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Trichoderma Harzianum & Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizas

Felix Dzerzhinsky

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Hi all, I've emailed a guy on ebay selling what seems to be a decent all-purpose inoculant, (I realise it has 2 ectos in it but its cheap), this is his reply... (symbio also do a endo only type (+bac, seaweed and zeolite)) for a few quid more.... Worth a go?

Microbes in Symbio Endo Mycorrhizal formulations

Attached is the list of microbes in the products. With spore counts for the mycorrhizae

The bacillus fungi count is approx 2 x 10 8 in total i.e. the total of all the bacteria and fungi adds up to 2x10 8


Glomus intraradices,

G. mosseae,

G. aggregatum,

G. etunicatum

G. clarum,

G. monosporum,

G. deserticola,

Gigaspora margarita,

Paraglomus brasilianum


In all products

Phanerochaete chrysosporium

Geomyces pannorum

Aspergillus oryzae


Bacillus subtilis

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens

Bacillus licheniformis


Seaweed Powder


Traceolite (zeolite plus trace elements)

Minimum count of endo mycorrhizal spores/propagules per Kilo of product

• Endo Mycorrhizal Concentrate (no other microbes added) 220,000 per Kg

• Endo Mycorrhizal Transplanter 61,600 per Kg

• Endo Mycorrhizal Whip Dip 132,000 per Kg

The above are the minimum spore/propagule counts guaranteed to be in each product due to the natural production process there may be a higher spore/propagule count in the finished product

this is a copy of the info i received from symbio when i asked the same question hope this helps regards


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edit: Seems to be endo mycorrhizae only, seller just used ecto for keyword spam....

Got another reply from him (asked if it was fresh and the same as the mycoforce symbio currently stock) :

hi thanks for the question my item is exactly the same product as what the sell symbio did not used to sell this product in smaller quantities as i do so i decided to do trial packs of 100g and also a 500 g pk cheaper than the competition companies i am fully endorsed by symbio have a really good relationship with the company the only differnce with my item is 500g comes in a clear zip lock bag as i buy the endo in bulk buckets for making up smaller quanties for people to try please fell free to contact symbio about myself and they will verify that the product i sell is fresh and eaxactly the same product they sell hope this helps kindest regards mal

Apart from the spelling and grammar it sounds good to me. I looked on the symbio site and they don't seem to say much regarding the species etc, but the numbers above should be the same, and he is cheaper than ordering direct (although as always I'm tempted by a good few of their products, which ebay matey doesn't stock), someone tell me why I shouldn't buy this (mycologists/researchers in the house?):)

ps- good to see some familiar names from the site whose name shall no long be typed, whimper.... ;)

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Hope it's ok to post theses worth of relevant study abstracts, and a few (probably conjecture-filled) stoner notes :) ....

Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

A semi-controlled experiment was conducted in a greenhouse to evaluate the influence of arbuscular mycorrhizas (Glomus mosseae, G. etunicatum or both) on chilli pepper (tatase) production in sub-humid soils of the tropics. The mycorrhizas were inoculated by placing 10 g of inoculum in each hole opening made in a container in which 4-week-old seedlings were transplanted. G. etunicatum was effective in improving the biomass production of tatase as well as its flowering and fruiting potential. Mycorrhizal inoculation also reduced the number of abscised flowers and fruits. Dual inoculation with both mycorrhizas did not improve its performance in comparison to the single inoculation with G. etunicatum.

- So at least economically (from the buyers or competitive market pov) it's well worth considering far fewer species than the normal multi-purpose inoculants (although I have read another study concluding the opposite, if only because of the non-viability of testing every crop for the optimum symbiosis/es. If all MJ benefits from a small percentage of the albeit good value innoculants, there could be a lot of 'filler' even in the best options...

In 'Hemp Diseases and Pests: Management and Biological Control: An Advanced Treatise(lol title)' by John Michael McPartland & co mention that a 'Glomus' species, probably 'Mosseae' has been found growing naturally with feral cannabis and that in the lab also, an unspecified endo species has been succesfully introduced (although no methods of testing are mentioned). They also report that (unspecified) azotobacter can live with the myc 'synergistally increasing plant growth'.

