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1 hour ago, Revive said:

I find the TM2 burns a bit once you go past 6 so I stay at about 5.5 but still if a pull to hard it still chars..


Give the batteries a few months of use mine are coming up for a replacement soon - maybe with fresh batteries im stopping at about 4-5 before using it in the ball vape.


Most decent vapes are around the 300 mark and think its pretty good value for a ball vape - its different to a TM2 as in a much more of a single hit almost like a dab.  I like the variety similar to switching up strains mixing up devices gets me fairly battered.

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23 minutes ago, highgrower said:

its different to a TM2 as in a much more of a single hit almost like a dab.

I do like the sound of these tbf I just wonder if my lungs could take it..300+ quid is a lot of money to spend to find out..I'm sure curiosity will have its way with me at some point highgrower you know what it's like always on the chase for a better high :)

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3 hours ago, Revive said:

curiosity will have its way


Thats the problem with this hobby its not like u can pop into the local shop with a little sampler to try out the various bits of kit.


My lungs actually take it pretty well - the first bowl is fine if i try to finish it or have a second too soon then the coughing hits but so far other than a dab it is the highest i have got vaping herb.


Ok there are other issue too...but most stem from the same source its illegal


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And we are done :)

like a prick I split some when straining but I was more bothered about the cleaning up than losing the product, it wasn't much anyway.

I will let this cool then in the fridge to set 👍large.20240206_201715.jpg.c60161ff8e92d14593ef4d578e4f3f4d.jpg

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@Revive I made some more oil yesterday myself three ounces to five cups of oil been working good for me and that's all the MBM will hold like you I have been eating a bunch of it I like it a lot 

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28 minutes ago, bfehillbilly said:

like you I have been eating a bunch of it I like it a lot 

It's really nice hillbilly isn't it..I can't leave it alone atm mate, really enjoying the diff kind of high it gives you :yinyang:

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Jeeze I was high last night lol

Every time I make a batch of oil I seem to just get off my nut, I think it's all the licking  of spoons and bowls plus having it all over my hands when straining, I'm sure that has an effect too.

All I know is I was spaced out good and proper, even to the point that it wasn't enjoyable at times because it was just to strong lol I just had to ride it out but now I'm all good again 👍

What a journey that was, back to reasonable doses I think.

I seem to be consuming more and more in this way now and hardly using the vape much just here and there for a bit of flavour really.

 The only problem with edibles is consumption gives you no enjoyment as such but the buzz kicks like a mule :yinyang:

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Should be potent! 😂 Do you know how much you normally lose? My last batch of butter I tried not to lose too much but still only got 585g back from 750g. I’m eating more and more but got loads of bubble so vaping that with the hash pipe too. It’s very satisfying. I don’t feel like the hash if I’m well gone on the edibles but sometimes I like the two levels.
The oil on hands would be a topical you would need to make it transdermal to enter the blood stream otherwise it won’t go past the skin. I’m not sure how it’s done but a transdermal would be alcohol based rather than oil I’d imagine 👍 

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@Revive edibles FTW for sure. 👍 I find a teaspoon or two of oil late night not only gives a great high, but a good night's sleep too. Wash it down with a cider or beer and you're in heaven. :) 


When I'm making oil, before washing all the containers I used to make the oil, I take some slices of dry bread and mop up the leftover oil with the bread. The oil soaked bread makes a fine supper. 😁

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@Revive yes it is I eat three teaspoons in a bowl of oats at 4am by 5 it's kicking in good and holds me till 11 when I take lunch and burn one or hit my vape just what the doctor ordered to get through a workday 

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On 07/02/2024 at 18:09, Hole in the clouds said:

Do you know how much you normally lose? My last batch of butter I tried not to lose too much but still only got 585g back from 750g

No idea mate I would not have thought that much, well providing you don't spill it all over the gaff like this idiot did lol

On 07/02/2024 at 18:09, Hole in the clouds said:

The oil on hands would be a topical you would need to make it transdermal to enter the blood stream otherwise it won’t go past the skin. I’m not sure how it’s done but a transdermal would be alcohol based rather than oil I’d imagine 👍 

It must just be a coincidence then because every time I make it I end up completely off my nut but as I said I'm licking the spoons after stirring and fingering the bowl.

Vaping and eating it in the same day is just to much for me tbh it's had me on the edge of a whitey a few times lately..I hit the vape for some flavour but sometimes forget I'm waiting for the oil to kick in, its just overload then and I end up a dribbling mess lol

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On 07/02/2024 at 19:54, Crow River said:

 I find a teaspoon or two of oil late night not only gives a great high, but a good night's sleep too. Wash it down with a cider or beer and you're in heaven. :) 

Crow if I had 2 teaspoons of this with a cidar or beer chucked on top I'd be in trouble mush.. its fuking strong this lot that much I know so I have to be very careful how I go..I just eat little lumps of it every few hours so I have some control and don't end up in the corner somewhere freeking out lol

On 07/02/2024 at 19:54, Crow River said:

before washing all the containers I used to make the oil, I take some slices of dry bread and mop up the leftover oil with the bread. The oil soaked bread makes a fine supper. 

Had the same idea but I'm wary of this stuff it that strong so I just finger a bit of the bowl here and there..if you was to spread enough of this to cover I piece of toast/bread it would be far to much in 1 go I'm sure..loving it though since I been cooking it longer it's just to dam powerful 👍

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On 07/02/2024 at 21:20, bfehillbilly said:

eat three teaspoons in a bowl of oats at 4am by 5

3 spoons of this batch in a bowl of oats at 4am would have you in a pickle by 5, It would be a day off I reckon dude lol

I just seem to be eating little lumps of it through the day and that keeps me right, at night or more through the night the lumps get bigger and I forget how much I'm taking or how frequently. Every time I piss a have a bit more but I've no idea how long ago the last bit was because by then I'm already in la last land lol

Loving it though bro 👍

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@Revive you sure it's weed you're cooking and not something more potent? :D 


I used to just have one teaspoon, and that was enough. My tolerance has shot right up though, and now I'm fine with two. Wouldn't want to have them with breakfast mind, I'd be well fucked up! Strictly an evening/night time thing with me, if I get too monged it's off to sleepy land I go...


This stuff helps me cut down on the booze, only need a wee tipple for a bit of combination effect, and it's off with the fairies you go. 🫠

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11 hours ago, Crow River said:

you sure it's weed you're cooking and not something more potent?

I bloody hope so dude lol

Tbh I think its just down to the length of time its infused for.

Normally I cook it for 3/4 hours but lately I've been cooking it for 7/8 hours..ive heard folk say it dont get any stronger and just a few hours is enough but like they say the proof is in the pudding and all that.

Any more than a teaspoon at a time and im in a mess and start getting chest palpitations before starting to freek out a little bit.. little and not too often seems the way to go with this.

I know loads of folk that have an issue with the booze and im lucky I guess because I used to drink a lot but it was all down to partying and pushing shit up my nose. I dont do that shit anymore and don't go out so the booze is no more.

Oddly I don't miss it 1 bit, its not like I'm against it I still drink here and there but its more a couple cans while I watch the footy these days.

If I socialise I will have a drink but its the furthest thing from my mind when in my own company. 

Next time you make some oil try cooking it longer, id love to hear other opinions on weather or not it makes the diff.

Be lucky bro :yinyang:


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