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Growing hemp

Crow River

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The carp bait arrived today. I poured out a bunch of seeds, counted out 20 at random. Put them to soak in some warm water in a jar. I'll leave them overnight, then transfer to paper towel and we'll see what happens...



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great stuff for beginners to learn to germinate seeds in all ways possible ......and grow them 2 weeks...so to try the soil they wanted to use with the expensive seeds of shops....  :)


saves so much $$ ...and you learn by cheap mistakes...


Edited by DutchFox
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@DutchFox another good point, well made. Could be useful to test hydroponic setups too, different feeding regimes, lighting, all sorts!


With these particular seeds, as I don't know the variety, if they germinate I will need to grow a few out to see if they are dioecious or monoecious. Hopefully the former, but I notice that a lot of the French varieties for grain production are monoecious, presumably to guarantee full pollenation...


Maybe I will put them outside somewhere, see how they fare in autumn conditions... :) 



Edited by Crow River
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7 hours ago, DutchFox said:

great stuff for beginners to learn to germinate seeds in all ways possible


Would be good for testing out different approaches, e.g. germinating indoors versus outdoors; broadcasting seed versus drilling or planting in rows; Testing different times of year for outdoors germination; checking whether possible to grow two autoflower crops back to back; and so on.

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After a good soak, two seeds out of twenty are still floating and therefore probably not viable. The rest have sunk, and quite a few have split and showing tiny radicles emerging from the seed casing.


So these seeds are not sterilised. It makes sense, if you're a farmer selling your lower quality grain for birdseed or fishing bait, why would you bother spending money on sterilisation if you didn't have to? 


On to the next stage, paper towel, then maybe potting mix for the seedling phase.

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Just after putting the carp bait hemp seeds in paper towels, the postie brought some organic hemp seeds to my door. :D 


First observation is that the seeds are about half the size of the French ones. These were apparently grown in Germany, I know that the variety is Finola, and they are passed fit for human consumption. Lots of information on the packaging, nutritional data, etc. The retailer also sent a hemp newsletter! :huh:


I bet you can guess what I did next.....yep, poured out some seeds, counted twenty at random, put them to soak. Will update with any news tomorrow.


P.S.:- Even if these fail to germinate, I am happy to endorse the supplier as they were very helpful, their prices are good, and I also agree with their business philosophy. Importantly, they seem to understand the need for full transparency regarding the origin and variety of their seeds. Feel free to order your organic hemp seeds from Hempiness! :) I mean, look at that lovely drawing of hemp plants on the label. How can you resist? (Note to mods: I'm not really advertising here, just sharing a good experience. Hope that's okay).




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Less than six hours later, and all twenty organic hemp seeds are at the bottom of the jar, none floating. A good sign... Will leave them overnight and then move to paper towels.



Edited by Crow River
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On 10/09/2023 at 10:11 PM, Saddam said:

This has already been done, the project is called 'feed the birds'. 


I sometimes ponder whether certain new members are younger than Bitcoin.  

1) I never said something very similar hasn't already been done.


2) Just because someone perhaps wasn't aware something similar has been done, doesn't mean they're very young. It just means the didn't know.


You sometimes ponder whether certain new members are older than bitcoin? 


I sometimes ponder if you know you're constantly obnoxious and rude, or whether you're on the autism spectrum. 






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Just checked on the French hemp seeds (carp bait) and they are going crazy putting roots out. I'll have to get some potting mix together and get a fair few planted in soil tonight... :) 

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That's a dozen sprouted French hemp seeds planted in a small propagator now. One of those ones with the wee seedling cells in it. By the window above the cable modem for a bit of warmth... Once they've outgrown that, it will be small pots and then outside.

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1 hour ago, Underdog said:

you're on the autism spectrum. 

Social ineptitude of ASD would be better characterised by things like correcting others spreading misinformation on a particular subject one has in depth knowledge of.  Don’t ask how I know  :wassnnme:

It’s quite different to having a generally negative energy.  Sometimes, people’s choice of avatar can say a lot about their personality / values.  

@Crow River, Another breeder recently shared a link to a paper which showed that Finola has a different gene responsible for the autoflowering trait compared to Lowryder derived.   There is also a monoecious European (French?) hemp variety which is high in CBG, as much as 4/5% iirc. Can’t remember the name unfortunately.   

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Just now, Amarillo slim said:

Another breeder recently shared a link to a paper which showed that Finola has a different gene responsible for the autoflowering trait compared to Lowryder derived.   There is also a monoecious European (French?) hemp variety which is high in CBG, as much as 4/5% iirc. Can’t remember the name unfortunately.   


That's really interesting. Don't suppose you have the title of the paper or the name of one of the authors? I am reading about some research involving Finola going on at University College Dublin, is that it?


The other hemp variety might be French. Unlike other European countries, growing hemp was never banned in France, so they have a long tradition of breeding different cultivars. I read a really good report for the US Department of Agriculture which gives a detailed overview of the French hemp industry. Another country that never banned hemp was the Soviet Union. They even gave honours for exceeding hemp production quotas. I suppose that's why there was a collection of hemp seeds and plants in St Petersburg in the 1990s for Jayce Callaway to find... Also seems China has an unbroken tradition of growing hemp for seeds as food, going back thousands of years. Might just pick up some Chinese hemp seeds after all, apparently there are "monster" varieties with big seeds, used as bait here but apparently a snack in China... :) 


I just did a quick search and found that recently the EU approved a Dutch strain, Enecterol, as the first CBG-rich variety in its official register of agricultural varieties.


By the way, I didn't know this before, but if you're after CBG apparently White Widow is high in CBG as well as THC. :) Must grow some...

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On 14-9-2023 at 2:04 AM, Crow River said:


Would be good for testing out different approaches, e.g. germinating indoors versus outdoors; broadcasting seed versus drilling or planting in rows; Testing different times of year for outdoors germination; checking whether possible to grow two autoflower crops back to back; and so on.


try direct germination in guerilla... :)  cups are 0.5 liter....and have both sides 8 tiny holes for a bit of ventilation...but smal for slugs..








this looks easy....but dont try it with bought seeds.....only hemp and own made seeds....


i found 50% potting soil and 50% germnination soil...to have the best water keeping structure...


the idea is...the water recycles inside the cup....


take cup off  before seedling reachies the top of cup....


the 2nd pic is made just after the cups were taken off....soil is still a bit moist...planthole is bone dry....even nettles were dying...

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