An abstract of another study concluding the same:

From an article of 'New Phytol' (lol journal title)

The symbiotic establishment of mycorrhizal fungi on plant roots is affected in various ways by the other microorganisms of the rhizosphere, and more especially by bacteria. This review discusses the case of some of these bacteria which consistently promote mycorrhizal development, leading to the concept of `mycorrhization' helper bacteria (MHBs). Examples of MHB evidence are given from the literature, with special reference to the Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menzeisii Mirb. Franco)-Laccaria laccata Scop. ex Fr. ectomycorrhizal combination which has been more extensively studied. The fungal specificity of some MHBs and the various mechanisms underlying their effect are discussed, considering five hypotheses: effects on the receptivity of the root, effects on the root-fungus recognition, effects on the fungal growth, modification of the rhizospheric soil, and effects on the germination of the fungal propagule. MHBs are then considered for their ecological and evolutionary implications, and examples of practical applications in forest nurseries are given: when added to the fungal inoculum, MHBs can improve the success of ectomycorrhizal inoculation of planting stocks with fungi selected for their outstanding growth stimulation after outplanting. The conclusion points out a number of fundamental questions which remain unanswered about mycorrhization helper bacteria and suggests some investigation priorities in this new field of mycorrhiza research.

It may be we just need one or two species of bacteria and 1 Myc (maybe 2 or 3 proven Myc MJ symbionts, as a dinner option ;)).... (I was going to quote loads of other related non-mj specific pr studies but I'm tired now, I'll sum some of the findings up in a totally rubbish way:

Mycs like ph 6ish (5.6 -6.2) (although germinate at 4ish to 8ish)

Mycs like wood ;)

Mycs find it hard to impossible to germinate in strong strong soils, and are most succesful in very mild ones (seemingly with a sliding scale)

Mycs like rock-dust, alot.

sorry for the ramble :))

ps- anyone considered or tried growing alfalfa as a companion plant to mj(azotobacters galore + like mycs too)? Considering prepping a gg and maybe even my indoor with it, wondering if the auto-toxicity should be a worry...

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I took some snaps of some alfalfa I'm sprouting in granules + allmix, checkout the apparent mycellium already (whether the granules are the reason who knows - no control :doh: ), especially on most of the just popping seeds (notice how its branching away from the soon to be roots like some kind of crazy quantum action-at-a-distance symbiotic rhizosphere! phew :spliff: .)

I'm talking to myself again aren't I? :hi:



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2 more pics of possible succesful alfalfa innoculation (most of the commercial myc products aimed at farmers seem to suggest doing it like this, and also I've read both that innoculating a cover grass or companion plant by seed then can introduce it to stuff later planted in, and that planting into already established mediums is probably the ideal, would certainly be cheap and easy to top dress with something like the pics, which Im now trying on some chillis :))

Ok I def need more sleep :yawn:



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edit: Don't think the pics I posted show anything at all (except maybe moisture induced 'white-mould'). :(

just did a little (statistally pointless) side by side with and without granules sprouting alfalfa in a 'light' organic compost and found no difference, will compare roots when potting up next.

Moar abstracts -


Effects of inoculation of phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms and an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus on mungbean grown under natural soil conditions

Satpal Singh and K. K. Kapoor


 The effect of inoculation of the phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms (PSM) Bacillus circulans and Cladosporium herbarum and the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus fasciculatum with or without Mussoorie rockphosphate (MRP) was studied in a P-deficient natural non-disinfected sandy soil on mungbean (Vigna radiata). The AM levels increased following the addition of MRP or inoculation with PSM or G. fasciculatum. Both grain and straw yield of mungbean increased following inoculation with PSM or the AM fungus. In general, the increase in yield was higher in the presence of MRP and inoculation with a combination of PSM and AM fungus. Highest N and P uptake by mungbean was recorded after treatment with a combination of B. circulans, C. herbarum and G. fasciculatum in the presence of MRP. Generally the PSM population increased after AM fungus inoculation.


The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae induces growth and metal accumulation changes in Cannabis sativa L.

Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca, Piazza della Scienza (translated from Italian


The effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza on heavy metal uptake and translocation was investigated in Cannabis sativa. Hemp was grown in the presence and absence of 100 microg g-1 Cd and Ni and 300 microg g-1 Cr(VI), and inoculated or not with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae. In our experimental condition, hemp growth was reduced in inoculated plants and the reduction was related to the degree of mycorrhization. The percentage of mycorrhizal colonisation was 42% and 9% in plants grown in non-contaminated and contaminated soil, suggesting a significant negative effect of high metal concentrations on plant infection by G. mosseae. Soil pH, metal bioavailability and plant metal uptake were not influenced by mycorrhization. The organ metal concentrations were not statistically different between inoculated and non-inoculated plants, apart from Ni which concentration was significantly higher in stem and leaf of inoculated plants grown in contaminated soil. The distribution of absorbed metals inside plant was related to the soil heavy metal concentrations: in plant grown in non-contaminated soil the greater part of absorbed Cr and Ni was found in shoots and no significant difference was determined between inoculated and non-inoculated plants. On the contrary, plants grown in artificially contaminated soil accumulated most metal in root organ. In this soil, mycorrhization significantly enhanced the translocation of all the three metals from root to shoot. The possibility to increase metal accumulation in shoot is very interesting for phytoextraction purpose, since most high producing biomass plants, such as non-mycorrhized hemp, retain most heavy metals in roots, limiting their application.


Synergism Among VA Mycorrhiza, Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria and Rhizobium for Symbiosis

by 土壤圈(英文版) summary by Tsing Hua

A field experiment was conducted at the G.B. Pant University Research Station, Ujhani (U.P.) in rainy (Kharif) season of the year 1994-1995 to study the effect of Rhizobium, VAM (vesicular arbuscular myc- orrhiza) and PSB (phosphate solubilizing bacteria) inoculation, with and without P, on blackgram (Vigna mungo L.) seed yield. Phosphorus application in soil with medium P content (5.4 mg kg~1) increased nodu- lation, grain yield, N and P in plant and grain over no phosphorus control. Forty kilograms of P-2O-5 each hactare recorded an increase of 20.6 % in nodule dry weight, significant increases of 0.35 g kg~(-1) in N con- centration and 1.28 g kg~(-1) in P concentration of plant over 20 kg P-2O-5 ha~(-1). Similar significant increases of 0.59 g kg~(-l) in grain yield and 0.54 and 0.23 g kg~(-1) in N and P concentrations of the grain, respectively, over 20 kg P-2O-5 ha~(-1) were also obtained with higher dose. Inoculation of Rhizobium + VAM + PSB at all the stages of plant growth recorded maximum increases in all the parameters studied. Dual inoculation of Rhizobium with either VAM or PSB was generally significant in the effect and better than that of VAM + PSB, however, P accumulation in plant and grain was more with VAM + PSB. Among single inocula tions, Rhizobium gave highest and 21.0 % more nodule number, 34.7 % more nodule dry mass, 0.73 g kg~(-1) more N in grain and 4.2 % higher grain yield over PSB. PSB, however, registered significant increases in P concentration in plant and grain over VAM and Rhizobium.

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Both chillis and mj dont seem to mind sharing with alfalfa. Here's one of the mj: The stretching is from me not noticing them pop (only took 3-4 days from unsoaked seed, and interestingly, although again completely subjectively, both the mj and alfalfa seemed to sprout at the same time).... + the scorching is from the a(wfu)ll-mix.

I'm 100% going to try planting alfalfa with outdoor grows, either for planting with seedlings/cuttings, prepping the space, or planting in the autumn after cutting to keep the ground nice and healthy and discourage pests(rotation styley). Could also plant in spring, leave for the season and use it as mulch for the following year.


