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2021 Green(hopefully)house grow


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Cheers @MindSoup, much appreciated :). I have a way of getting quickly obsessed with whatever I'm doing hobby wise.. No time to mess about, life's only getting shorter! Enjoying your diary as well mate, love the variety in your garden

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I know a few people that have tried the duck, its great for stealth, but not great if you actually want to get high lol.

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Just now, Rustybiff said:

Cheers @MindSoup, much appreciated :). I have a way of getting quickly obsessed with whatever I'm doing hobby wise.. No time to mess about, life's only getting shorter! Enjoying your diary as well mate, love the variety in your garden


That's the spirit, get amongst it geez. 

Thanks mate. It's a bit of a whacky grow but I'm enjoying myself and learning so all is well.

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That's what it's all about mate! Reading's one thing but actually having the experience and making your own mistakes is how you learn and get to know where you can cut corners.. plus you filled out the space nicely and haven't wasted any light which is cool :yep:

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Shame about the Blue Mystics. I'm also growing Blue Mystic (RQS) albeit indoors - see my Compost Mix thread - as you say more suited to being grown in warmer environment / indoors. Certainly if you move inside I'd encourage you to give them another go. Especially like Blue Mystic as it has the most beautiful flavour whilst being the lowest odour plant I've ever grown. Even less smelly than Northern Lights on cropping day. And your not substituting yield / flavour / strength for this beneficial lack of odour. Also not expensive, well under £50 for 10 seeds. Really surprised it's not more popular.


Nice job so far on your grow :yep: thx for posting

Edited by Poisonata
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My first attempt at outdoor growing in 2018 was Dutch Passion Autoduck, as I wanted something that was stealthy and didn't smell strongly. It was grown in my garden among raspberry canes, it proved very mould resistant and produced a moderate amount of bud that was very airy. Not very discreet as far as smell is concerned,  I could smell it about 40 feet away during bloom. Certainly more odour than  Auto Sweet Afghani Delicious that I grew last year. 

I love the effect of Autoduck, gets me nicely baked,  but then I'm a complete lightweight where weed is concerned. ;-)



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@Poisonata, had a look again at your grow last night, some fucking massive colas there! Really nice thread. Thought I'd followed it earlier but I mustn't have done... Yeah I'd like to have another go some time, I even considered bringing them in and just flowering them in the tent but thought a fresh start was probably a better idea... got a thread going in the LED section now if you want to follow along :). Maybe I'll try them next year, there's just so much choice though!


@Sweetsmoke420 I love the idea of popping them between the raspberry canes, that I might have to try next year! Been banished from the greenhouse unfortunately so I need to get creative hahah.. I fucked up this year, was supposed to have a couple of weed plants disguised in a greenhouse full of tomato and chilli plants, but literally everything withered and died after using New Horizon vegetable compost (avoiding like the plague from now on). Ended up having 12 ganja plants looking very obvious with nothing else around to disguise them :headpain:

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Well shit, it's been another week already.. still no pistils in sight for the ducks and the mystic, although I'm sure the stretch has started. Pretty gutted really, expected them to start flowering in early August. 


Makes for a very similar entry to last time :wassnnme:


Blue Mystic



Purple Punch



Purple Punch (sorry about the overexposed photo)



The ducks



Cheers guys, uneventful stuff but that's not helped by the lack of sun recently

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The weather has been crap here too but was glorious today which is good for me to move closer to my final stage of auto harvesting. After that it’s the waiting game for the mystery photoperiod to do something. Due to its height I’ve had to bubble wrap an upper side of the greenhouse which would be visible from the upper windows of some neighbours. 

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Hey @AutoAberdeen, certainly has picked up the last 3 days which is great! I hope the good weather stays with you a while... So do you have any pistils showing on your mystery plant? It's a bit of a worry if they're not doing much by now. The stretch is definitely happening on my mystics now... Not too worried what happens now that I have the indoor stuff on the go. 


Plus I found a decent amout of liberty caps yesterday, so it's not all bad hahah

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@Rustybiffno pistils yet but we’re still well over 12 hours of daylight here still and it’ll be about 3 weeks until we do. Hopefully that triggers it and I get something off it. But, as I’ve got plenty off my GSC autos that if it’s a dud I’ll not be too bothered (it put me off planting freebie seeds in future though)

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Hello again folks, back with another riveting update, hold on to your hats.


Finally got some gunslingin ducks, pistils are out on both thank the lord. Does this make it day 1 of flower? If so they might just make it by the end of October. 




Here are the mystics, looking hungy I think, seems odd as they're supposed to have everything they need. 


I'm thinking of just using them to practice taking cuttings. I have a propagator on the way and my tent is on 18/6 for the autos. I figure i can chuck the cuttings in there to get the hang of it and get my head around keeping a bonsai mother as that's what I'm going to try in future. Just figuring out what dimensions my second tent will be.



Purple punch starting to foxtail, it's grown in a funny way really, I'll snap a pic of the whole plant when I harvest. It's like a stick with a few nugs hanging off and a little cola on top hahah



The other purple punch. On the whole I'm really happy with how it's gone using just the dalefoot compost and perlite, haven't ran into any problems. I might try another time indoors with more rock dust in. 



Just noticed that these are under 200kb each image, way too compressed. Hopefully they're not terrible, let me know if they are. 


Thanks guys, happy growing to all

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  • 2 weeks later...

What's happening people, bit of a mixed update today, not many plants left so thought I'd include some other bits and bobs..


First off, the purple punch.


Found a load of seeds developing on the straggly one and it smelled a bit weird so I chucked it all in the trim bag in the freezer. Not a bad root ball on it really so pretty happy with this growing medium.


Here's a few shots of the remaining one.




Looks fruity, smells fruity. 


Ideally there would be two weeks left, but I'm pretty concerned about mould. Found these leaves on it and I'm pretty sure it's a bad sign. These are the leaf tips that were pressed up against the glass. Any more experienced folks have anything to say? To chop or not to chop? Still a lot of clear trichs that's all.




On with the ducks, only got photos of one because I don't want to bore you. The stretch is happening and a few pistils are showing, not too worried whatever happens




Now that's all with the living plants.


Here's a photo of the dried bud. On the plate are the 2 northern lights and two tiny lumps of hash I made through boredom.


On the tin lid is the purple punch, barely anything there!




I have to say I'm so stoked. Set off on a mission to grow some weed. In my head I was dreaming of having 10 oz plus but in reality I have just over half an ounce. Thing is using 0.1g a night in the dynavap means I'll be using under 1/8th a month. Holy shit! A few years back I was putting that back in a day easily. 


I'd do a smoke report but there wouldn't be any point. Starting back with zero tolerance, I vape, lose my train for thought for 10 minutes, try in vain to get rid of the dry mouth and then fall asleep.


One of the NL has a lemony smell but not really in a good way, like a synthetic cleaning product. I really like the other though. Nice and earthy.


That's all there is to it for now, probably nothing interesting in the coming weeks either. 


Tata for now

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  • 2 weeks later...

Down goes the purple punch, such a nice smoke from the tiny plant I chopped earlier. This one has been a treat to look at, no rot at all and a great display of colours. Typical that the free seeds give the best plants! Time to trim with a pint of stout in hand :cheers:



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