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Do You Know Any Psychics?


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'Rik Edles' was another anagram, 'Derek Lies', planted by a skeptic:

Edited by Eddiesilence
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A classic bit of cold reading



It's like the bit on Family Guy where Brian gets interviewed by Bill Maher and Arianna Huffington.

I'd link to the clip on youtube but it nearly made me have a fit it flickered so much.

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The wife cousin comes round our house on fridays nights and she is well into Psychics.She believes everything they tell her.One night she was trying to convince the wife that a old rocking chair she had, was the gate way to the other side dead people would sit in it.I know she is full of shit but it makes her happy, so i just roll my self a big fat one and daydream till she shuts up.

My son frightened himself to death watching paranormal activity.So i got a an old mobile pay as you go and put it in the loft above his room.I recorded his name being spoken and put it as the ring tone.Waited till i herd him go the bog in the middle of the night give it 10min then rang it he nearly shit himself :wassnnme: but it did back fire on me he wanted to sleep in our room for two nights.I have never told him what i did but he believed there was something in the loft.

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My son frightened himself to death watching paranormal activity.So i got a an old mobile pay as you go and put it in the loft above his room.I recorded his name being spoken and put it as the ring tone.Waited till i herd him go the bog in the middle of the night give it 10min then rang it he nearly shit himself :wassnnme: but it did back fire on me he wanted to sleep in our room for two nights.I have never told him what i did but he believed there was something in the loft.

lol gonna have to remember

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Guest bazzad9

another update on "psychic" sally

h ttp://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2012/mar/06/sally-morgan-best-loved-psychic?CMP=twt_fd


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That Sally sounds like a right cunt :soap:

I keep reading the title of this thread as Do You Know any Physics lol

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I think this guy could give Sally more than a run for her money in a despicable fraudulent cunt contest

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I keep reading the title of this thread as Do You Know any Physics lol

It's just coming through now,, what's that Einstein speak slowly .. I dont know It's something like E = mc2 yes that's it :yep:

Edited by madgiz
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I think this guy could give Sally more than a run for her money in a despicable fraudulent cunt contest

:rofl: :rofl:

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Now I hate Sally Morgan but I also hate the baby mind reader, but which one is the biggest cunt?

There's only one way to find out . . .


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hi all, hows it growin?

an interesting debate, i must say, and one thats probably been going on for millenia. I for one am not going to try to say without a shred of doubt that its one way or another, i dont think anyone can either prove or disprove it, just as is the case with God and other deity figures. However it is interesting to note how believers in god 'have faith', whilst believing in the esoteric makes you a quack. Just a thought...

I would however just like to add my two pence to the debate. Now obviously having grown up and been indoctrinated into western culture, these days most of us have a 'solid idea' of the world, the universe, time etc etc, because we have the sciences to look to, and for a long time we have been down right pleased with ourselves because we have been able to sum up our environment and our reality through the modes of physics, biology, chemistry etc, and all our sums seemed to make sense. And in that sort of world there is no room for the outrageous claims of psychics, energy healers, telepathists and pre-cognants, because they go against the fundamental assumptions and understandings that we have. (Incidentally, I believe the notion of a higher power (god) also has no room in this scientific world, though there are scientists who have been able to marry the two concepts, in their own heads at least).

However, as we have used our sciences to break down matter into the smallest particles, and then to break them down even smaller, and study things on the sub-atomic level, alas, our scientists have begun finding that indeed our scientific assumptions do not truley explain our 'world' or our 'reality' at all. When you get past the atomic realm, things quite simply are not solid anymore (im not just talking about physicality here). It would seem, according to fields in quantum theory and quantum mechanics (both credible sciences) that perhaps conciousness and awareness can have an affect in THE PHYSICAL WORLD. Im not trying to lend credibility to claims of telekinesis here, just trying to get the point across that the physical solid world that we experience every waking day is really not as solid and physical as it might feel/seem. We just experience it that way.