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fascinating read above :yep:

thanks for posting that :yes:

I found innoculation along the lines discussed in the pertinent post above (e2a 649) enhances plant health too :yahoo:

e again to say :starwars: and kills leafspot fungus dead :smokin:

* I know 'lsf' is a broad term but I've found that innoculation kills the parasitic culprits whatever they're called :D

I use pm prducts to innoculate, myself (nearly said to 'innoculate myself', without the comma. Then realised that would have beeen different and oh so wrong :rofl:

e2a and this thread gave me my username :guitar:

sorry I didn't even notice the thread had reactivated till tonight - given time peeps do notice and appreciate :yep: but we're mostly inna hazy stoners' time :yinyang:

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Thanks for the encouragement Arbuscule, your's is a cool name indeed :)


The interaction with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi or Trichoderma harzianum alters the shoot hormonal profile in melon plants by Ainhoa Martínez-Medinaa

CEBAS-CSIC, Department of Plant Nutrition, Campus Universitario de Espinardo, Murcia E-30100,


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and Trichoderma harzianum are known to affect plant growth and disease resistance through interaction with phytohormone synthesis or transport in the plant. Cross-talk between these microorganisms and their host plants normally occurs in nature and may affect plant resistance. Simultaneous quantification in the shoots of melon plants revealed significant changes in the levels of several hormones in response to inoculation with T. harzianum and two different AMF (Glomus intraradices and Glomus mosseae). Analysis of zeatin (Ze), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA) and abscisic acid (ABA) in the shoot showed common and divergent responses of melon plants to G. intraradices and G. mosseae. T. harzianum effected systemic increases in Ze, IAA, ACC, SA, JA and ABA. The interaction of T. harzianum and the AMF with the plant produced a characteristic hormonal profile, which differed from that produced by inoculation with each microorganism singly, suggesting an attenuation of the plant response, related to the hormones SA, JA and ethylene. These results are discussed in relation to their involvement in biomass allocation and basal resistance against Fusarium wilt.

Graphical abstract

Dual inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Trichoderma harzianum results in a plant hormonal profile different from that associated with the inoculation with either agent applied singly.

See below for chart image.

Research highlights

► Mycorrhizal establishment and Trichoderma harzianum–plant interaction imply changes in the shoot hormonal profile of melon plants. ► Colonisation of different AMF produces common and divergent plant responses. ► T. harzianum effected systemic increases in Ze, IAA, ACC, SA, JA and ABA shoot content. ► Co-inoculation with T. harzianum and AMF produces a characteristic shoot hormonal profile, which differs from that produced by single inoculation.

Stoner note: Salicylic acid (from wiki)

Salicylic acid (SA) is a phenolic phytohormone and is found in plants with roles in plant growth and development, photosynthesis, transpiration, ion uptake and transport. SA also induces specific changes in leaf anatomy and chloroplast structure. SA is involved in endogenous signaling, mediating in plant defense against pathogens.[4] It plays a role in the resistance to pathogens by inducing the production of pathogenesis-related proteins.[5] It is involved in the systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in which a pathogenic attack on one part of the plant induces resistance in other parts. The signal can also move to nearby plants by salicyclic acid being converted to the volatile ester, methyl salicylate.[6]

+ this from the US Agricultural Research Service

Plant scientists first encountered the phenomenon, called systemic acquired resistance (SAR), in the 1930s. Plants make salicylic acid, particularly after encountering a pathogen, and use it as a key regulator of SAR and expression of defense genes. But only recently have companies begun marketing salicylic acid and other similar compounds as a way to activate SAR in crops—tomato, spinach, lettuce, and tobacco among them.

-Hence people using Aspirin (ASA) on crops to increase resistance to pests and diseases....


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Interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Trichoderma harzianum and their effects on Fusarium wilt in melon plants grown in seedling nurseries

Ainhoa Martínez-Medina,Jose A Pascual,Eva Lloret,Antonio Roldán


BACKGROUND: Biological control through the use of Trichoderma spp. and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) could contribute to a reduction of the inputs of environmentally damaging agrochemical products. The objective of this study was to evaluate the interactions between four AMF (Glomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae, Glomus claroideum and Glomus constrictum) and Trichoderma harzianum for their effects on melon plant growth and biocontrol of Fusarium wilt in seedling nurseries.

