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Hole In The Clouds RGS diary 23

Hole in the clouds

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39 minutes ago, B-real said:

Damn that sucks u had to chop early , 2 more weeks on that stuff in the box and it would have filled out nicely

Taking whatever I can at moment. Can’t believe how much I’ve had to throw away this year planted x5 more than last year and the way it’s going I’ll only be matching last years yield! Last year on this plot I found the mould peaked about now then slowed right down. Fingers crossed I want a couple of the later flowering plants to come good and also there’s the late plant outs which are looking healthy at moment hopefully will save the day and top up the stash. Also going to have a shit load of bubble as the new chest freezer is half full already! Still, what a shiite year for weather! 

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Just now, Hole in the clouds said:

Taking whatever I can at moment. Can’t believe how much I’ve had to throw away this year planted x5 more than last year and the way it’s going I’ll only be matching last years yield! Last year on this plot I found the mould peaked about now then slowed right down. Fingers crossed I want a couple of the later flowering plants to come good and also there’s the late plant outs which are looking healthy at moment hopefully will save the day and top up the stash. Also going to have a shit load of bubble as the new chest freezer is half full already! Still, what a shiite year for weather! 





I hear you man, is a proper shitter thrown so much bud, all part of the guerrilla game though, no point in crying over spilt milk!!

Last year was a mad one as well at the other end of the spectrum!!! 


Let’s hope that both our late plant outs help top up and save the day :fart:


big ups man

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14 hours ago, Ccs141 said:

Still done well mate what woul you say you have pulled total thus season 

Not much, hard to say as I’ve smoked loads as it’s come in. Got 8 drying, 2 curing, lost 5 during drying due to fuck ups and smoked a few. 

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Quick picture dump. Busy busy, feet are sore, body is aching, trusty scissors is on its last legs and I’m totally fed up of seeing mould lol 

Fast Zkittles 


Different Fast Zkittles


Royal Mazar late plant out




Kushty bx1


Any one know what’s causing this? Seems to appear overnight causing leaves to die and spreading the mould to buds been a right headache. 



Gorilla Dawg late plant out




Harvested this Royal Mazar before it all turned to rot.


Erd purpz 




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Visited a few hours every day for the last 5 days. I’ve harvested quite a few plants, Royal Mazar, Gorilla Dawg and Freezeland. There’s been a a few small late plant outs come home, processed what was left of the erd purpz plants that all moulded really badly, mopped up the lowers left on others and yesterday got what’s left on the plot staked up with loads of canes ready for any wind. Been hard work out in the field and then very late nights in trim jail. No dramas though, nothing to report just been out in wild snipping away at mould! :) 

Harvested this Freezeland a few days after this photo. Got a good yield and left bottom 1/3rd to cook.


Gorilla Dawg had just about come into harvest window and mould was setting in rapidly. Left the lowers for a bit.


Mighty Freeze late plant out in a plot all by itself as a tester for using the plot next year. Didn’t yield much but the plot is good to go for next year as things have changed on outskirts making it very secure now.


Exo Gold late plant out



Got myself set up nice and comfortable sat amongst it all in trim jail mopping up the lower scraps and going through the mouldy stuff.


Not much left coming towards the end now


Hung on for a few miles amazingly! I’ve just walked down the main road like this with produce in the rucksack  :wallbash:


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22 hours ago, Hole in the clouds said:


Hung on for a few miles amazingly! I’ve just walked down the main road like this with produce in the rucksack  :wallbash:



Hahaha we've all been there mate

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Trekked to the mighty freeze plot to collect the last mighty freeze. Bit overcooked lol it was mostly just dead leaves though and I actually extracted about 10-12g of nice hard nugs out of her. Took a while lol 

I cleaned up the site for winter no evidence I’ve been there. Sorted. 
By the time I got to the main plot I only had a couple hours before losing light and it had started raining. Im having to prioritise things here there’s just too much to do. Im harvesting bits every day at the moment but there’s also mould/maintenance duties every day. I’m trying my best and it’s usually rewarded with a good soaking!
It’s coming in thick and fast now though stacking up. I had to order another drying net on next day delivery as I’d run out of space.
Returned yesterday I’d stayed relatively dry up to this point and paused before entering the undergrowth knowing I was about to get a good soaking as I pushed through the trees. Harvested a late plant out Exo and bits from a few others. The one skittles has rotted completely last few days so cut most of that away have a feeling what I left on there is rotten too though. The other skittles has rot setting in also both fair bit away from being ready. I’ve been taking heads off the big MAFF as they mature losing fair bit to mould also though. There’s not a huge amount left I’ve got a Kushty not far off, a few gorilla dogs due next few days, the big MAFF to finish, whatever I get from the two skittles, lots of lowers to collect and lots of mouldy stuff to process. Busy busy for next week or so. :yinyang:

Last Mighty Freeze to collect, bit overcooked :) 


Left the site clean nothing to see here


MAFF. I started taking the mouldy bits off and was losing light so took all the nice mature heads off instead before I lost them.


