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BudJ's Dinafem Diary


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TBH the plants wont even really now for a couple days. They just sleep and reawaken when the light comes back...


I used to turn the lights off fopr two weeks when I went away skiing before my kids, sometimes more. Never stopped growing, just offed the light. 2-3 weeks was pushing it a bit. But all they did was llighten a bit, and within a week of evewrything back to normal. so were they.

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Update time.  Day 39 White Widow. Day 33 Cheese.


Lights 20/4

Temps 22-30, RH 40-70


White Widow XXL (Day 39)

Nothing's holding this girl back and seems completely unfazed by the light problems I had.  I can see some lovely trichomes emerging :yahoo: 

LST has pretty much stopped now as she's feeling a bit woody - I used 5m of plant ties and hopefully done enough to keep height down!  The canopy is reasonably flat.

Single finger leaves have arrived around the bud sites so I think that means she's about to stop growing vertically.

I started the transition to bloom nutes earlier in the week giving her 0.5ml/l OT Grow and 0.7ml/l Canna Bloom (decided to switch bloom nutes to Canna at the last minute after reading about problems with OT). 

The aim is drop the grow nutes completely by the end of this week which is the start of week 7.  Does this timing sound right?


Here she is, looking great and possibly the last photo outside the tent as it's getting difficult to squeeze her through the door, the fat bitch :D




Cheese XXL (Day 33)

Cheese is looking better this week.  Number of bud sites is about 33% less than WW though and I'm not sure if this means she's a bit stunted given the problems I had - snapping the main stem, over watering at the beginning.  Or maybe that's just her make up. 




Can anyone help with these brown spots?  I suspect Calcium deficiency.  Any ideas?




As always thanks for reading and please don't be shy with comments or advice at this crucial stage :thumsup:


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The rusty spots could have been caused by moisture build up between leaves. 

A light defol might be in order. 


Soft or hard water? 



Edited by Shumroom
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2 minutes ago, Shumroom said:

The rusty spots could have been caused by moisture build up between leaves. 

A light defol might be in order. 


Soft or hard water? 



Soft@Shumroom, that's why I'm thinking Ca def.  That and the fact it's under LED.  I haven't seen any moisture spots on leaves plus those which have the brown are well exposed.

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The better the available light,

the demand for nutrients is higher I guess,

so she'll run out of trace nutrients(CaMg etc) quite quickly if you've got soft water.


You could spray with some plain water plus a teaspoon of Epsom salt per litre of water.


Give em a good spray twice a week,

make sure to spray the underside of the leave if you can :) without spraying you electrics.


They can absorb this faster through their leaves than their roots I believe.


Glad to see you got your replacement Attis without any great delay.


All the best mate :yep:

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3 hours ago, Shumroom said:

The better the available light,

the demand for nutrients is higher I guess,

so she'll run out of trace nutrients(CaMg etc) quite quickly if you've got soft water.


You could spray with some plain water plus a teaspoon of Epsom salt per litre of water.


Give em a good spray twice a week,

make sure to spray the underside of the leave if you can :) without spraying you electrics.


They can absorb this faster through their leaves than their roots I believe.


Glad to see you got your replacement Attis without any great delay.


All the best mate :yep:

Cheers @Shumroom Light arrived quicker than expected :yep:  It doesn't look like a Mg def from the info I've seen, more like Ca and I don't think Epsom would provide that.  Might be worth trying some CalMag....

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Could also be light stress too, that takes a while to manifest and can look the same as nutrient issues...could also water spots magnified by your lights? LED is strong stuff dont forget! Just keep an eye on it... like youd ignore them now anyway lol


IME i noticed that general defs tend to take the leaves lighter in colour and the signs start on the leaf tips edges , again there are variants of that too, but as MY general rule of thumb plants go a bit lighter. A def can also be a lockout, so not necessarily a def, just an inability to get to the nutrients it needs. Cal/mag is a good place to start, but calcuim defs in soil, unless using biobiz are fairly uncommon. most good nutes have it in. Water hardness effects it so you may have to go up/dn on recommended dose


I would either do 1tsp 1 litre epsom salts drench, twice over a week, see how that goes, or for faster uptake, foliar feed it like the shumster suggests. In soil I used to mix up 1L rain water, .5 tsp epsoms, 5ml seaweed extract (home made)and a slug of AloeVera...Seaweed has chelated metals etc and additives that speed up the nute uptake, which is essentialy what cal mag does as well. Regardless of any of that you should be able to run them out to finish anyway as long as you keep on top of everything else.


Also dont forget that right about now your plants are smashing their way to reproducing with everything they have - all be it in vain, its one way with weed too, no second chances, your girls are literally rinsing themselves for you. Every last drop of food that have photosynthesised, everything is going in to your flowers...In soil they will look a whole lot worse than that in their final throws...trust me on that. Every plant breaks down in a slightly differently. 33 days? Your nearly half way, its about right.


Im not saying there isnt a problem, just thinking aloud, but its also about plants stage as well as any problem.



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Thanks for this @zeroG.  Good info.  With it being my first grow and getting to this stage relatively unscathed I'm just a bit jittery about deficiencies and my ability to spot them before it's too late.  Probably to the point of OCD :rolleyes:.  I've spent the last 2 days reading about deficiencies and pests.