RESULTS: AMF colonisation decreased fresh plant weight, which was unaffected by the presence of T. harzianum. Dual inoculation resulted in a decrease in fresh weight compared with AMF-inoculated plants, except for G. intraradices. AMF colonisation level varied with the AM endophyte and was increased by T. harzianum, except in G. mosseae-inoculated plants. Negative effects of AMF on T. harzianum colony-forming units were found, except with G. intraradices. AMF alone were less effective than T. harzianum in suppressing disease development. Combined inoculation resulted in a general synergistic effect on disease control.

CONCLUSION: Selection of the appropriate AMF species and its combination with T. harzianum were significant both in the formation and effectiveness of AM symbiosis and the reduction of Fusarium wilt incidence in melon plants. The combination of G. intraradices and T. harzianum provided better results than any other tested. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry

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2 more T Harzanium studies

Effects of «Trichoderma» Treatments on the Occurrence of Decline Pathogens in the Roots and Rootstocks of Nursery Grapevines

Francois Halleen, Johann van der Vyver, Paul Fourie, Wouter Schreuder


The growth-stimulating attributes of Trichoderma treatments (dips, soil amendments and drenches with

Trichoderma products containing propagules of selected strains of Trichoderma harzianum) in grapevine nurseries,

and their effect on the occurrence of fungi in roots and rootstocks of nursery grapevines, in particular fungi causing

Petri disease (Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and Phaeoacremonium spp.) and black foot rot (Cylindrocarpon spp.),

were compared with quintozene/procymidone treated (standard) vines. Early shoot growth of Trichoderma treated

vines was visibly better than that of the control vines. Eight months after planting, at uprooting, percentage take and

shoot mass of Trichoderma and standard treated vines were similar, but total root mass was significantly higher for

Trichoderma treated vines. Low percentages of Cylindrocarpon spp. were isolated from the rootstocks of treated and

untreated vines, while less Petri disease fungi were isolated from rootstocks of Trichoderma treated vines. Markedly

fewer fungi were also isolated from the roots of Trichoderma treated vines. Incidences of Petri disease fungi in roots

of Trichoderma and standard treated vines were similar, but fewer Cylindrocarpon spp. were isolated from Trichoderma

treated vines. These results indicate the potential of Trichoderma treatments in grapevine nurseries for the production

of stronger vines with lower Phaeomoniella/Phaeoacremonium and Cylindrocarpon infection levels.


Effects of soil solarization and Trichoderma on strawberry production

M. Porras, C. Barraua and F. Romero


Soil solarization and Trichoderma, alone and combined, were tested in three consecutive annual production cycles in Huelva (southwestern Spain) an environment representative of the coastal strawberry production area, to evaluate the effectiveness in enhancing strawberry yield and the relationship between Trichoderma soil population, root colonization by Trichoderma, yield and root weight. Solarization was conducted during the summer, using clear 50 μm low-density polyethylene mulch. Trichoderma spp. were applied via drip irrigation and dip, adding to the soil 7-days before planting (108 conidia/m2), and strawberry roots were dipped in a suspension of Trichoderma (106 conidia/ml) prior to planting. Mean soil temperatures in solarized plots averaged 46 °C at 5 cm depth, 43 °C at 10 cm, and 38 °C at 20 cm. Solarization reduced Trichoderma soil populations. Nevertheless, Trichoderma soil populations increased over the three consecutive years in solarized plots, and no differences were observed after three repeated treatments of the same site. Solarization did not significantly reduce root colonization by Trichoderma. Combination of solarization with Trichoderma applications significantly increased Trichoderma soil populations relative to the solarization alone treatment, and root colonization by Trichoderma compared to the untreated control and the solarization alone treatment. Soil solarization, alone or combined with Trichoderma applications, increased strawberry yield 77.6% and 78.2% in year 2, and 11.0% and 43.2% in year 3, respectively. Trichoderma spp. became established in soil, and by the end of each season it could be recovered from soil samples and from root segments. Trichoderma applications increased Trichoderma soil populations, root colonization, root weight and strawberry yield 84.9% in year 2 and 17.6% in year 3. Significant positive correlations were observed between Trichoderma soil populations and strawberry yield, and between Trichoderma soil populations and root colonization by Trichoderma.