Now when you begin to investigate human conciousness, you begin to find that everything leads to questions, which really have no real explanation to them- why are we concious, do animals and plants also experience conciousness in the way that we do, where are our memories stored (because i can tell you now if you think it is simply the grey matter between your ears, you are mistaken. to hold the amount of information that is available in an average human's long term recall memory, you would probably need a server the size of a house). And so on and so on... if you have not questioned conciousness, or read anything on the matter, i suggest that you do, as we experience it everyday, and most have no understanding of it at all.

So now, maybe it would be a good time to look at what eatern mystics have said for thousands of years, considering that these are the poeple that, for generations, have dedicated their lives in searching for answers to the questions of what is conciousness, what is reality, what is the physical world. Now of course these people do not use any scientific equiptment whatsoever, they use the best tool that we humans are equipped with from birth, the power of thought, of experience, of perception, and CONCIOUSNESS. through deep meditation and questioning, these mystics have put forward explanations for how the world works, and what matter is, what we are doing here and all of the others. I am not knowledgable enough to credit or discredit these claims, but others have before me. I once read a book called 'The Toa of Physics', where the author compared the claims of mystics and their explanations of reality, to those same explanations of our most leading physicists and scientist. Side by side, you would not be able to tell the difference between the two. It seems that as we progress through science we find ourselves coming full circle back to what ancient mystics have said for millenia.

My point is this, who is anyone to tell you what to believe. No-one knows all the answers, and as aarnold pointed out earlier in the thread, proof is subjective. Trying to reproduce effects in a lab may seem like a credible way of proving or disproving psychic claims, but these are not tricks to fool and aren't something you can switch on like a lightbulb- they are experiences of reality that are beyond our known understanding of reality. I too experience synchronicity a hell of a lot, i see 333 everywhere and have for years. im not saying im psychic, and id be more than willing to accept the explanation that i only conciously become aware of these sets of numbers out of the thousands of sets of numbers i see on a daily basis because i am looking for them, but im afraid that just doesnt really 'feel' right to me. Like i said, i am not offering any explanation as to why i see these numbers, but im more than willing to try to FIND an explanation. I have also had similar experiences of deja vu, the most prominent of which occured in school when i was in a lesson, and began experiencing STRONG deja vu, to the point where i predicted (in my head of course) the exact words that the teacher said! a very far fetched claim il admit, but i definately had this experience. Even the skeptic in me is willing to accept that perhaps the teacher was just reciting a common phrase that he used when teaching the specific subject, and perhaps i had heard him recite this lesson before, but still, i dont fully believe that.

The world is much more interesting than the average 'educated' people would like to believe, but only if you question it. I personally find that the ideas and philosophies of hinduism and budhism resonate the strongest with my own thoughts, ideas and understanding of our reality, the idea that everything that exists is all connected and is one, made of exactly the same energy and lifeforce (in hinduism this is prana). I believe that even tho in this physical life we exists as seperate enitities, experiencing life independantly, we are all essentilly part of the same conciousness. Ever imangined what its like to fly like a bird, rising on the thermal with the air rushing over your wings?? well how did you do that? as humans, we should not be able to imagine (indeed acurately) what it would feel like, what the experience would be like, BUT WE CAN. Imagination is a great tool, but imagination comes from somewhere. I believe that we are all energy (physicist themselves will tell you that matter is essentially purley energy, and that would include us humans too), so taking this into consideration, is it really to much of a stretch of the imagination to accept that one individual can have an affect on another individual soley without touch and in beneficial way.

Like i said, i dont hold any of the answers, thats for us as individuals to try to find out and make peace with things in our own way. But dont ever berate or belittle someone for their beliefs, because perhaps in 100 years time you might find them proven right, and you'll be looking like the uneducated caveman. And anyways, all this reality stuff is subjective also, who's to say that in MY experience of reality i cant read minds and make girls strip just by looking at them- it sure happens SOME times!!


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