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58 minutes ago, Simple Jack said:

The outcome has not been reported.

I forgot about that!


I sent a mail to the editor asking if they were going to report on the follow up case, they replied telling me they definitely would as they had one of their reporters in the court. As you say they didn't report the outcome and I didn't get a reply to my second mail asking where the report was.

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6 minutes ago, Simple Jack said:

There was a case on the IOW that was adjourned for CPS review.


The outcome has not been reported.

If i remember rightly the guy, Mr Toker, has a prescription anyhow, so the cancard becomes moot.

its also been adjourned again las time i remember.

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Just now, Newcouch said:

its also been adjourned again las time i remember.

Have you got a source? The latest I can see is a report from the 29th Dec saying it was adjourned to Jan 11th but I haven't seen anything about what happened on Jan 11th despite the local paper telling me they had a reporter in court on that date.

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@latigid aikon


Update: as some of you may know there was a possible precedent-setting court case happening today on the Isle of Wight. It's a complex case which isn't particularly straightforward.
In order to gather evidence for the defendant our solicitors requested an adjournment until the end of February which was granted this morning. A plea was not entered and we requested that it was heard in crown court rather than magistrates.
As this is such a sensitive and complex case we don't have permission to share much about the specifics in order to protect the patient and his family.
We are supporting the family and they have a direct line to Carly at all times.
The stress that they and others have been put through is unforgivable and we hope we can help to play a small part in making change so that this is not our future.
Be kind to eachother
as i recall, it was again postponed in late feb, but cant find that one.
and honestly, who writes this stuff; the local mag doesnt set legal precendent - only higher courts.
my guess is that it has quietly gone away.
Edited by Newcouch
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@Newcouch Some of that sounds familiar actually, I think I may have read that before and forgotten it :smokin:

7 minutes ago, Newcouch said:

my guess is that it has quietly gone away.

Yes that wouldn't surprise me.


FWIW I have an anecdote from someone I spoke with recently. He asked me if I knew what a cancard was then told me it was brilliant and I should get one. He then went on to say he'd had the police visit while he was growing but they didn't prosecute him due to the card. But it seemed to me that he had still been busted and still had all his equipment and plants taken away, he just wasn't convicted subsequently.

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I was just pointing out that as yet it appears that nobody has used a Cancard (or any of the other similar things) to successfully avoid being done. Once a precedent has been set, if the courts do accept it as a legal defence (in the absence of a prescription) then people can claim that it is worth having (because that's how the law works, by legal precedence). Until then it just strikes me as akin to the 'freeman on the land' stuff (except you have to pay for it), some theory that people have that hasn't been proved in court and that appears to rely on a misapprehension of how the law actually works. I'll be happy to be proved wrong :)

Edited by Boojum
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37 minutes ago, Newcouch said:



my guess is that it has quietly gone away.


Edit: I got the date wrong, this is last year:



[I found it — they didn't report fully, just a summary of the breakdown of the fine; 

David Toker

Possession of cannabis.

Fine £40, surcharge £34, costs £40.

(It's the last one, at the bottom just before the comments).

Seems to be at the lower end for a fine, but it's still theft by the court. Unfortunate that the Cancard didn't get him off, I'm a fan of it in principle, though I accept the objections expressed above.]

Edited by Jack Daw
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1 hour ago, Boojum said:

I was just pointing out that as yet it appears that nobody has used a Cancard (or any of the other similar things) to successfully avoid being done. 


That is difficult to assess. Cancard is supposed to protect individuals from prosecution in the first place, and there is no record of people who were not charged because they had a card.


The IOW case is the only instance that I know of where a card holder has had to brandish their card in court, and the CPS appears to have backed off, so who knows?


It was never about setting legal precedent (that was done by the rescheduling of cannabis in 2018), it was about turning a blind eye to those who would qualify for a prescription, but could not afford the cost. The subsequent fall in the price of medical cannabis to rates comparable or below the black market, does, to some extent, make the Cancard obsolete, although there's still many who cannot afford the legal option either.


2 hours ago, latigid aikon said:

FWIW I have an anecdote from someone I spoke with recently. He asked me if I knew what a cancard was then told me it was brilliant and I should get one. He then went on to say he'd had the police visit while he was growing but they didn't prosecute him due to the card. But it seemed to me that he had still been busted and still had all his equipment and plants taken away, he just wasn't convicted subsequently.


Was he arrested?


Cancard does not officially cover cultivation and production. Is the CPS quietly shying away from prosecuting "qualifying" percy medi-growers too?

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Just now, Simple Jack said:


That is difficult to assess. Cancard is supposed to protect individuals from prosecution in the first place, and there is no record of people who were not charged because they had a card.


