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6 Sweet Ladies In Lockdown.


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Excellent update and cracking photos :yep:


It's great seeing the humidity increase as the weather warmed up :)


Keep up the good work. 






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Nice update mate. Lot's of pistils = many calyx = dense buds :yep: 


18 hours ago, growinggold said:

This is leaf example, any ideas?


Calcium uptake problem dude, caused by too much heat at the canopy or too much light intensity. Only options I'd go for is getting the tops further from the light or dimming it. I know you don't wanna dim the light too much and lose penetration depth. My preferred method would be tying down or plant bends, over super cropping as you don't really want more undue stress. HTH


Not too long to go now bro and the girls are looking mighty fine. Good luck with the rest :) 

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@jadenugs I think you're bang on buddy. :yep: 

I don't really wanna get to much more in there. So ride they will need to ride out the lockdown storm. 

Edited by growinggold
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Hello All,



Grow Day:88  - 25.02.21
Flower Week 8- Flower Day 56

Just been down the shed and checked on the 6 ladies locked up. The tent kicks out a right whiff on the unzip. Ace. Thankfully the carbon filter is doing its job. 


Got right on in there this time to examine them all properly, and it appears I have been miss labeling the Do Sweets Do's and Mohan Ram. Apologies. 

The Do Sweet Do's is so big and branchy, its over taken the Mohan Ram and the same has happened on the back row with the Jack 47 and Black Jack.

@Larry Badgeley I hear what your saying buddy about the branch's. What day did you end up taking you Do Sweet Do in the end?  I think I will give mine a few more days/ week.

@Fragg You was bang on as ever. I am going to have to do a split harvest. I have invested in small Secret Jardin DP90 Dark Propagator tent to dry in and maybe keep an male but that the next project  ;)  Just need to wait for the small 4" RVK to arrive to hookup to an 4" carbon filter and we're good to CHOP CHOP. The recommended flowering time as per the Sweet Seeds catalogue for Do Sweet Do's is 9-10 weeks, so pretty bang on.   


I am little gutted the two girls in the middle of each row (Black Jack and Mohan Ram) have been over shadowed by there big sisters I really wanted to try them most and that's why I put them so centrally. However this all learning game and lesson has bean learned regards the space.  6 maybe to many and 4 might be the magic number.



The Front Row

Do Sweet Do's




Mohan Ram

I do hope I have snapped the right buds here, its just so busy.  Ladies on top of ladies.

In hindsight 4 plants would be more manageable. Lesson learned going forward. 




Sweet Zkittlez

Another whopper of lady squeezing the Mohan Ram out. The catalogue recommends 9 week on the Zkittlez so I think she will join the Do Sweet Do's in the chop tent and give the Ram the whole row to herself. 




Temps and Humidity since the last visit on the 18.02.21 -  25.02.21
Temperature 32.9c- 226.8c- Average 30.1c
Humidity from 59.5% to 45.8% - Average 53.1%



Just thought id also drop the monthly temps and humidity over the past month, as you can easily see how the outside temperatures still have an effect on the grow space.

As you can see from the 14th/15th Feb the temperature certainly stepped up, which also drove a step in the humidity to. 




21.02.21-  Added 5l Rain water to tank, 15ml Canna Terra Flores
22.02.21-  Added 5l Rain water to tank, 5ml Canna Terra 
23.02.21-  Added 10l Rain water to tank, 15ml Canna Terra 
24.02.21-  Added 5l Rain water to tank, 15ml Canna Terra 
25.02.21-  Added 5l Rain water to tank, 15ml Canna Terra 



Equipment Settings
Lights- 12 Hours On (7pm-7am) 12 Hours off (7am-7pm)
LED Light 1. 220w Highlight 120w-  @52" From top of pots
LED Light 2. 150w Scope v2 120w-  @52" From top of pots 
6" RVK - Mode 3 Of 5
Inkbird- Set @ 26c for heat Mat and tube heater.
Tube Heater - Full
Oil Rad- Set @500w of 1500w
3xMounted PC Fan- Full Speed  
Water Tropf Blumat Tank- 8v Submersed water pump
Meaco 20L Dehumidifier set @ 70%- Drain to waste. 




