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Do You Know Any Psychics?


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Guest bazzad9

psychic ability is very easily testable

and the truth of whether it works or not is not subjective ,the laws of physics are the same for all of us

so it either works or it doesnt ,so far in every test its shown to be no better than chance in other words you could guess and get as good results.

also given the amount of fraudulent psychics about without some sort of unbiased test how would you know whether you have a fraud or the real deal ?

take psychic sally who on her website agreed that a test is needed to confirm the real from the frauds ,faced herself with a test a very simple one at that she failed to turn up


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true bazad, and the jury is still out on that sally bird buddy!! lol

however, the sort of psychic things i am really referring to are the odd moments that many people experience in everyday life. i dont even think someone who credibly claims to be psychic would ever try to state that it's foolproof, that all they need to do is turn a dial on the side of their head and tune into your specific thoughts, unexplainable occurances do not happen like that (sorry uri gellar, i had to let the cat out of the bag). lol

I do appreciate tho mate that the point you are making is that there are absolutely tonnes of frauds out there, skimming massive profits from perhaps vulnerable people, and yes this has to stop. But im afraid these vulnerable people are sometimes their own worst enemies... my advice to them would be NEVER EVER spend a penny on any psychic readings, more often than not if a person was genuine they would be more than willing to try to help for free, it costs them nothing.

Like i said, I do not claim that psychics are real, and i do not claim that they are not. It's just that through my understanding and beliefs in the world and reality, there is nothing to say that it's impossible. It would be great to have credible proof in a lab, but i really dont see psychic abilities able to stand up to quantative measuring- they are not a quantative effect. Yes you could say, well he can either guess what number i am thinking of or not, but that does not get anywhere near close to examining if there is really any sort of exchange of information/emotions between seperate enities. Stuff like this is very subtle. Perhaps a good example would be when menstruating women live closely together, often their cycles become synchronised. Theres nothing going on here physically (or so it would seem), but there is most definately an effect. then again perhaps that is a bad example....


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Guest bazzad9

hello herb

i guess my point is untill its been shown the ability is real whats the point of even trying it

if it was an idea that came into the world today sure test it and see ,unfortunatly its not a new thing and has been tested since its begining .not one shred of evidence it works so at what point to we stop testing and say it doesnt work.

you can use the it might work and in the future we will find out but that also applies to any number of things

the point i made about the test was more to say that if there is genuine psychics out there why are they not fighting to take these tests and prove it ,A to prove it and B to disprove the scammers and C to claim the million pounds james randi is offering

i know your not a beleiver as such but what possible mechanisms do you think could work for psychics?

do us a favour though mate can you break your sentences its really hard to read as a wall of text :hippy:

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hahaha point taken bazzad mate, yea i do have a habit of rambling on... and i was very high earlier on when i wrote that, but here goes... a break in lines!


lol i do truley see your point though pal, why indeed are the people making the claims not biting the hand off of said researcher with the million pounds? I dare say that most really are frauds and probably make more money ripping off the vulnerable.

That said, maybe i should fully explain my own personal philosophy/beliefs on life to make it more clear the mechanisms that I believe are possible. Bear in mind that my beliefs are ever evolving and every year that goes by I feel my understanding of life/reality grows and evolves.

So i guess you could say that I believe in a universal conciousness of which we are all a part. I believe that our foremost conciousness that we live our lives in, what we would call 'I' is our seperate extension from universal conciousnes, and is made up of all of our own experiences from birth. All of our own thoughts, own emotions, own understandings and beliefs and experiences.

Beneath this conciousness, this seperate 'I', we have our sub-concious. This has been know also for ages, and hypnotism and suggestion work on this part of ourselves.

I believe that this part of ourselves potentially could be a part of conciousness 'in tune' if you like, with everything around us and within the universe.

I read an interesting book called 'The holographic universe'. A true hologram is a sheet of glass which produces a 3d image when a laser is fired through it. What they found, which is ineteresting, is that even if you were to break that sheet of glass into little pieces, and fire a laser through any of the individual pieces, each piece would still produce the full 3d image.

This means that incredibly all of the information contained in the whole sheet of glass is actually contained in every part of the glass, at any time. Now to me this goes against anything i would expect, almost seems impossible. (but maybe thats just me?)

Now the theory preposed in this book is that the universe is actually rather like a hologram, where the information regarding the whole of the universe at anytime is contained in EVERYTHING at any time. like the mystics have told us, in every blade of grass, in every drop of water, you will find everything. You could almost apply this to the teaching of jesus- turn a stone and you shall find me, god is all around you etc, im not too well versed in the bible but you get my drift.

