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Crow River

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Quick update, mostly on the three TBL clones I repotted earlier in the week.
(Part reposted from the Windowsill diary)


The girls have been growing very vigorously. So much so that they started to put some of the smaller plants next to them in shade. So I decided to move them to a tent. I'll let them veg there for another week, maybe two. Then they'll be flipped to 12/12.


This move meant I could rearrange the window space, and put those smaller plants up there to get whatever sunlight is going. Including another TBL clone which is growing fast in its tiny pot. Have to say, given half a chance, this strain really goes for it! :) 


Three TBL clones



Now in a tent vegging



Moving up, from left to right: Critical Kush Auto clone, SOS, Passion #1, TBL clone.



In Pot Noodle news, the yellowing leaves problem on the two girls seems to be getting worse. I might have to do some pruning of lower branches sooner rather than later... :g:


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It really does go for it init! Super vigorous. Got me wondering how they'd fare outside. Will probably take a punt this year

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1 hour ago, blerie420 said:

It really does go for it init! Super vigorous. Got me wondering how they'd fare outside. Will probably take a punt this year


Yeah, I'll take some more cuttings and chuck them outdoors I think, see how they fare.

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Last night I pruned the two Noodle girls, removing lower bud sites and defoliating a bit. This was necessary because of the spread of chlorotic leaves. It was clear both girls were struggling to sustain so many buds. Noodle 2 on the right of the tent, was a bit affected a bit worse, but both had the same issue. Noodle 1 now has four bud sites, and Noodle 2 five. Hopefully once they recover from the shock, the girls will be able to dedicate more resources to the main upper bud sites. Also perhaps they'll be a bit less thirsty, at least in the short term. The half formed lower buds and stems will go into the pile for producing edibles. I gave all the girls a top dress of some extra soil mix too.


In the pics below the red spectrum is switched off for the camera. As you can see, the ex-Noodles in the planter are looking very healthy, the two wee Noodle girls less so.


Junglist massive



Noodle 1 after a trim



Noodle 2 after a trim


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The girls are just over half way through Week 5 of 12/12.


It's going okay overall. Certainly the ex-Noodle girls in the planter are doing just fine. Some of the colas are starting to stack nicely.


The two Noodle girls have had their problems lately. Pruning seems to have helped, but hasn't stopped the leaf yellowing completely. I removed a few leaves that were on their way out from Noodle 1, but Noodle 2 required some extra surgery. I removed the fifth top, mainly because it didn't seem to be producing any bud, just lots of leaves. They were nice and green, but kind of mis-shaped, probably resting against the tent wall too much. The main tops on both girls continue to develop, but not as chunky as their bigger sisters in the planter.


Maybe another three or four weeks still to go, we'll see how they all get on.


In related news (literally), the three TBL clones are vegging really well in another tent. I'll give them a few more days, and then probably flip to 12/12. Might pollinate some lower branches to produce a cheeky wee cross once they're flowering.


Main tent



Noodle 1



Noodle 2 before pruning



Noodle 2 after pruning



TBL clones vegging


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Quick update on three TBL clones that have been vegging in another tent for two weeks exactly. They look ready to flower, so today I flipped to 12/12.



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Week 6 of 12/12 is over, and week 7 beginning.


Things are going okay. The two Noodle girls appear to have stabilised and buds are ripening slowly. Still some yellowing of leaves but not as bad as before. The four ex-Noodles are seeing some tops getting light burn, maybe some heat stress too on upper leaves. I have dialled the main light back down to 80-90% to try and lessen this. I've also set the Inkbird a couple pf degrees lower.


Another couple of weeks still to go. Looks like upper buds will be ripe sooner, so might start a progressive harvest on the ex-Noodles in week 8, leaving lowers to ripen further. The two Noodle girls seem as though they will take at least the full eight weeks to ripen up.


Tent overview



Noodle 1



Noodle 2



Miscellaneous upper buds




Noodle buds


Edited by Crow River
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Looking good bro!


Did find (by accident) that lower than average temps fared them a little better in the pot noodles

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Cheers folks!


@blerie420, yeah and this strain overall seems to prefer things a little cooler. Reckon lights need to be dimmed slightly in late flower anyway, so it's all good. :) 



Edited by Crow River
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@Crow River Yeah mine benefited from a little shade, even if it was unintentional lol


This whole plan you've run with is wicked though bro, giving me proper jealousy with my basic as shit run haha

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16 hours ago, blerie420 said:

This whole plan you've run with is wicked though bro, giving me proper jealousy with my basic as shit run haha


TBH it's mostly unintentional. Yes, I wanted to do a vertical grow, but it was just supposed to be two plants. Nearly lost four seedlings from re-potting them with roots too low in the pot, managed to rescue them. Took cuts as I topped all six (!) and am slowly growing the resulting clones out. So there have been a few mishaps, then just me trying to find ways to roll with it...


@Clumsy, the purple light makes them look a bit better, some of those tops are pretty scabby with crispy leaves. Still, only another fortnight or so left...

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any idea what your dli of ppfd is and what your temps are - the leaves are curling up and crispy usually indicate temperature / light stress. 

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@RUFUS HOUND, temps are okay, around 23ºC most of the time, sometimes a bit higher. They could be higher than that at the top of the tent though. Haven't measured DLI recently, but I imagine it will be quite high at the very top, as the lights are quite close there. I'll take a reading tonight, see if any adjustment needed.

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