The warm'ish weather continues this week. I even went for a walk in T-shit, blue skies galore.

This has also helped with the electricity bill to as I've continued knocking the oil radiator down and is now on 500w setting.



Thanks for checking in all.




Edited by growinggold
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@growinggold. I took them down on Tuesday Day 57 or 8 i think. I had to as we are having the bathroom re done and it was the only day I could do it. The fitter would be here for a good few days and I didn't want to get a more couch lock effect. Took me all day to do (I wet trim) and they are now hanging in the tent. Getting the right temps and humidity had been tricky but all seems well. I think my fan controller has died so I had to set my filter/fan to come on every 15 mins to remove any moist air. Thankfully there is no really cold weather forecast so I reckon 14 days slow dry and into the jars. One thing though, I've a shit load of buddage. Never a bad thing. I'll do a weigh in in due course.


Yours look very good my friend. 29th March - get them sticks out ??:yep:

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@Larry Badgeley look forward to you weigh in buddy. I'll check in your diary soon. 


Do you make edibles, oils or tinctures? Or you purely a fat blunt or vape kinds dude


Yes my man, I left my clubs in the boot of the car all winter. I really need to get them out and give em a once over. Can't wait to walk the fairways once more. In excited this season as I now have a bottles full of tincture and MCT oil I can dose with smell free before a competitive round. Fingers cross this will help me keep out my own mind and let the round/ swing just flow while I enjoy a good walk and nature. 


Previous seasons I have tried smoking a Zoot before my round at 730am but walking into pro shop after after a fat Zoot that early isn't the best, plus some plod members may have word.. love the MCT and tinctures. Let have green poison coffee now. Yum. You get booked in yet bud? mi is club so doing 4 balls for only booking 7 days in advance. 



Take care all..

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@growinggold. Nope don't do oils or tinctures. We are joint people, always have always will. Considering my first joint was in 1978 I ain't gonna change. To be honest it's only in the last 5 years or so we have been growing and enjoying our own bud. Hash people before that. I can still get solid if I wish and it is great quality. I still have some Nepalese and some Charas in my stash jar but it rarely comes out - in the summer maybe, if we are in the garden and the neighbours are out, but even then it's a rarity. To be honest we don't smoke that much, mainly at the weekend. Gone are the days we would have a joint after breakfast


You know what they say " weed isn't addictive, but growing it is"


I grew some Green Poison CBD last year. Lovely smoke it is. Got a bit left.


Can't book on until March 1st on the BRS booking system. Not sure if it's 2 or 4 balls. So your club is 4 balls? That is good news as it would be a real pain if it was 2's only. ETA: Just seen England Golfs road map. 4 Balls it is ! :yep:

One thing our club cannot do this time is allowing visitors at the weekend. We did it after the first lockdown and it was fucking chaos on a Saturday. Sometimes the club had 60 or 70 visitors - most couldn't play or were pissed. We pulled in 30k in fees but the members were not happy. 


Our course does look tip top when we have driven past and we can't wait to cream one down the middle on the 1st on the 29th.


Take it easy man.

Edited by Larry Badgeley
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Joint after breakfast that be nice. If i had my way, that would be it.

However smoking isn't really a go to be for atm, so really enjoying the oils & tinctures. Really makes dosing quick, easy, smell free and clean.

@Larry Badgeley I yet to run any CBD strains, do you rate them, have you done many?

Ideally id be after hit THC and CBD strains. 


haha yes definitely mate, It will be like swinging a cat on the 1st. We have OB all left at ours the joy!

Take care bud. 

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Hello All,


Just wanted to drop all the photos and news from yesterdays visit to lockdown shed. 