Now I believe we ourselves, as in 'life', are the experience of the universe. We are the concious expresion of the universe. You could say that before we start this journey of birth life and death, that we are all part of one big experience of conciousness, we are all eachother and all knowledge etc is collective.

We then experience this life and live as a seperate conciousness, living, eating, feeling, interacting with others, making friendships, changing lives etc, but essentially feeling like 'I'. And this is perhaps one of the beauties of life. No two people experience life in the same way. Just make sure you strive for a happy, carefree life, otherwise whats the point (perhaps thats just my view anyway :yinyang: )

But like I said, behind this 'I' we have the sub-concious, and as i said, i think it's very likely that this sub-concious perhaps still has access to this universal conciousness, has access to the information of all the universe at all times. But we are not in direct communication with our sub-concious.

this is why mystics meditate, to try to delve deep into the subconcious and touch the true source of everything, the true I, or more specifically 'WE'. And as i posted earlier, these mystics seemed to have gleaned a very direct and accurate explanation of alot of things, and a great understanding of the real way of things. Just by thinking.

So like i say, this is kinda what i believe at this time, but beliefs change, and mine do frequently, but i would say that evolve is a better term.

So having gone a little off subject yet again, i come back to my intial point in that, having explained some of my beliefs, yes i would say that it is totally possible for say someone to have a premoniton, or dream something and it then happen. Or to know what someone is thinking. Or to pick up on events that have happened in the past when visiting places. Or heal with energy etc

yes i think most psychic claims are very far fetched, and the first thing i also want to say is prove it. And stuff like directly reading futures on demand and stuff i think are out of the question most of the time. But as for experiencing say future events before they happen, or picking up on how someone is feeling even at a distance, i do believe. Because I believe all information of everything, at all times, is stored everywhere, and we arent excluded- we ARE everything at all times to infinite. We just dont experience it that way here in 'LIFE'

Anyway, im afraid to admit im stoned again, if you hadnt already guessed :smoke: apologies, im sure you guys have got much better things to do than read about my beliefs :spliff: haha

Anyways, like i said i have no proof, and i expect no-one to believe me. I wouldn't want anyone to. essentially it doesnt matter what you believe, as long as you are at peace in this life. Always strive for that, and be sure to help others along the way, you might just actually be helping yourself at the same time.


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Guest bazzad9

no problem with your personal beleifs mate at all your entitled to beleive what you want

but the difference is your not promoting your beleifs to people for money or even claiming there true with nothing to back them up .that is the major difference

im intrigued by this hologram on glass thing though.ill have a search on it but if you know of any links other than the book i would be gratefull

it doesnt sound possible to me but id love to find out otherwise

cheers for breaking it up a bit mate much easier for my old eyes to read :smokin:

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  • 4 weeks later...

What herbs333 said.

Happens to me all the time.

If I have nightmares , I have a bad day.

The future is knowable, that's part of shamanism.

We are all one.

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Nowadays, there is definitely a lot of ancient information hidden away or lost. Whatever disagrees with the school education curriculum, or the authorities, is put down to be folklore etc. This world is more mysterious than people want to believe, and belief in itself, is a very powerful entity.


Theres more real mediums/psychics/gifted than there are fakes, thats why this stuff is still around.

Its true and real in my experience.

Same with most of the paranormal, anomalys, unexplained, ghost, alien, angel, demon, dimension type stuff.

Those who don't believe in magic will never find it and are more likely to live deeply unhappy and unfulfilled lives, usually suffering lifelong crisis's and/or some kind of serious breakdowns.

Hopefully in their next incarnations they'll get with the program.

(semi-intellectual trolling, resist the urge to bite, it is just an opinion, you are right okay! lol)

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Guest luda1

An old, wrinkly woman walked up to me in the street, 17 years ago roughly, and she was selling 'good luck charms' which were coloured pieces of glass stones, for £1. She was dressed in old fashioned clothes, and draped in a shawl. I said I wasn't interested, and she went on to tell me things about my present life, and grabbed my hand quickly and stated numerous things which were to happen in the future. I tried not to listen, as at that point in my teen life, I hadn't really considered psychics, the future, destiny etc...

Anyway, i gave her a pound, and went on my way with this stone. When I got home, I was telling my family about it, and they were calling bullshit as was I. I couldn't remember everything she said, but the one thing stuck in my mind was the marriage thing. She said that I would 'marry a girl from overseas and her name will either begin with an S or a B'. I wrote it down and put it in a draw, and totally forgot about it. Fast forward 10 years, and I met this bird from Europe and she said she really wanted to be together etc. I liked her but was still young, so chickened out of that one. Her name began with S. Then 5 years later I met another girl from Asia, and we got married, and her name began with B. I remembered the paper by then but obviously it wasnt still there, but I still remembered the letters S and B.