Interesting what you say about plants going lighter.  The WW is looking a bit pale to me, certainly in comparison to the Cheese, but leaves are perfect otherwise.  Again I'm thinking possible Ca Mg deficiency inhibiting N uptake but to be honest it's guesswork.  I'm still giving them 4ml/l Seaweed extract at every watering after your earlier advice, unfortunately it doesn't contain Ca so no help in that respect.  I'm also using Canna Flores which contains Mg but not Ca.

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youre in flower, there will be minimum N uptake anyway - if any, thats for stems leaves and roots, it will be either P or K, or both for fruits/flowers :) & CalMag too...probably.


By the way...if youve seen it, its too late anyway. Cannabis is about how fast you recover to get the plants growing their best, for the most of the time they're growing - each thing slows/stops growth/inhibits hormones/whatever. The major successes in growing are the grows with the least amount of issues through their process with the quickest recovery times to get back on track.


Just a get an advanced nutrients CalMag+ its a tenner, 1ml per litre a couple times through the grow. I use it a bit in coco towards the end when my light get closer to finish (HPS) as the coco dries out a bit too much at times, which locks in the calcium so i just balance it with a bottle :) - you almost gotta tip the whole bottle in to get a calmag excess, but a ml per litre every week wouldnt go a miss anyway.



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Update @ Day 47 White Widow.  Day 41 Cheese.


Lights 20/4

Temps 25-31.  RH 47-76


White Widow XXL (Day 47)

It's been quite a battle with temps this week and I'm glad I'm on 20/4 light schedule with lights out in the afternoon, otherwise I would've been looking at 35C.  RH is also higher than I'd like.  

Vertical growth has more or less stopped in the last few days, which is great as I think I've done enough LST to avoid headroom problems.  36cm above soil.  I've even removed some ties to allow the lesser buds to pop their heads above canopy. 

I've defoliated lightly at the bottom to clear dying leaves and help increase air flow.

Feeding is 0.5ml/l Grow and 2ml/l Flores, 3l of water every 2nd day and buds are swelling up nicely.  

Not much in the way of smell at the moment but I'm catching a few whiffs of sweetness now and then and I expect the tent will be stinking in 7 to 10 days.

Really pleased with how she's progressing and the main cola looks like it could be a stonker :)




Cheese XXL (Day 41)

Cheese is still plodding along but nowhere near as pretty as WW.  

Gave her some calmag last week but the leaves are still suffering.  Growth around the bud sites looks fine and she's looking frosty so hopefully not terminal.  She's also a much darker colour than WW.

Feeding is 0.5ml/l Grow and 2ml/l Flores, 4l of water every 3rd day.

Hopefully I get her to the end safely.




Tent pic.  WW back right.




This week's grow log :-




As always thanks for reading and please don't be shy with comments or advice :thumsup: 

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@BudJ looking good mate, the temps are a beast atm, I’m on 24/0 so super hot around 3pm onwards but hopefully things cool down from tomorrow onwards!:oldtoker:

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26 minutes ago, Fragg said:

@BudJ looking good mate, the temps are a beast atm, I’m on 24/0 so super hot around 3pm onwards but hopefully things cool down from tomorrow onwards!:oldtoker:

Cheers @Fragg fingers crossed for a temp drop mate, we're getting near the business end now.

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@BudJ I'm not convinced it's any deficiency mate. What's your PH reading if you don't mind me asking? 


It's nothing major. I know that  ;)


This heat atm is brutal  :( keep up the good fight  ;)


All the best :bong:



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1 minute ago, Dinafem-Mark said:

@BudJ I'm not convinced it's any deficiency mate. What's your PH reading if you don't mind me asking? 


It's nothing major. I know that  ;)


This heat atm is brutal  :( keep up the good fight  ;)


All the best :bong:



@Dinafem-Mark I haven't been PH'ing and I don't have the gear for it I'm afraid.  I thought I was in a very soft water area, hence my suspicion of calcium def but I've since properly looked up my water type and it's semi-soft so probably not cal related.  Plus the calmag didn't make any difference.


I'm baffled.  Here's a close up :-



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so youre at 6 weeks 12's...? 43 days...


How long to go, 2-3 maybe 4 weeks? Cheese maybe 10 at a push? widow can run 12, but it depends on whose WW you got, Dinafem i assume? And how fast they run - Dont know the semantics of your strains but at six weeks in soil i'de be yellowing up, necrotisisim creeping in, yellowing leaves, browing edges, its natural recycling...at its finest. If you want them to flower on a bit you can increase the P&K (13/14 if youre in coco) and that will promote the flowering hormones a bit and keep them a bit greener for longer.


Alternatively, leave youre neurosis at the door :D


Keep going as you are...and in about 3 weeks you be looking at a nice lil chopski event! If youre in soil (sorry cant remember) you may want to flush a week or so, but I would be adding a seaweed and molasses finish to the nutes for the last few weeks, get some sugars and carbs in the flowers, it just rounds them off and finishes them properly.


AHHHHH uummmmmmm.




Be righteous :)





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