Grow Day:92  - 01.03.21
Flower Week 9- Flower Day 60


:execute::execute::execute:CHOP :execute::execute::execute:


Dry Day 1.  01.03.21

Well I had planned on doing this in stages, as per my previous post. And the plan was very much still on... Until I sat at my kitchen table looking at the pictures of tent half full wiht Mohan Ram looking ripe and thought fuck it lets have em all down.

At this point I had only chopped the Do Sweet Do's and Sweet Zkittlez due to cooked and dried crispy bud (we will come on to that later). As you can imagine I was quite annoyed at this point. 
After Do Sweet Do's and Sweet Zkittlez had been taken out, you can see how squashed little Black Jack and Mohan Ram was. 



Mohan Ram leaning over without her sisters for support.


So back out to the shed, secatres in hand, CHOP, CHOP, CHOP. Snipped all of them once at the base of the plant. Hung each plant individually, left all leaves on and will leave for minimum of 14 days in the dark.. 
Ideally I am wanting temperatures around 16-17c with  60%. But we shall see what the lock down shed has to offer. All  the plants are inside a tent with carbon filter and extraction set to minimum (2 of 5 on Wac1) 
I will keep a close eye on the drying environments over  the next few days and try dial each tent in a little.


Chop Hanging Photos

Do Sweet Do's

Hung in the new DP90 tent.  Once I assembled this new tent I realised its sitting on my trim seat. I will be trimming sitting on the floor in the coming weeks unless my camp chair will fit in shed space to. I really have run out of room.  New shed needed?



Sweet Zkittlez

This was the only one where I hung in branches rather then the complete plant, due to having to remove a cola already.




Jack 47 -  Black Jack

Ice Cool - Mohan Ram

Jack 47 takes up all the space in the back left. 



Strain Break Down After Chop

Good lord she was so big. When sweet seeds said "Jack 47 ® is a plant very productive and strong effect with extraordinary vigor which translates into large buds with a great abundance of resin. The aromas and flavors of this variety are sweet, fresh, lemony and incense" They was BANG on. Perfect description. Productive- tick, vigor - tick, large buds- tick, sweet, fresh, lemony and incense- tick. When I snipped and tried to hang her upside down back in the tent I couldn't even get a picture of all of her, she just wouldnt fit in the frame. I'm hoping she will make up in yield on what I lose from the more smaller ladies by her sides.  Shes really going to need to chuck out a few G for me to hit a gram per watt. The target it 240g to hit 1 GPW.  


Black Jack
Shes not going to give over up much bud I don't think. Defiantly get few tasty smokes to sample, which is the main thing.

Looks lovely frosty. Next time she will get more space and less of harsh space eating big sisters. 




Ice Cool 
I thought she was the smallest and runt all the way along and I was wrong. Its been Black Jack that suffered space issues the hardest.  She looked cracking on the chop. The description on the sweet seeds website has this lady's high "The effect of this variety is intense and psychedelic and it is noteworthy that its effects last for a long time" yes please. I need a rest.




Do Sweet Do's
Another whopper! and personally I think she looked the healthiest of the lot. A nice deep green colour and beautiful little stacked buds.
I really can't wait to taste this one. She flew in the selection under the radar and seriously grown on me  with her vigor and greens.   



Mohan Ram
She looks really nice little crystally vape. I will 100% be running a bigger version of this plant in future. With former champs offering such high praise, I got to get them coated buds its going back in the tent soon. 

Again I cant wait taste this lass. I got feeling she will be knockout sofa gluer. large.MohanRam.jpglarge.603d6cc4d2277_MohanRam(5).jpglarge.603d6cbf36741_MohanRam(2).jpglarge.603d6cc0decb6_MohanRam(3)1.jpg


Sweet Zkittlez
Made an absolute rookie mistake with one the big buds on this lady and its going to cost me some right weight in yield. One of the buds had grown up in front of extraction vent, and with extraction constantly sucking, it had dried the bud out to crisp, not pretty or good. Chopped straight off and in the compost bin.  I fear this may effect the yield quite a lot as the Sweet Zkittlez was one of the larger ladies in the tent. 




