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A new LED adventure in watery wonderland


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At least you see the funny side Billy, never a dull moment in your diaries mate. Hope the rest runs smoothly for you.

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well, it cant get much worse, eh?


Anyway, i changed out the totes this morning, and it reminded me why i went recirculating to a res. Emptying totes is a pain in my hole. faffing about lifting one plant out , emptying , then the next one, same, and filling up is as bad. 


Anyway its done now. they are at 1.2ec and ph varies between 5.6 and 5.8, which is fine. i need to get some more cal mag, the criticals are showing signs they need it. 

temps are ok at 26 and rh is 55%. 

so thats it for today, i changed the widow and the critical at the front over, just to see if the lights make any odds.


a couple of the sweet seeds have popped above the coco, but the rest are still in hiding. i think its a little bit too cold below the tops of the buckets, but i will just have to put up with it. 

till next time. large_20.JPG

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evening, well these are chugging along, some budsites a showing, so i will check ph and ec tomorrow morning.

ive left them since friday dinner time, but they look fine. the seedlings need to get transplanted, maybe tomorrow, will see how i get on with other stuff.

heres tonights pic, they dont look too bad.....

another day should see the pots needing topped up. ive decided to leave them to drain a fair bit of nutes this time. i usually top them up and keep them to underside of netpots. i will see if it makes any odds, the extra oxygen. 


thats them at 40 days now, just for my poor memory, ...cheerslarge_20.JPG

Edited by badbillybob
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i filled these up again today, they are drinking loads. got the new recruits wet too, i did put in another 4, soaked, after these came out. surely i will find something keep-able out of 18?

these have been in the fridge for a few weeks, should be fine to sproutlarge_21.JPGthey are lucky dina dips, either blue cheese, moby or critical .


then i need a proper, leak free aero cloner...


Edited by badbillybob
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  • 2 weeks later...

well, last week was a disaster for me. i never got a chance to do anything with these, for reasons im not gonna go into.


So  other than a 5 minute splash and dash on thursday night they have nothing, no checking ec or ph etc and only tonight i saw just how rough they are.


they have a major magnesium defficiency, due to my neglect, and me being skint and not being able to buy any cal mag.

i think/ hope  i might have some of the canna mono magnesium up in the loft, i hope so anyway.

im gonna change them out tomorrow and up the feed to 1.4/1.6, (unchartered territory for me in dwc) and add some magnesium if i have some.

these only have a couple of weeks to go and the stink is definitely on now.

the seedlings all died, cos i put them in coco/perlite and they dried out, not surprising really. im trying to think of a suitable, easy hydro method, so i can start plants off and transplant them into the system and so far ive made up another aero propogator,, and was thinking brummie bubbler type affair for a couple of mums. talking of mums, the hunt just got seriouslarge_30.JPG

i will grow out the best lookers and see if theres anything for keeping. 


heres the yellow fellows, looking not so good. 

DOnt worry ill mag them up add some grow nutes as well as bloom and have them nice, just before i chop them.

got only a couple of weeks to go i reckon.....try not to laughlarge_25.JPGlarge_24.JPGlarge_23.JPGlarge_22.JPGlarge_21.JPG



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changed the nutrients in these this morning. i  gave them 1.4 ec in all of them, and the  ph is between 5.7 -6.0, close enough.

i also dosed 25 ml per tote of canna mono - magnesium, that i found up the loft, ......saved again....


will see how  they go now, ec is higher than ive gone before but they look like they are taking it. they will slowly ramp down feeds in the last couple of weeks anyway, so hopefully this will add some bulk before they start dieing off.


Also got a coat of white paint on the grow shed this morning, and i reckon another will do it. im using this paint called obliteration coat added to some silk i had lying around, should be enough for another coat. the obliteration stuff is meant for covering dark colours, and its great, id highly recommend it, saves doing loads of coats with the cheap shyte paint thats about today. .


big room plants are a mixed batch, ive got 3 runts out of 9, so im gonna pull them, and just do the other 6 bigger.. still fancy doing a scrog in here, this might be the time..