Now still to this day, I don't know if I subconsciously was looking for women beginning with S and B, or the woman knew the future.... :unsure:

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I know a witch who can heal without contact, and from a distance of over 100 miles. Not effective 100% of the time, but enough to be damned useful.

Thanks, you ;)

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  • 6 months later...
Guest bazzad9

Another failed test

h ttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-20145664

With the usual cop outs after the fact

If thats not how you normally do readings why did you agree the test was fair beforehand,and more to the point if it wasnt working why did they submit readings?

Its interesting pat claims to need to at least hear there voice to make a connection when she was also tested a few years ago where she could here the sitters voice

h ttp://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2009/may/12/psychic-claims-james-randi-paranormal

She also failed and also agreed it was a fair test before hand :smokin:

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  • 6 months later...
Guest bazzad9

yet another psychic fail

Amanda Berry’s mother traveled to New York to tell her story to Psychic Sylvia Browne on the Montel Williams Show. The show was a shot at getting her daughter’s picture before the eyes of millions of Americans. “On April 21st 2003, 16-year-old Amanda Berry left her part-time job never to be seen again,” the show began. With that, TV viewers across America now know a girl from Cleveland is missing. But Amanda Berry’s mom wanted more than her daughter’s picture on national TV. She wants answers. “Can you tell me…Is she out there?” Berry’s mother Louwana Miller asked. “I hate when they’re in the water,” Browne said. “She’s not alive honey.” It was bad news from the world-renowned psychic. It’s what Miller didn’t want to hear. “So you don’t think I’ll ever see her again,” Miller said. “Yeah in Heaven on the other side,” Browne responded. “I’m sorry.”

Yep, Amanda’s Mom thought her child was dead. She died of heart failure in 2006.


"Three brothers have been arrested after three women who went missing separately about a decade ago in Cleveland, Ohio, were found alive in the same house.

Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michele Knight disappeared in nearby areas of the city between 2002 and 2004. Officers believe they were tied up during years of being held captive.

definatly not a fraud taking money from the vunerable though :wassnnme:


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I think I know a witch who can heal without contact, and from a distance of over 100 miles. Not effective 100% of the time, but enough to be damned useful.

Thanks, you ;)

Fixed this for you....


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An old, wrinkly woman walked up to me in the street, 17 years ago roughly, and she was selling 'good luck charms' which were coloured pieces of glass stones, for £1. She was dressed in old fashioned clothes, and draped in a shawl. I said I wasn't interested, and she went on to tell me things about my present life, and grabbed my hand quickly and stated numerous things which were to happen in the future. I tried not to listen, as at that point in my teen life, I hadn't really considered psychics, the future, destiny etc...

Anyway, i gave her a pound, and went on my way with this stone. When I got home, I was telling my family about it, and they were calling bullshit as was I. I couldn't remember everything she said, but the one thing stuck in my mind was the marriage thing. She said that I would 'marry a girl from overseas and her name will either begin with an S or a B'. I wrote it down and put it in a draw, and totally forgot about it. Fast forward 10 years, and I met this bird from Europe and she said she really wanted to be together etc. I liked her but was still young, so chickened out of that one. Her name began with S. Then 5 years later I met another girl from Asia, and we got married, and her name began with B. I remembered the paper by then but obviously it wasnt still there, but I still remembered the letters S and B.

Now still to this day, I don't know if I subconsciously was looking for women beginning with S and B, or the woman knew the future.... :unsure:

maybe it was the same with me, I married a Shocking Bitch lol

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Fixed this for you....


No you have not.

You have twisted it completely the wrong way round. Not a very good debating tool.

I happen to "Know" two practising Witches.

You are free to disagree with the notion of Wicca, but to re-write my words is not only wrong, it is also disingenuous and hardly worthy of the :rofl: you attach. Do you find yourself funny, or is it just my opinions you wish to mock?


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No you have not.

You have twisted it completely the wrong way round. Not a very good debating tool.

I happen to "Know" two practising Witches.

You are free to disagree with the notion of Wicca, but to re-write my words is not only wrong, it is also disingenuous and hardly worthy of the :rofl: you attach. Do you find yourself funny, or is it just my opinions you wish to mock?


I didn't mean any offence, but you are claiming that someone can heal your pain from 100 miles away...

You might think someone can affect your pain remotely, but they simply can't. It's not really up for debate, is it? Things like this have never been proven and it's not through lack of trying.

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