I am pleased I will have a smoke of all strains to try at the end of a good cure and this was my initial aim, so one goal achieved.  I would have liked more of an even ratio to the strains but lets wait and see what the weigh in comes out at. My gut feel is Jack 47 will yield the most followed like this Dow Sweet Do's, Sweet Zkittlez, Mohan Ram, Ice Cool, Black Jack.   But as I say handful grams of each and I am happy. 



Roots n Culture Stems
Just  thought I would snap you root perverts some rooty tooty shots too.  When I was disposing of the root balls outside I noticed the Black Jacks was half the size.



I did find some of Black Jacks roots when I rooted them out. Actually its more like I didn't root it out in first place :(



Jack 47s and Do Sweet Do's are lot prettier.



You can notice the side the blumat was feeing. 




Temps and Humidity since the last visit on the 22.02.21 -  01.03.21
Temperature 32.9c- 23.2c- Average 28.5c
Humidity from 68.3% - 42.9%-  Average 52.8%



Equipment Settings
Lights- OFF
6" RVK - Mode 2 Of 5
Inkbird- OFF
Tube Heater - OFF
Oil Rad- Set @500w of 1500w- turned right down. 
3xMounted PC Fan- OFF
Water Tropf Blumat Tank- Removed n Cleaned
8v Submersed water pump- Removed n Cleaned
Meaco 20L Dehumidifier set @ 60%- Drain to waste. I am tempted to turn this off. 


Last report in, and its mild one. To be honest I feel we might have got away with it little easy this winter.
Yes there was snow, but it wasn't massive amount at my neck the woods. 



I will check back in a couple of weeks when hopefully all is dried and ready to be trimmed, weighed and jarred.

Thanks for reading all, I hope you enjoy one mans attempt to grow some grade in a lockdown shed. 
Now for a rest, cannabeer N vape.   (This beer is great by the way so fruity! A mate sent it from other side country right little gem and surprise!)






Edited by growinggold
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Nice one @growinggold
some tidy old buds there :yep:


The skittlez looks like it may have had some budrot?

If so, keep a close eye on the rest while drying.


Cracking diary, all the best



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Thanks. Buddy I can't wait to roll a juicy J of each strain and get proper smoke report review going.


Yeah @Clumsy I think your right buddy. I was quick to dispose of that. I will make sure to give all sweet Zkittlez branches another going over.

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yeah, great result, great diary, im just catching up now.


Glad your going to be doing some smoke reports, ive done a few of the same strains as you so will be good to compare.


Have you used the blumats in coco for a while then? it looks like they are a good system, whats your take on them?

looking at the root shots and thinking about it, do you think you would get better results from using 2 carrots per pot. im thinking that the coco being so free draining its unlikely that one dripper would cover all the coco?

im guessing about this, but might be something to consider.


Hope they dry and cure nicely for you mate

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Thanks for kind words at @badbillybob getting the right drying temps in the tent is being a right pain right now. Just been to check and it's 21c which is too warm.  I've moved the oil radiatior to lowest setting to try keep the shed at around 16c.  I wish I could just select and number and leave it. Fuccckkk just realised I might be able to do this with the inkbird I was using for the heat mat. May try trig that up later. 



This is my third time using blumats in clover multi purpose compost. The two times before this I used one carrot per 12l pots, and was fine tbh. I think it's fact once the blumats was installed they wasn't hand watered at all. Not once.  Really lazy growing. 


When I drop my cure and overall grow report in couple weeks i will drop a few statistics I've been keeping like how many total times the plants was visited and watered, plus total amount of water nutrients used throughout but let's save that for then.


@EM Punk.  Cheers mate, glad your enjoying the show. We're not over yet, hopefully we have dried bud shots and smoke report to come in month or two time. 

Edited by growinggold
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