gro club and now Postie Pat gets higher than a top flat. :skin_up:

Surely if soapbar is getting that good, it will cease to be soapbar and become hash?



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my friend has been smoking this 'soapbar' for 30 odd years and loves it,seen few times his bar looked clean(no plastic bits or black smoke),just was wondering if anyone here hasn't got the picture of the real thing or what to look for?

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Guest weedmonsta

have a look in the hash and oil section m8, there are thousands of pictures of the real mccoy

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Merged the thread about soapbar into this one. If you want to know anything about soapbar – this is the thread to start with. :yes:

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  • 1 month later...

Soapbar is just like weed. Some weed is shit and some soapbar has tyres in it.

Soapbar was my staple for about 10 year. It never had plastic in it and im not dying of lung failure.

Given the choice anybody would choose weed, but good soapbar isnt as bad as people say.

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Soapbar is just like weed. Some weed is shit and some soapbar has tyres in it.

Soapbar was my staple for about 10 year. It never had plastic in it and im not dying of lung failure.

Given the choice anybody would choose weed, but good soapbar isnt as bad as people say.

It is every bit as bad as people say :bad:

get a grow on and please don't talk shit about soap on here, it's a cannabis site. Soap isn't cnnabis - in fact the only thing soap has in common with cannabis is it's legal standing.

hope you can get hold of some proppa weed mate. Oh wait, you can - GROW YOUR OWN :spliff:

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Soapbar is just like weed. Some weed is shit and some soapbar has tyres in it.

Soapbar was my staple for about 10 year. It never had plastic in it and im not dying of lung failure.

Given the choice anybody would choose weed, but good soapbar isnt as bad as people say.

I absolutely agree with this .... what all the 'soapbar is shit' brigade seem to be missing is that the word soap-bar merely refers to the shape of the press ... I know cos I was around when the term first started being used ... so if we are to think that all hash in the shape of a soap-bar is rubbish without even trying it, well I think that just goes to show the arrogance... soap- bar originates from the early eighties when the Morrocans started mass producing hash .. and believe me I have had some VERY good hash in the shape of a soap bar .... anyone who says ohhh it has dogshit and old tyres in it is right in the respect that they cant tell the difference off one sniff between good hash and shite .... I CAN and I have never bought anything that smells gakky ... but I have had plenty of excellent hash in the shape of a soap-bar .. and some of that black morrocan in the shape of a soap-bar is on a par with any hash in the world .... and before you all start , I have been smoking for well over 30 years and I have smoked hash from all over the world ... hash is hash and if you cant tell the difference between old tyres and hash ...then by all means leave it alone

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