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I've realised that my RH, just in a random room, tends to ride the temp's (F) by 20 up. So, eg: Temp = 55F? RH = 75%. Temp drops to 45F? RH will drop to 65% (And I'll die of fucking cold!)


Now, forgive me, I really need treating like a five year old here. This stuff's all brand new to me, and doing my head in. I'm taking tiny steps. But;


On this basis, plants liking, say, 70F, in the tent? Looks like the RH will be 90% in there. And that's just based on the model of my kitchen. What, in gods name, will happen to the RH, once I throw warm, evaporating water to that environment, whilst all enclosed inside a close fitting tent?




This is 'All I need to know', for the moment, by the way. Then, like a thoughtful child, I can give the answer some deep thought. Before, inevitably, coming back with Another question to try the patience of a saint! :yes:

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I don’t want to piss on yer bonfire but the environment doesn’t usually work that way in a tent or grow cupboard,

not in my experience anyway :no:


Usually RH is too low when starting seedlings and too high when the grow space is full of buds lol 



But seriously (let’s use metric) if the ambient temperature is 22C and the Rh is 50%,

by the time the air is filling my grow space it has been heated to around 28C,

this would cause the RH to fall because warm air can hold more moisture than colder air hence the term relative humidity :yep:


But I like to keep my humidity up over 60% throughout pretty much the whole grow :D 


Fortunately the plants are expelling moisture as well as Oxygen :) 


I also leave a thin layer of water in my garland trays which have either heat mats or underfloor heating below them,

this helps to increase the RH too.


Welcome to the site :) 

i can’t remember if we’ve already met or not :smokin:lol 







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13 hours ago, Shumroom said:

I don’t want to piss on yer bonfire but the environment doesn’t usually work that way in a tent or grow cupboard, not in my experience anyway :no:


Okay ... That's pissed on it alright. Because, the stone cold Fact that it Is working that way, in my kitchen, suggests that either A/ Everything I think I've pinned down is about to go south, the moment I try to kick off. Or B/ That my meter isn't worth a wank.


I can't speak for tents, just yet. But, I will say that the Temperature reading, on this particular meter was at least in the same ball park as a few others I compared it to, simultaneously. Literally hung four of the things, side by side. All came within five degrees of each other.


RH of that same meter seems to hold up well enough. Since doing that 'experiment', I've bought InkBird Thermo and RH meters. I tend to prefer those now. Because, they cost a shit ton more than the tenner range stuff. And, I guess we just have to believe Something!


Don't think I've actually run the Birds, side by side with what I'll call The Black Meter in my kitchen. Little enough point, really.


I have run 'All' my meters, in 'The Shed', where I'd like to put my tent. They all go, literally, off the chart. 99% RH. Shed, by the way, is behind a door in my kitchen. So; 'Shed = Lung Room'. Point One.


Point Two, I'd like ye to keep a note of, please, is; Shed has a vent, through the external wall. That's my extraction route. Hose from Tent is to be attached to that. 4" hose.


Soup; I read my way right through ye thread there, thanks. Scribbled a couple of notes down, on a bit of paper ~ thank christ!


Multi Quoted any post which I felt touched on points I otherwise wanted to come back to. Managed to copy all those to Note Pad. Intended to dissect the lot and bring out the salient points I needed to ask about. Put That aside. Fucked off to do some physical work. Just realised it's no where on this fucking computer!!! :wallbash: God knows!


Anyway, Gentlemen, the bits that Really caught my eye, on my bit of paper?


1. Fan Controller, with Temp / RH Reactivity. That sounds the business! Anyone point me at one, please?


2. Dew Point. I've come across this before. Couldn't take it all in, right then. Any leads, please?


And, that'll do it, for now. Thanks. I really can only handle the smallest bite sized bits of info', just now. When I'm not sneaking about on here, sniffing for clues? I'm like the Chinese guy we used to see on shit like the London Palladium. More plates spinning than should be humanly possible.


Believe me; I've done more research than a KC on a murder charge. I've spent enough money, on my gear collection, to make a Rothschild wince. I'll spend as much more as it takes.


And, yes; This place is just about pissing on half of what I've already learned, and taken as gospel. But, that's great! Because you guys are living in and experiencing the same shit I am. And ye Doing it!


All I've got from the septic's has been; " Poor Limeys! God; The Humidity They have to contend with! Poor bastards! Christ knows how they manage. "


I'm here to unravel that mystery, guys. How Do we manage? Yanks seem to feel it should be impossible. I need to learn the British Isles Way :yep:


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Dew point:

At the moment there’s a certain amount of water in the atmosphere around us :yep:


By knowing the current temperature and RH,

it can be worked out at what temperature some of that moisture will begin to condense on cooler surfaces :) 




For fan controller I’d recommend the GAS Enviro v2 which has bells and whistles and can control heating and humidity devices too.


Or you could look at the AC Infinity controllers,

the 67 is one of the more basic ones but they also do ones that work with lights etc.







