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Triton Biscotto Lime


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6 hours ago, AngryDuck said:

@Baron von greenback

There all the same TBL

I am liking the net. It has spaced them out nicely with enough room around each for the light to get in. 

Unsure about clipping all the tips should have maybe left a few more on and trimmed up after. Trial and error lol

Silly really dedicate a whole tent to one strain without knowing what the smoke is like. < this will be another change I make next time. 2x3 strains.


Ok mate when you say clipping do you mean topping the end of each stem 

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Late reply watering every other day really saps my time.

I am interested to see how far you take yours. I have mentally prepared myself for 10 weeks. So anything shorter is a bonus :)

Looking forward to the trichome development ahead and everything starting to sparkle under the light.

Is the homebox light-tight?

@Baron von greenback

Removing all the lower growth tips which would become branches if left. It's the first time I have gone right up to the top on everything pre-flower. I think I've made the right choice now one week on seeing how dark it's becoming below.

I just do not have the space it leaves a lot of fluffy flowers which don't look ripe nor look appealing and it becomes a jungle and overcrowded. This has taken me a couple of goes to get right.


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Day 15
Rinse and repeat right now. Every two days they are getting watered/fed. < Already this feels like a part-time job lol. 

I wrote out more but it vanished when adding a photo and it's too late to rewrite it so this week there are just a few pics





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I'm thinking about moving up to 2 feeds per day for my TBL girl for these last few weeks lol 







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Looking good mate nice flat canopy I guess that's good mould on the outside of pots they look healthy

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8 hours ago, Shumroom said:

I'm thinking about moving up to 2 feeds per day for my TBL girl for these last few weeks lol 







How much are you giving at a time?  The reason I plumbed in my trays was I wanted to step up the watering.

I water twice over an hour or so. 3ltrs then 2ltrs. The first 3ltrs do not touch the tray. The 2nd watering with 2ltrs will cause some runoff.

It is not 16ltrs of soil straight out of the bag.

The seedling was 50/50 soil/perlite,  3ltr was 50/50, 7.5 was 75/25 and the final 16s were just soil. In my head, it was like building a loose airy center. < but I could just be talking bs here lol

Watching the leaves they start to dip after maybe 30 hours but this is just before the 2nd lights off so have been waiting the full 2 days.

No jugs, I am using gravity to water... I am on to version 4 right now and it's doing a great job. Just stand there with a little hose... No mess, no spills, and a nice slow watering over the whole pot. 



8 hours ago, Baron von greenback said:

Looking good mate nice flat canopy I guess that's good mould on the outside of pots they look healthy

3 of the 4 plants are almost identical. Typically it's the back right plant (hardest to get to) which is a little lower off setting a nice level canopy slightly. I'm sure it will catch up though.

It's an odd one and has me a little confused...

The two pots on the right have some white to the fabric but nothing like the two on the left and I don't know why this is. As everything has been treated the same.

Closer to the external wall is the only reason I can give myself right now, but it's not a cold wall. :unsure:

Some of the white I am putting down to my hard water and the coffee jar of Epsom salts I have now used.

I have never had good mold explode like this on the outside of a pot before. That is just a small part of it there is quite a lot forming all over the two on the left

Again just a guess but the...  Plant Success - Orca... as this was watered in each watering for 2+ months so would have soaked into the fabric. compared to the rest which was mixed with the soil

Dunno, it's all new to me but will be buying it all again.

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I give her about 4 litres at a time :)


But she's in coco/perlite rather than compost. 



The white stuff on the pot could be salt build up,

I can't really tell from the photos. 


Keep up the good work :D







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Day 22

Another week down...  This time last week there were no signs of any trichome development but now the leaves are covered and there clearly visible everywhere. It still amazes me how fast this plant can grow and change.

The light is still set at 75% I am going to give it one more week and then turn it up to full power for the remainder.

With the change in daylight hours, I also switched the dark to 7am-7pm. Lights on at 8pm was a tad too late by the time I had finished messing about watering and cleaning up etc.
Water with 3ltrs which does not even touch the tray, wait for 30mins to an hour before giving the last 2ltrs.

The back right plant just never stretched up like the rest. leaving a dip in that corner.

2ml fishmix and 3ml bloom are for dinner this week along with 4ml seaweed PL.  this is given every two days.

That's about it. Have not touched anything... Have held off cutting any of the leaves below the nets as I see no reason to remove them just yet. 




Edited by AngryDuck
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  • 3 weeks later...

What a well thought out diary. Loving the detail your adding and the ladies look in tip top condition :yep:


Can't wait to see how this one ends  :bong:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lovely scrogging mate - theyre looking good. 


white build up on pots maybe just salts that have dried out, rather than mould but your the best person to tell/

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