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Teehee's Dutch Passion Old School Monster Foursome


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Thanks for joining me on another grow.... number 19


I've got loads of old seeds knocking around, so I thought I should dig deep and use some of my older beans before they get past it.


@DutchPassionTony sent me a few freebies way back, so this is what I've chosen...


  • Night Queen - I'm obsessed with this strain, a good strong Indica that hits the spot every time.
  • Cinderella Jack - another very strong smoke with 25% plus THC levels 
  • Think DIfferent - the classic old School Dutch Passion special that everyone loves!
  • Daiquiri Lime - great tasting bud with huge harvest potential


All Autos, the Night Queen is from a batch I received in May 2018, the Cinderella Jack is from July 2017, the Daiquiri Lime is from April 2016... over 4 years old, but the Think Different is from September 2014... nearly 6 years old!!! 


I planted each seed in a Solo cup full of Coco soaked in EC 0.7 House and Garden nutrient, covered them in cling film (for humidity) and left them in the tent (to keep warm) with some cardboard on top (to keep the light out).


This method works 100% and after 2½ to 3 days, they all popped through....


(day 1)


My last 2 grows have not been up to my usual standards, the main reason being my inability to repot them in time. 


This time I was better prepared, I had my Coco ready, and I waited until I only had 2 plants left from my previous grow before I sowed this new lot, so I had enough room for them all, and enough 25L airpots available to use.


I repotted them on day 10, perfect timing...
















They took to their new homes quickly and by day 21 they had grown considerably....


clockwise from top left... TD, DL, NQ, CJ


Day 29 and they had really filled out...


clockwise from top left... TD, DL, NQ, CJ


The Night Queen was huge, and the Cinderella Jack and Think Different were not far behind. They were all very leafy, so I thought it was time to consider removing some of the larger fan leaves that were preventing light getting to the new shoots underneath. Some of the lower fans on the Night Queen were massive... 6 inches long, 2 inches wide!


So here they are again, yesterday on day 32....


clockwise from top left... TD, DL, NQ, CJ


Lots of tops showing through. I think they're a good size for just a month old. The NQ is 55cm high, TD is 47cm, CJ is 45cm and the DL 38cm.

I find taking fan leaves off the main stem slows the main stem height and allows the side stems to catch up, giving a more even canopy and good long candy canes all round.


Currently they are on an EC 0.9 feed, giving me a run off of between EC 0.6 and 0.7.

I'm seeing pale green tips on the new leaves and they've all started flowering.

I'm planning on increasing the Nitrogen a touch, just to keep ahead of any underfeeding issues, but I don't wanna push it. The TD is traditionally a light feeder, and the Night Queen doesn't like going too hot either, so I may have to start making up 2 different nute mixes.

House and Garden A&B nutes are used together for the whole grow, so I don't have to switch from Veg to Bloom nutes. Instead I just drop the Nitrogen and add Bud XL and Bud Candy instead, giving PK13/14 for a week starting around day 57 (week 9), aiming for harvests around the 80-90 day mark.


TD and NQ are advertised as 70 day finishers, CJ is 70-77 days and the DL 77 days. 


Here they are individually on day 33....


Think Different



Night Queen



Daiquiri Lime


large.5f055452d4fac_day32CJ.JPGCinderella Jack


They each have a Skyline 400 LED unit above them, on 24 hours a day.

I've been religiously feeding them every 2 days, but starting to do them every day now.

Temps are between 21°C and 25°C and humidity fluctuates between 50-80% depending on whether it's raining or not. Great growing weather!


So there you go, at the moment everything's looking good, but this is usually the stage when the plants get a bit fussy, so I might even give them a flush for a couple of days and push on to the finish. 


I hope you'll be there to see how it all ends up. Thanks for looking in, and keep safe! 


Edited by teehee
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@teehee Looking excellent man as usual. Hope you can save some beans for my chum down there? Hope all is well with you and yours?

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Hey TeeHee I'm watching closely. I've got a CJ on the go (day 16) and I'm planning on putting her in the greenhouse when she starts flowering. My next grow starting 1st August will be the NQ auto. Really looking forward to trying that smoke.


Edited by Bayleaf
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good luck with these, the cinderella jack is a nice smoke.