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8 hours ago, Shumroom said:

By knowing the current temperature and RH,

it can be worked out at what temperature some of that moisture will begin to condense on cooler surfaces :) 


Is there a formula for working out the dew point? @GSZZ gave me some excellent advice on this and tbf in all my years I'd never

come across it until recently and having just suffered mould, it would be handy to know...:yep:

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Cheers, G! I'll be having a look at that, today. Nothing gets worked out in My head! It's bloody useless, in there! :D


@Shumroom I had a glance at those Controllers, last night. Just before I collapsed. AC I could get, right now. GAS would need a bit of breathing space ~ I'm just bracing myself for the electric arse raping ~ and then, I suspect, it / they'd need a Dehumidifier too control?


Okay. We'll Not get into Dehu's, here. My head'll explode. But, I'm guessing that's the premise. I'll look more closely at the controllers (Why am I hearing Ringo Starr's voice in my head?) today.


Speaking of not mentioning, and exploding heads? I'm holding a shit ton back, obviously. I have a load of gear and situational stuff I need to discuss yet. But, if I mention too much at once? No way can I handle the torrent of information That'd release!


Thinking about it? This thread's already looking set to wobble and wander all over the place. But, it's All, strictly, to do with my aim of doing DWC. Anyone, with a better sense for these things, on here, reckons bits could be better served elsewhere? Just point me as we get there? :) Thanks.



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For some great reading check out threads by @Gaijin :yep:


He came on here a couple of years and put in the time doing his research before spending his hard earned,

then he went out and absolutely smashed his first grow,

it put many seasoned growers to shame :headbang:


Take your time getting your head around what you want to achieve and how you’re going to do it :) 



Don’t be afraid to ask a question if you can’t find the answer,

plus some answers/opinions do change on some subjects :D 


When searching for subjects/questions,

it’s best just to use your chosen web search engine and include the “UK420” as part of the search term.



@stu914 GSZZ beat me to it with the calculator.


If you use any of the Bluetooth hygrometers that can generate graphs and stuff,

they’ll usually show what the dew point is for all conditions in the area and whether or not you’re getting too close to it :yep:







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49 minutes ago, Shumroom said:

show what the dew point is for all conditions in the area and whether or not you’re getting too close to it 


Hmm. Seems I've just picked up something damn useful, in the post quoting division? Wish I'd known this yesterday!


Aiming to spend some time around this DP thing. What does occur to me, of course, is that a dry run could probably show us a lot.


Bottom line is that I'm simply too busy ~ at this precise moment in time ~ to dedicate the time and effort. I'm totally engrossed in a completely unrelated project. And, that involves livestock. So, as ye can imagine; Creatures trump plants. And even my gut clenching desire to provide myself with said plant!


But, yeah; Anything more I can learn, do, or buy meanwhile? I'm up for it.


Oh! (FFS!) Just glanced at my hand written notes, before signing off again? Reminded myself what the hell I'd came back here for :blushing:


Dew Point: I now have mine ~ or can damn soon get it. Thinking maybe tonight, when the door's closed though? Interestingly, my kitchens RH, as I type, has leapt a whopping ~ and uncharacteristic ~ 10%, against a relatively stable temp.


  I'm guessing that's because the front door's wide open? (Is, all day here. At least till it's simply too cold to sustain life in here) At night, it's shut. And that's when I tend to be more active with this shit. Days are spent down the shed, working on that other project.


But, yeah, I'd like to try for it in The 'shed'. Cold, damp hell hole I need to convert into a workable 'Lung Room'. (Again; Plenty of time to get round to That nightmare!)


My question, for now, though is: What does one Do with / about ones Dew Point? Just in a word, please. I can dig into it tonight. When I'm more settled. Just helps to feed my head with snippets I can ruminate on, unconsciously, as I go about my day. As I now must :)




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@Shumroom too kind, thank you :) It's been downhill all the way ever since lollol But yeah, I did ask a few questions before I spent any money; very glad I did. I'm still fucking things up, but not as many things as it would have been, if I hadn't asked a load of questions 


Dew point's very important, yet I can't say I've thought about it a single time. I think in the back of my mind I know that if my environment stays within certain parameters, dew point's not something I need to worry about. 


At least, I hope not lol  I haven't yet :wassnnme: 



Welcome aboard @Chal:)  




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Just come in from my kitchen, lads. Still 30 up on the RH vs Temp, out there.


:doh: Saying that, I just made myself realise I've been getting so obsessive about the differences? I've not been taking conscious note of the actual temp! Could be then that the temp's dropping (I can tell ye for nothing, it Is!) and thus causing the expected rise in RH.


See that? I didn't even know it worked that way, few days ago! Months and months of scouring every bloody site out there ~ coincidentally All septic! Must sort my browser preferences! ~ and they're just Shit on RH! It's like it doesn't effect them!


Ok. That said, I'm now gonna stand up. Brace myself. And dash back out there, to grab the black meter and bung it back in my future lung room. 'The Shed', as I'll call it. Capital T's important. Because I do a lot of unrelated work in the shed down the way. AKA the stables.


Anyway; I'll leave it in there a bit. Then let ye know what it's saying in there. Any arguments and I could stick the InkBird duo out there. Be fun. I have the WiFi versions! Sit here, in the relative comfort of this room, and check them on my phone! Powsh! :D

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