Late plant out Royal Mazar has been harvested


I took the lower 3rd I’d left on the freezeland at the front. I’ve harvested the Royal Mazar behind it and left the lowers/immature stuff. The Kushty in the background is not far off.


Skittles lost to mould 


I removed all the mould but think what’s left is rotten too.


Harvested this nice little late plant out Exo Gold she was fairly clean and a proper stinker.


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Had a couple of hours to get in chop some bud and get out. Took loads off the big MAFF  there was a fair bit of mould but also some nice clean donkey dick sized buds. Good yield off these MAFF. The last remaining Kushty bx1 had bits of mould so took a fair bit off her to thin her out. I’ve thrown a couple of whole plants that were mouldy erd p and a freezeland they went mouldy a week ago and just never had the time to extract the good bits.
So this is a bit of a race now mr farmer has crashed through the trees with a big excavator digger thing. I was on site at the time stood there branch in one hand scissors in the other when the trees started shaking like in Jurassic park. If he’d come another 6ft I would have been staring straight at him! I can see the top corner of the cabin from my plot so as the trees die back he will be looking straight at the plants. Need to get everything down and clean up the site asap really. lol 


MAFF got a good yield off her and there’s still a good bit left 


I took the mouldy bits off and harvested a fair bit by taking out the top and then any  branches that were crowding the others. 


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Had another couple hours to get in and harvest some more. I keep diving in with the scissors and forgetting to take photos! So yeah lots of photos of what’s left lol 

I’ve only got two whole plants left now, two gorilla dog late plant outs. One has white pistils and one pink. Both are healthy looking, i defoliated them the other day and they will be cooking in the sun on the weekend hopefully! 
Other than that it’s a few part harvested plants left and a few stumps of lowers. I’ve started to clean up, seasons nearly over. 


Two gorilla dog leftovers at the back and few bits on a royal mazar stump at the front.


What’s left of the big MAFF


Few bits left on the royal mazar at the front and I’ve taken a fair bit off the Kushty bx1 behind it now.


The only whole plants I have left. Two gorilla dawgs nice clean plants at the moment, few nice days of weather will finish them I think. 


They had a bit of defoliation 


Took some more of this Fast Skittles and cut more mould out. 


Lots of mould on the skittles. Each big branch was only yielding one or two small buds the rest had moulded badly. Needed more time. Smells lovely but don’t think this strain works here for me it’s too late. 


Edited by Hole in the clouds
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Another couple of hours spent at plot collecting bits and bobs. The MAFF have been quite good in that they’ve taken time to mature gradually meaning I’ve taken bits off over quite a few visits now which was handy as they were both big plants with lots of rot mixed in. Happy with how these performed they have suffered with the rot but lots of nice bud there too. I’ve got plenty of them to go out next year, hopefully be better weather. 
Tried to harvest what was left of the purple bud Fast zkittles that I cut the mould from the other day. It was a big plant but too late this year by the time it started flowering it had started to rot so just didn’t go anywhere. I cut a few buds off but they were immature and most were rotting so gave up. The other fast zkittles has done alright late to start flowering so just small buds but I’ve been collecting bits as I’ve cut mould off. Probably got an ounce or so drying you can see what’s left on the plant in top left corner of first picture.

Collected bits of Royal Mazar lowers also that had been left.

I’ve still got two gorilla dawg late plant outs flowering nicely. A couple of dawgs with lowers still on. Most of a Kushty bx1 and half of the green bud Zkittles cooking. That’s about it should be all wrapped up by next week.

I have lots of de-stalking and jarring to do so will roll a couple for that task today need to sample the Royal Mazar. I’ve been on the mighty freeze the last week or two they all had really dense buds this year for some reason and are a good portion of my harvest very dependable strain.
I’ve also sampled the Exo Gold it did really well for me this year and is stinky, tasty and potent, will be lots of these going out next year too.

Plots looking empty now 


This MAFF that fell over one way then the other. It yielded some stonking buds in-between lots of mould. I took most of her the other day so I finished going through what was left on her and cut her up and disposed. 



The Zkittles with purple buds that I cut all the mould off has rotted some more. I tried processing some of it but immature and mostly rot so gave up. 


Seasons nearly over for metime to clean up.


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On 06/10/2023 at 8:37 PM, 130RMORGA03 said:

Fairplay you've had a good season all considering (rot),very productive. 

Well done mate & all the best :yep:

Cheers it’s been a struggle! One thing after another since the start. I’ve stumbled through and managed to get something of a harvest over the line but nothing like I expected mainly due to the weather all the other shit seems to be the norm in this game. I don’t know if I want to do it again at this point! lol 

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