If im honest im not a big fan of DP genetics, but the cindy is right up there,  for autos.

i did the think different and wasnt impressed at all, but maybe you will like it, who knows, different smokes for different folks....


the 2nd to last and 3rd to last pics- looks like they have the beginnings of a magnesium defficiency on them.

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Hi Teehee, good luck with it.  I am a big fan of Night Queen as well, done the fems and the autos, nice solid very tasty potent buddage on both.


Looking forward to watching the monsters that you grow. 


atb shire

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Another Night Queen fan here too, gonna pull up a beanbag and get comfy for this one - good luck bud :yep:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you to @smokie1 b c f c @Shumroom @Jack010 @Cainedbutable @ursus1000 @MacGanja @Dodgee @Ranec @Openairbud @badbillybob @shire @Bayleaf and @Larry Badgeley  for looking in and commenting.


Lots has happened with them since the initial post where I showed you them upto day 32... they are on day 50 now, and the tent's at full capacity....


clockwise from top left: TD, DL (hidden by the enormous...) NQ, CJ


I decided to play musical chairs and move them all one place clockwise.....


clockwise from top left: CJ (hidden), TD, DL, NQ


The main reason for all this arseing around was height... the enormous NQ was near the carbon filter, and the lights were at max level. 

Moving them allowed me to have a Skyline 400 light straddling the filter at a comfortable height for the shorter Daiquiri Lime, and I could make use of the mighty Skyline 800 for the NQ ... once again, thanks to Muddy at LED Hydroponics for this superb light.... last time I used it, I pulled 18.5 (dry) ounces of Blue Amnesia.


Here's all my lighting, crammed up into a 1.2m² x 1.2m² wide space!



The Skyline range is great, you can have one unit over each plant and have the flexibility to arrange them at different heights...



Let's have a closer look at that Night Queen....


So, another Teehee monster - I'm just surprised it's a Night Queen... usually the NQ is mid sized and finishes quickly.

This one's not like any NQ I've ever done before, so I had a look in Seedfinder, and they do mention a second phenotype that is very tall and takes longer to flower... this must be it!


I haven't done much with her, just a bit of leaf removal lower down, so here she is in her new position under the 800W Skyline...



Before I moved her, I took a shot without lighting just to show you what I'm dealing with....



She's on an EC 0.8 feed, and as you can see from the main stem, she's got a long way to go...



Think Different is looking great. By far the most advanced of all...



That was before the move, here she is in her new spot....



Much the same except a little light trimming of lower leaves, and any poxy internal stems that won't get much light.

She's also on an EC 0.8 feed, but she's got 5 days of PK 13/14 going in as well.


From the side window you can see more of her......



Lights off gives you a better appreciation of how full of bud she is....



Not bad for day 50. She tends to be a quick finisher, and this one's in a hurry to get it done. Dutch Passion say 70 days.

Whenever she's ready, I'm looking forward to consuming her... she's got plenty of grease on them leaves for making Canna Coconut oil, and those buds are gonna fatten up and smoke real good! 



Daiquiri Lime is a bit smaller than the beasts I'd previously grown a few years ago. This one's like the one I did in my last grow, short with very dense foliage.....large.5f1fc5c618aaf_day50DL1.JPG


I removed loads of leaves to reveal the multitude of tops hiding underneath....



....and although she looked a little worse for wear afterwards....



... she soon picked up and she's hopefully going to stretch a bit more and load up....



She's on an EC 0.9 feed, same as the Cinderella Jack......



..... another short and leafy plant. 

I've given her a bit of an internal thin out.....



... and moved her behind the Night Queen, out of sight.....



There you are then, quite a long post, but it's been a while.

Hope you're riding the second wave - stay safe, stay stoned!

Edited by teehee
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It's always good to see your grows,one of only a few that I check in with ( no offence to all the other great grows,and every grow documented is great).What you do with led's,autos and coco is brilliant. Keep it up :yep:

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Yes its always fun to check in here, never ceases to amaze me the size you get these autos dude! Hope you are settling in to your new place alright :)

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On 28/07/2020 at 5:36 PM, ursus1000 said:

It's always good to see your grows,one of only a few that I check in with ( no offence to all the other great grows,and every grow documented is great).What you do with led's,autos and coco is brilliant. Keep it up :yep:

Gosh, Thanks Ursus mate... really nice of you to say that!


