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Eleven Roses


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Afternoon all,


She's been topped and tied, maybe butchered is a better description...:rofl:

Leaves me with enough branches for cuttings...:yep:

The main stem was grabbed and squeezed with pliers then tied flat...just shows how tough plants can be...:boxing:



'til next time



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  • 2 months later...

Evening all it's been a while,


The above yielded 12 clones whittled down to the best nine which once rooted went straight into 12/12...

The pots now are half filled with pebbles to give stability and the roots to grow into rather than coiling and blocking drainage...

These are two weeks 12/12 today, they won't be trained, topped or tied just spread out and netted as needed...:yep:



I've also started a couple of Glookie Bomb in the growfridge the best of which will be selected for cuttings, same as above.

Easiest method for starting seeds...(no faffing about) Rootit cubes, seed in, somewhere warm, low light...3 days later...

Planted straight into the system, no need for a rootball to form and they're on once a day irrigation for 15mins.

EC .7 ...sensi ph perfect 1ml A+B per ltr.

large.SSCN2459.JPGlarge.SSCN2460.JPGlarge.SSCN2461.JPGlarge.SSCN2462.JPG We have lift off !!!


'til next time



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Afternoon all,


Everything progressing nicely, no issues...three weeks 12/12 today and I guess the stretch is pretty much over...

These are on full strength Bloom A+B, Buddhas Tree PK will be added next res change and for the rest of the grow.

Now the pots are half filled with pebbles there's no need for such frequent feed/watering so they're 15mins on, 3 hrs off...

...must be happy...praying well...:yep:



Glookies are also doing well...Currently on 1ml per ltr Grow A+B watered/fed every 12 hours.



'til next time






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They do look really happy mate.


Taking that SOG method to the next level in there matey lol


Really nice frost starting up.

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Cheers bud, very pleased with things so far and piss easy for a lazy fecker like me...:rofl:

Apart from res change every couple of weeks there's virtually nowt to do once set up...

...handy if you're in the loft...:wassnnme:  :rofl:

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Afternoon all,


This game can certainly twist one's swede...


Everything growing well, plenty buddage coming on, roots good, leaves praying showing no signs of deficiencies...but...

Petioles have all reddened and some top leaves twisted, assume it's after I overdid it with the nutes...

my fault so it's been adjusted back down.


Maybe humidity, last grow it was way too high at 60+ and caused mould, now it's too low and this where it gets odd...


Lights on humidity is higher than lights off....37 On...29 Off  Temps are nicely in range though...27c On...24c Off


Any Ideas anyone...?


@GSZZ @badbillybob @zen-ken


'til next time


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Is the Central heating on during the lights off period,

this could contribute to low RH if it’s getting really cold where you are.


Last night the cars were the most frozen I’ve seen them this season ;) 







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4 hours ago, stu914 said:

his where it gets odd...


Lights on humidity is higher than lights off....37 On...29 Off


Not odd at all really - your plants don't transpire water when the lights are off so you'd expect the RH to be lower with the lights off.


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4 hours ago, stu914 said:

I'm in the shed bud...well insulated and temps are fine 24/7...:yep:


With the lights on plants are transpiring and the warmth from the lights is most likely keeping the area relatively warm with the heaters etc kicking in when it needs to. 

at night temps drop and the heating comes on more frequently causing more water dissipation so the RH would drop due to the additional heat from any heaters as they are coming on more frequently. 

run a humidifier to come on during the night cycle only?

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Thanks guys, in all my years growing i've never noticed humidity higher at lights on...shows love is blind...:rofl:

After the last disaster I've been overthinking it, chucked a couple of trays of water in,

see what the readings are tomorrow and I'll get some pics up.

It's the sudden redness that's thrown me, trouble is that could be maturity or natural to this strain...we'll see...:yep:

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The one I grow turns a very dark colour, purple almost black near the end. Well not the bottom immature bits, but the rest of it does, I keep meaning to take a piccy of her. I've got 2 in but one went in yesterday and the other is only 7 days in so a good while before she does her chameleon thing. 

Maybe yours is doing the same. 

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Afternoon all,


Managed to jack the humidity up overnight and it's been hovering mid forties since...perfect...:yep:



At 30 days 12/12 plants are growing fine and frosting up nicely, res is holding steady at EC 1.6, temp 21c.

No deficiencies showing on leaves but they still have red petioles.



'til next time




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Great thread, @stu914, very enjoyable and informative read. :yep:


Liking your set up...a lot !


I am so out of touch with current strains...thought the title was a prequel to, "Twelve Monkeys"... :rolleyes:

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