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I have one question that has been burning my mind for a while now (sorry if it has already been addressed elsewhere). I've recently managed to acquire a copy of 'Teaming with microbes', a fascinating and very absorbing read as I'm sure everyone who has been lucky enough to read it will agree! It is explained within that there are two main types of soil based on the microfauna i.e. bacterially and fungally dominated soils. I'm just wondering, which it is that cannabis ultimately prefers. Cannabis is an annual in it's natural environment so according to the book it should do better in a bacterially dominated soil. On the other hand it seems that good results are achieved when mycorrhizal fungus species are introduced. Would the best option maybe be to try to get a 50/50 mix of bacteria and fungi in the medium? Any ideas on this matter would be appreciated as the internet seems to be void of opinions on this specific topic funnily enough.


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I have one question that has been burning my mind for a while now (sorry if it has already been addressed elsewhere). I've recently managed to acquire a copy of 'Teaming with microbes', a fascinating and very absorbing read as I'm sure everyone who has been lucky enough to read it will agree! It is explained within that there are two main types of soil based on the microfauna i.e. bacterially and fungally dominated soils. I'm just wondering, which it is that cannabis ultimately prefers. Cannabis is an annual in it's natural environment so according to the book it should do better in a bacterially dominated soil. On the other hand it seems that good results are achieved when mycorrhizal fungus species are introduced. Would the best option maybe be to try to get a 50/50 mix of bacteria and fungi in the medium? Any ideas on this matter would be appreciated as the internet seems to be void of opinions on this specific topic funnily enough.


The revised edition of the book has a whole chapter on Mycorrhizae

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Well, although many researchers have concluded that MJ can associate with at least some endo mycs, very few studies mention direct benefits. The thing to remember is most of the myc products available also usually contain humates, seaweed meal, bacteria & other non-myc funghi (perhaps most importantly, trichodermas)... So it is very hard to tell what you are getting benefit from, even with access to lab equipment. From what I have seen the large bulk of many innoculants, for example GHE's version, are 70%+ seaweed meal and humate, which of course are very much cheaper on their own. It seems most companies just rely on existing research to come up with a product that sounds logical/clever, without providing any direct 'proof'. (Hence virtually all innoculants making the same, fairly arbitrary claims; eg 'can increase root mass by 700%' (('really? On which plants in which mediums' etc))). The main reasons for this are probably costs, legal (ie they'd have to move somewhere where they can do proper trials etc), and the fact that supplement labels can get away with a lot. It's not that it's hard to see how these products might help our favourite annual, it's just that it's hard to see that they do. A bit like compost 'tea'.

Until it's possible to have proper scientific studies to back up the mixes, all we can really do is rely on anecdotal evidence and relatively small sde-by-sides from trustworthy sources in order to make an informed decision, although even then it could be any combination of the contents providing the benefit.

Using nutrient rich composts (especially those with added chemicals) alongside innoculants makes me especially speculative, as the vast majority of myc studies agree that mycs don't do much if anything at all in such a habitat, but that bacteria will thrive. Some studies have concluded that mycs only allow an associated plants roots to be more efficient, and that mycs only thrive when needed (ie they make up for lacking roots). Some species of plant don't require them at all, but will associate if their roots don't have direct access to what they need (facultative associations). Plants with fine hair root systems are apparently more likely to be non-mycorrhizal.

Having said (or rambled) the above, I'm giving 'granules' a go, as feedback seems good, PM seem like nice chaps, and I bought it mainly for use on gg's (where the ground is far less likely to be optimal) and also my chillies, which (as they usually get wintered, and so live a few years) are also likely to benefit. (There is also unsuprisingly a lot more research the benefits of mycs on capsicum) Also, if like me you are using a virtually sterile compost, then without adding organic ammendments such as wormcasts etc, the microbial life will take a while to establish, if at all.

A lot of people seem to use these products as a 'safety-net', increasing tolerance.

To add in a pointless anecdote, my healthiest grow to date was in a soil containing 'beneficial funghi and bacteria', although I may have just done everything else right at the time.

OK, sorry for the unstructured ramble :) I shouldn't have smoked kush before writing this :guitar:

ps- a great website for basic myc 'facts' mycorrhizas.info

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