On 28/07/2020 at 6:38 PM, Openairbud said:

Yes its always fun to check in here, never ceases to amaze me the size you get these autos dude! Hope you are settling in to your new place alright :)

Again, thanks OAB... it means a lot to hear you say that... and yep, we're settling in well now... no where near as many beasts to deal with here... haven't seen a snake or a sizable spider in ages!


It's day 58, so here's a quick update...


The Night Queen is a MONSTER!



134cm high and 75 x 70cm wide.


From above you can see how much bulk there is to her....



She's full of long stems all filling out with bud!



Under normal circumstances, I'd stake her out and she's probably fill a tent on her own! Luckily she's stretched so nicely there's plently of room for light and air circulation in her depths.


Think Different is really filling out...



Her buds are thick with trichomes....



Daiquiri Lime is slowly packing on some weight...



I gave her a good thinning out a couple of weeks ago, and she's got really dense again.... much like the Cinderella Jack....



The DL and CJ are both at the same stage, both short and very leafy... I may have to take them out and thin them out a bit more. Again, I'd normally stake them out but I just don't have the space.... Maybe when the Think Different's done, they'll have some space for a stretch out.


I'm being very good, I'm feeding them daily without fail, the TD and NQ have separate EC 0.8 feeds, and the CJ and DL are on the same EC 0.9 mix.... 3 separate feeds instead of winging it with one feed for all.


Also I've rigged up a couple of internal air circulation fans, something I've not used in my last 2 grows here in my new gaff.


I've also sorted out the high humidity and have a pipe running off a dehumidifier into my air intake giving me a much better 58% RH instead of the 75-90% I was getting before. Just in time for the final push to the finish!


Thanks for looking in, hope you're masking up!

Edited by teehee
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Day 64 update


Thanks for popping down under for a look at how things are going.

It's Winter here, so daytime temps are 18-25°C, dropping to 8-12°C at night. Not much rain now, so humidity is 50-60%.

My lights are on 24/7, so it's 20-26°C in the tent, and I'm managing to maintain 40-60% humidity.


The grow is progressing well, all of them are in varying states of bloom.

Having 4 different strains has meant I've had to be more careful about tending to their individual needs - they are all very different....


clockwise from bottom left... (the enormous) Night Queen, (hiding the) Cinderella Jack, Think Different, and Daiquiri Lime


On 04/08/2020 at 4:45 AM, Cainedbutable said:

That night queen looks banging mate

Cheers mate. She is huge....



You can see how she towers over the lights for the other plants. She's like a regular plant with these long candy canes shooting out of her.

There's not much room till they hit the lights, which are at maximum height...



She's filling out with some nice sparkly bud.....



I'm giving her the same EC 0.9 feed as Think Different.... the usual House and Garden nutes, with Roots Excellurator, Bud XL, and (Advanced Nutrients) Bud Candy.

Think Different is nearly done - maybe 7-10 days at the most.....



She's got plenty of really solid colas.....



Here's a close up or two....





Daiquiri Lime next... 



She didn't stretch very much, but there's plenty of action under all that foliage....



.... and close up, she's looking sweet....



Finally Cinderella Jack, squeezed in at the back behind the Night Queen....



Nothing remarkable, but up close she's certainly on the right track.....



As the Daiquiri Lime and Cinderella Jack are so similar in terms of structure and development, it's easy to give them the same feed.

Right now, they are on their 3rd of 5 days of PK 13/14 in an EC 0.9 feed. I'll start giving the Night Queen the PK in 5-6 days time.


So... all looking good, TD will be down in less than 2 weeks. CJ and DL will be another 3-4 weeks from now, and the Night Queen 4-5 weeks.


Of course, nothing ever goes to plan, and in true Teehee style, this grow is no different....


I've got a fucking...


... which is gonna mean taking down the entire tent, wrapping the plants and hiding them, plus a load of freshly cut Think Different somewhere for a few hours.


We only got a week's notice, but I managed to get a 2 week extension, and she expects to only spend 15-20 mins here and keep it casual. 


I'll let you know how it goes. :v:


Edited by teehee
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