The IOW case is the only instance that I know of where a card holder has had to brandish their card in court, and the CPS appears to have backed off, so who knows?


It was never about setting legal precedent (that was done by the rescheduling of cannabis in 2018), it was about turning a blind eye to those who would qualify for a prescription, but could not afford the cost. The subsequent fall in the price of medical cannabis to rates comparable or below the black market, does, to some extent, make the Cancard obsolete, although there's still many who cannot afford the legal option either.



Aye, I get that, but the claims of cases that didn't make it to court because someone had a Cancard are, to be brutally honest, unverifiable (I'm not saying it didn't happen, just that without evidence anyone can make any kind of claim about anything - claims that me or my mate didn't get nicked cos he showed his Cancard are just like any other claims of things that me or my mate did that nobody else actually witnessed...). I'm just being contrary because it's something that you have to pay for that claims to offer some kind of protection that hasn't yet been proven. Don't pay for something that hasn't yet been proven effective is all I'm trying to say. Don't pay for a Cancard and then expect it to give you legal protection against getting done for possession of weed (without a prescription - that's kinda the point, if you've got a prescription then you don't need to pay for a card, if you haven't got a prescription then a card is no legal protection), until such time as it has been proven (and not just with anectdotal stories that start with my mate.. or I heard about.. or anything like that). I'm just saying be careful, it's not a legal protection (and until it is proven to be one it's not worth paying for).


In short I think it's a money making scam. Sorry, there it is, I've said it.

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1 hour ago, Simple Jack said:

Was he arrested?

No, I don't think so. This was just a brief chat with a stranger though, I didn't clarify everything.

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cancard is never going to get 'legal precedent'.


who in their right mind would go to court with just a card, and not the objective evidence on which it is based to back it up? everything produced to get the card is going to be shown to the court, so noone is ever going to be able to say 'they accepted the cancard'. so in court its a red herring.


on the street that might be different. a copper might turn a blind eye due to the cancard. but what the actual fuck? if a rozzer stops you, he is looking for a bust, or why did he stop you? if he wants a bust, why wouold a card stop him? Now if a rozzer stops me in the street, i show him my prescription - if he takes any further action, i am going to sue him for harassment etc and i will win and ask for disciplinary action (sorry mate).


I remember reading something about a copper who stopped a guy, found a tiny amount of cannabis and threw it away. he got reported by his copper partner and disciplined. apparently there is something called a 'crim', and everything seen must be reported. this is an absolute piece of shit. a copper needs to have a certain flexibiility - common sense. a cancard might help here. but not if someone got one for his cat.


But at the end of the day, dont act like a dick and dont draw attention to yourself. easy win for everyone.


growing otoh is a whole different ballgame, stupidly enough, which is why i have had to stop.


tldr; to me, cancard is simply evidence you are illegal (wrongly obv). if it works for you on the street, fine; but maybe think about not putting yourself, or the rozzer, in that situation in the first place.

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Guest Default Attribute

The coppers would probably give you a good hiding for trying to be a clever cunt pulling one of these cards out, what a load of dangerous shite, better to just keep your head down and say nothing to no body 

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  look at the corruption , look at the wars and the lies ...

why let these cnnts know anything , do your own thing .. its a plant............... from the earth. 


you dont need permission from the man...fuk him hes corrupt.

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On 02/04/2022 at 7:34 PM, Boojum said:



Aye, I get that, but the claims of cases that didn't make it to court because someone had a Cancard are, to be brutally honest, unverifiable (I'm not saying it didn't happen, just that without evidence anyone can make any kind of claim about anything - claims that me or my mate didn't get nicked cos he showed his Cancard are just like any other claims of things that me or my mate did that nobody else actually witnessed...). I'm just being contrary because it's something that you have to pay for that claims to offer some kind of protection that hasn't yet been proven. Don't pay for something that hasn't yet been proven effective is all I'm trying to say. Don't pay for a Cancard and then expect it to give you legal protection against getting done for possession of weed (without a prescription - that's kinda the point, if you've got a prescription then you don't need to pay for a card, if you haven't got a prescription then a card is no legal protection), until such time as it has been proven (and not just with anectdotal stories that start with my mate.. or I heard about.. or anything like that). I'm just saying be careful, it's not a legal protection (and until it is proven to be one it's not worth paying for).


In short I think it's a money making scam. Sorry, there it is, I've said it.

Booj, I'm not sure how much my word is to be trusted lol but last time I looked into it Cancard had some good stats, they got a lot of people off even some arsehole who had a blade.

I mean fuck me, they got into a bit of trouble for that interview but gave an apology for it after we laid into him. FFS

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