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well, i went in there this morning, took my specks this time, and decent camera, and lo and behold, they were yellow, because they are almost cooked.

feckin what?

its not even 8 weeks since they went in. , but the camera doesnt lie, here have a look.

i will get the scope out for a close inspection, there is still one shooting out pistils, but they do look done....

i did hear that LED makes them finish sooner, but this is ridiculouslarge.DSC_0066.JPGlarge.DSC_0065.JPGlarge.DSC_0063.JPGlarge.DSC_0061.JPG

i think im gonna start pulling some of the yellowing crispy fans off tomorrow, dont want to risk anything at this late stage.

Another week or so, maybe...the back left plant isnt done, but the rest look  cooked..

happy daze.

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Bro.....what  happened.

they look fried...are the roots ok ? 
What level is the water ? 

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roots are fine,

water level is fine.

water temps were a bit low


i  had some major magnesium defficiency and  i couldnt get to them for over a week  - also had no cal mag, or money to buy some, so....


so it is what it is....


they are for the chop soon anyway ....

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chop chop , snip snip fuckety snip, they are down now and drying. 

heres some picslarge.1.JPGlarge_11.JPGlarge_12.JPG

ive filled just over 5 rows of drier net, and each row usually has 4-6 ounces, so 20 ounces, anyway, which is ok.


Now then my first impressions on the great new LED? do you want me to say they are great , or tell the truth?


I thought so, truth it is. The buds are stickier than usual, that much im certain of, the top buds also feel slightly denser than normal, also sure of that, there is much more shitty little buds and larf lower down, i  also certain of that, and much more leafage on them. 


its not really fair to say this is a fair assesment, because i had a HPS in here too, i will know better when the summer comes and i get to use LEDs only in here, but just now, for a shed, they are too efficient at not producing heat, and using LEDS for thier efficiency, but having to run a 2kw heater, kinda defeats the point of using LED in the first place, eh?


i will let you know how they weigh up, but i can tell you for sure that a gram per watt is a distant dream and they have no way achieved that.


The tent is great, i wish id not been such a miserable scrote, and had bought one of these years ago. Green qube = quality. love it.


im gonna keep this tent here and use it, i will grow either 1 or 2 plants in a recirc system, because 4 is too much for this size tent imo, and emptying and filling a recirc system is much easier than pissing about emptying 4 individual pots and refilling them, and im lazy. 


peace oot, final scores in a week or so. 


thanks for following , not sure what next, probably more autos, but not sure which strains, stay tuned to find out. 

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As always brother....ty for the truth.

I still think with a decent photo in you would see the difference...the even coverage with lots of little runners instead of one light source ...autos suck (outdoor or the bin I find is best lol )..I suppose I’m seeing a difference as my intake has to be 20 c in the buffer space regardless to maintain the status quo and I am running the same watts as before with a nicer environment and a lot more light

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Tbh I’ve had to turn the array down as I gave it a full blast and the temps hit 29c 


im not wrong in thinking the plants will absorb some of the heat? so I will be able to jack the lot to max when the girls are bigger ? 

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Yeah, Ken, i agree, on the whole, most autos suck, ...but....i run them in here because the temps are so low outside.

If i ran some photos in here, at this time of year, id need the 2kw heater on 12 hours a day.  which isnt gonna happen lol.

dunno which variety of autos to do, id like to try some mephisto gear, heard lots of good things about their autos, but that would involve spending money, i might have some dinafem ones left, ill go have a look. 


what lights are you running these days?  are you with a cmh and leds aye? you mentioned a migro array, how are you finding it? im sure it will be good, the guy seems to really know his stuff.

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I’ve got an older scope (225w) 3k

invisible sun (135w) mixed 3.5 k with Blues and reds.

two 240w migro arrays 3.5k pure white.

a migro veg (100w) 5k

a 315 CMH with both Phillips bulbs

And a far red invisible sun flower LED (20w) for week 4 onwards to help the Emerson effect. 

Edited by zen-ken
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